Larry  Gibson
School of the Arts
Academy of the Arts

  Larry is a veteran art teacher with the Vestavia Hills School System. He was Vestavia Hills Teacher of the Year, 2-time Alabama Art Education Association State Teacher of the Year and served as President of the AAEA. He has held clay workshops across the state, and he’s offered community and school clay classes for over fifteen years. Larry has also had the opportunity and privilege to mentor over thirty student interns from area colleges over his teaching career. His students have earned numerous awards and have gone into a multitude of art careers, including- fashion design, graphic design, printmaking, photography, ceramics, and art education! Larry also taught clay classes at the Vestavia Hills Methodist Church and along with his students, have created clay bowls for the Magic City Harvest and The Empty Bowl Project. Come join Larry at 极乐禁地 Academy of the Arts and get the most out of your clay experience and develop those skills to create beautiful timeless pieces of earth!