The SMACS club at 极乐禁地 is a group of students who are members of the American Chemical Society. We are devoted to academic pursuits in the field of chemistry while also focusing on fellowship with each other as well as endeavoring to be a positive element to the community around 极乐禁地.



  • Be involved in the American Chemical Society;
  • Promote a greater interest in the chemical sciences on campus and in the community;
  • Foster and preserve communication and involvement in the chemical sciences; and
  • Prepare for future scientific occupations.


If you are interested in joining SMACS, please email our president at, come to one of our upcoming events, or come to a meeting in Propst Hall. If you have ideas of what you would like to see ACS do, join and help make it happen. You do not have to be a chemistry major to join. All majors are welcome as long as you bring a love of science with you.

National ACS

We are just one of the many student chapters of the . We encourage all Biochemistry and Chemistry majors to become official registered .

Chemistry Resources

SMACS Constitution

Article I. Name

Section 1

This organization shall be known as the Student Members of the American Chemical Society (SMACS).

Article II. Purpose

Section 1.

The purpose of the Student Members of the American Chemical Society is:

  1. To act as a way for students to be involved in the American Chemical Society;
  2. To promote a greater interest in the chemical sciences in students on campus;
  3. To promote a greater interest in the chemical sciences in the community;
  4. To foster and preserve communication and involvement in the chemical sciences.

Article III. Membership

Section 1.

A member shall be any person who abides fully by this constitution and its statements. This person should be:

  1. Any undergraduate, graduate, or professional student;
  2. Any student who finds interest in the chemical sciences;
  3. Any student willing to help the organization in any events that it puts on;
  4. Any student that upholds the integrity of this organization and the university as a whole;
  5. Any student that follows the purpose of this constitution.

Section 2.

Any member who does not abide by this constitution shall put on probation or removed from this organization under the discretion of the Council of Officers, by a 2/3 vote, or the Faculty Advisor(s). Any member put on probation or removed from the organization may appeal their probation or removal to the Faculty Advisor(s).

Section 3.

SMACS complies with 极乐禁地’s policy prohibiting discrimination in its educational and employment policies and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or national or ethnic origin.

Article IV. Officers

Section 1.

The officers of the organization shall be the Co-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. It is up to the club’s discretion to have either Co-Presidents or a President and Vice President.

Article V. Election of Officers

Section 1.

All officers of the Student Members of the American Chemical Society will be elected at the end of the spring semester every year. Officer elections must be decided by a majority vote from the current members in a way deemed appropriate by the members and the Faculty Advisor(s) with each member getting no more than one vote.

Section 2.

An officer shall not be any member who is on probation or deemed unworthy by the Faculty Advisor(s).

Article VI. Duties of Officers

Section 1.

The duties of the Co-Presidents of the Student Members of the American Chemical Society shall be:

  1. To preside over all regular and special meetings of the organization and council;
  2. To call meetings when necessary;
  3. To appoint all committees, representatives, and other persons within the organization;
  4. To serve as the general supervisory and see that all projects are carried out to completion;
  5. To keep an accurate tally of all chemicals and supplies in the possession of the organization;
  6. To safely store any chemicals and supplies in the possession of the organization;
  7. To obtain any chemicals and supplies needed for any demonstration to be performed.
  8. To represent the Student Members of the American Chemical Society in all dealings with the university and general public;
  9. To maintain the constitution of this organization.

Section 2.

The duties of the Secretary shall be:

  1. To keep complete and accurate minutes of all meetings;
  2. To distribute the minutes of all regular meetings to the Faculty Advisor(s) in a timely fashion after each meeting;
  3. To review the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of each meeting;
  4. To assign someone to obtain food items for each regular meeting;
  5. To keep an accurate and complete roll of all members within the organization;
  6. To maintain all websites affiliated with the Student Members of the American Chemical Society at 极乐禁地
  7. To renew SMACS through OrgSync each year.

Section 3.

The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

  1. To collect all monetary funds and disburse them only under the approval by the Council of Officers or by the Faculty Advisor(s);
  2. To keep an accurate record of all money transfers from the organizations fund;
  3. To lead any fundraising taken by the organization.

Section 4.

The duties of the Historian shall be:

  1. To reserve any rooms on campus when needed;
  2. To represent the organization in all public service related areas;
  3. To confirm all demonstration that are set up to happen;
  4. To ensure that all demonstrations are carried out in a safe manor;
  5. To take pictures at any SMACS event.

Article VII. Impeachment of Officers

Section 1.

Charges may be brought against an officer by any member.

  1. These charges must be submitted to the entire Council of Members as well as the Faculty Advisor(s).

Section 2.

The vote required to bring charges against an Officer must be a 2/3 vote from all members.

Section 3.

The 2/3 vote may be overturned by a Faculty Advisor.

Section 4.

An officer is subject to impeachment through:

  1. An officer not adequately fulfilling their duties.
  2. If they are put on probation.
  3. If they commit any values violations from the university.
  4. If they commit any crimes against humanity.

Article VIII. Meetings and Voting

Section 1.

Meetings of the Student Members of the American Chemical Society shall be held at regular intervals during the scholastic school year except when the Council of Officers deems it is unnecessary to meet.

Section 2.

Meetings are mandatory for all members of the organization and can only be missed for legitimate reasons.

Section 3.

Any vote shall be decided by a one-half majority unless otherwise stated in this constitution.

Article IX. Amendments.

Section 1.

This constitution may be amended at any time under the discretion of the Council of Officers or by the Faculty Advisor(s).

Article X. Financial Operations.

Section 1.

SMACS at this time does not collect any local dues, but does encourage its members to pay $28 to become an official student member of the American Chemical Society.

Section 2.

Should SMACS go dormant or inactive, any remaining funding associated with the organization should be returned to the Chemistry Department at 极乐禁地.