Kwadwo  Antwi-Fordjour
Associate Professor
Howard College of Arts and Sciences
Mathematics and Computer Science
224聽Russell Hall

Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour is an Applied Mathematician of African diaspora and received his PhD in 2016 from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He joined the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at 极乐禁地 in 2018 after a 2-year Visiting Assistant Professor position at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. He is very passionate about teaching and teaches a wide range of undergraduate mathematics classes using active learning techniques. His professional interests lie in the area of ordinary, partial, and stochastic differential equations where he models biological, ecological, epidemiological, and social systems. One of his recent works includes working with undergraduate students on the effect of fear on two-species predator-prey systems incorporating prey herd behavior and mutual interference. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing. Outside of mathematics, he has interests in soccer, track, hiking, watching movies, choral music and spending quality time with his wife and two children.


  • Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Isabella Kemajou-Brown, and Folashade B. Agusto. Modeling the Effect of Lethal and Non-Lethal Predation on the Dynamics of Tick-Borne Disease. Available at SSRN: or (2024).
  • Kendall H. Bearden and Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour. Comment on predator-prey dynamical behavior and stability with square root functional response. arXiv: 2307.06793, (2023).


  • Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Sarah P. Westmoreland, and Kendall H. Bearden. Dual fear phenomenon in an eco-epidemiological model with prey aggregation. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139(6): 518, pp. 1--21, (2024).
  • Vaibhava Srivastava, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, and Rana D. Parshad. Exploring unique dynamics in a predator-prey model with generalist predator and group defense in prey. Chaos 34, 013107 (2024).
  • Takyi, E. M. and Antwi-Fordjour, K. Counter-attack in a stage-structured model with adult predator-induced fear and competition. Int. J. of Dynam. Control, DOI: , (2023).
  • Rana D. Parshad, Sureni Wickramasooriya, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, and Aniket Banerjee. Additional food causes predators to explode – unless the predators compete. Int. J. of Bifurc. & Chaos, 33(3) 2350034, (2023).
  • Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Rana D. Parshad, Hannah E. Thompson, and Stephanie B. Westaway. Fear-Driven extinction and (DE)stabilization in a predator-prey model incorporating prey herd behavior and mutual interference. AIMS Mathematics, 8(2): 3353-3377, (2023).
  • Seonguk Kim, and Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour. Prey group defense to predator aggregated induced fear. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137(6): 704, 1-17, (2022).
  • Rana D. Parshad, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, and Eric M. Takyi. Some novel results in two species competition. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 81(5), pp. 1847-1869, (2021).
  • Harendra Verma, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Mainul Hossain, Nikhil Pal, Rana D. Parshad, and Pankaj Mathur. A “Double” Fear Effect in a Tri-trophic Food Chain Model. Eur. Phys. J. Plus., 136:905, pp. 1-17, (2021).
  • Kushani De Silva, Aladeen Basheer, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Matthew A. Beauregard, Vineeta Chand, Rana D. Parshad. The “Higher" Status Language Doesn't Always Win: The Fall of English in India And The Rise of Hindi. Adv. Complex Syst., 23(8) 20500021, pp. 1-20, (2021).
  • Eric M. Takyi, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Said Kouachi, and Rana D. Parshad. A Remark on “Global dynamics of a Tritrophic food chain model subject to the Allee effects in the prey population with sexually reproductive generalised-type top predator” [Comp. and Math. Methods. 2019; E1079, Pp. 1-23]. Comp. and Math. Methods. 2021; 3(1) e1159, pp. 1-9, (2021).
  • Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Rana D. Parshad, Matthew A. Beauregard. Dynamics of a predator-prey model with generalized Holling type functional response and mutual interference. Math. Biosci., 326, 108407, 1-15, (2020).
  • Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Seonguk Kim, Marius Nkashama. Global analysis of the shadow Gierer-Meinhardt system with general linear boundary condition in a random environment. J. Appl. Anal. Comput., 10(5), 1980-1994, (2020).
  • Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay, Rana Parshad, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour, Emmanuel Quansah, and Sarita Kumari. Global Dynamics of Stochastic Predator-Prey Model with Mutual Interference and Prey Defense. J. Appli. Math. Comput., 60, pp. 169-190, (2019).
  • Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour and Marius Nkashama. Global existence of solutions of Gierer-Meinhardt system with mixed boundary conditions. Appl. Math., 8, pp. 857-867, (2017).
  • Alzaki Fadlallah, Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour and Marius Nkashama. Generalized spectrum of Steklov-Robin type problem for elliptic systems. Appl. Math., 6, pp. 421-429, (2015).