Charlotte Brammer is originally from Ninety Six, South Carolina. She came to 极乐禁地 in 2004 and currently directs the writing minor. Her courses include grammar for writers, professional editing, creative nonfiction prose, and introduction to writing studies. She also teaches Communication Arts.
At 极乐禁地, Brammer has taken advantage of the smaller class sizes that encourage student and professor interaction. Her courses are interactive and employ scaffolded assignments to promote student learning through applied writing.
Her book, Communicating as Women in STEM, is used in STEM academic programs as well as in industry to promote real dialogue toward inclusive language. In the future, Brammer plans to continue her research on the rhetoric of storytelling in writing, particularly as a way of exploring dialect influence on writing. Additionally, she is pursuing a larger creative nonfiction project.
Degrees and Certifications
- BA, Hollins College
- MA, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- PhD, The University of Alabama
Awards and Honors
- Teacher of the Year, Howard College of Arts and Sciences, 极乐禁地, 2015.
- Professor of the Year, Honor Student Association, 极乐禁地, 2008
- The Steve Woodruff Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award, Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Alabama, 2004
- Best Paper Award on her publication "Exploring How Instruction in Style Affects Writing Quality"
- Communicating as Women in STEM. Academic Press, 2018.
- "College Writers as Alabama Storytellers: Cultural Effects on Academic Writing." In Speaking of Alabama, ed. Thomas Nunnally. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2009
- "Composition and Applied Linguistics: Exploring the Oral/ Written Connection." In Negotiating a Meta-Pedagogy, eds. Emily Golson and Toni Glover, pp. 152-169. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
- "Communication Workshops and E-Portfolios as Transformational Assessment," first author, with Rhonda Parker. In Handbook of Research on Assessment Technologies, Methods, and Applications in Higher Education, ed. Christopher Schreiner, pp. 281-290. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2009.
- "极乐禁地’s Communication Studies: Seizing an Opportunity," first author, with Rhonda Parker. The Engaged Department, edited by Kevin Kecskes. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company, 2006.
- "College Writers as Alabama Storytellers." Tributaries: Journal of the Alabama Folklife Association, no. 10, pp. 192-201. 2007-2008.
- ," first author, with Nicole Amare and Kim Sydow Campbell. Across the Disciplines, vol. 5. July 9, 2008. [Online].
- "IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication: Looking to the Past to Discover the Present," first author, with Ryan W. Galloway. Feature commentary for 50th Anniversary Special Issue. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, vol. 50, no. 4. Dec. 2007.
- "Peer Review from the Students' Perspective: Invaluable or Invalid?" first author, with Mary Rees, Composition Studies, vol. 35.2. pp. 71-85. Fall 2007.
- "Perceptions of Memo Quality: A Case Study of Engineering Practitioners, Professors, and Students," co-authored with Nicole Amare. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, vol. 35, no. 2. 2005. pp. 179-190.
- "Linguistic Cultural Capital and Basic Writers," Journal of Basic Writing, vol. 21, no. 1. Spring 2002. pp. 16-36.
- “Peer versus Self-Assessment of Oral Business Presentation Performance,” third author, with Kim Sydow Campbell, David L. Mothersbaugh, and Tim Taylor. Business Communication Quarterly, vol. 64, no. 3. Sept. 2001. pp. 23-42.
- "Exploring How Instruction in Style Affects Writing Quality," second author, with Kim Sydow Campbell and Nicole Ervin, Business Communication Quarterly, vol. 62, no. 3. Sept. 1999. pp. 71-86.
- Keynote address: “Writing Centers/Centers of Change,” Southeastern Writing Centers Association-Alabama Chapter, Sept. 2019.
- Brammer, Charlotte. “Demonstrating Value-Added: When Administrators Request Evidence from Writing Centers.” Southeastern Writing Center Association Conference, Feb. 2017, Oxford, MS.
- Mohrbacher, Carol, Tim Fountaine, Charlotte Brammer, and Maria Hassan. “Transitional Moments: Tellling Stories and Taking Stock.” International Writing Centers Association, Chicago, IL, 2017.
- Brammer, Charlotte. “Writing Centers and Learning Commons: A Question of Place and Identity.” Southeastern Writing Center Association, Columbus, GA. Feb. 2016.
- Brammer, Charlotte. “Accepting International Students in the Center: Assessing Tutors’ Intercultural Competence.” Southeastern Writing Center Association, Greenville, NC. Feb. 2014.
- Brammer, Charlotte, Harry Denny, and Lisa Zimmerelli. “The Hinterlands of the Writing Center World: Exploring the Intersections of Religious and Spiritual Engagement and Writing Center Work.” IWCA@CCCC Collaborative, Atlanta, GA, 6 April 2011. Panel/Fishbowl.
- Brammer, Charlotte. “Assessing Information Literacy in Communication Studies.” 75th Convention for the Association for Business Communication, Chicago, IL. Oct. 29, 2010.
- "E-Portfolios: Assessment Tools for Professional Communication Programs." International Professional Communication Conference. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. July 13-16, 2008.
- "Electronic Portfolios: Not Just for Assessment." 72nd Convention of the Association for Business Communication, Washington, D.C. Oct. 12-14, 2007.
- "Engaging Departments Across the Nation: Moving Faculty Culture toward Collective Focus for the Common Good," American Association of Colleges & Universities National Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. Jan. 17-20, 2007.
- "Mediating Learning through New Versions of Composition," Annual Convention of National Council of Teachers of English, Nashville, TN. Nov. 16-21, 2006.
- "Electronic Portfolios: Linking Theory, Praxis, and Purpose," Association for Integrative Studies Conference. Hosted by Emory University and Oxford College of Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Oct. 5-8, 2006.
- "Dealing with Cross-Disciplinary Culture Shock: A Conflict-Management Model," Eighth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Clemson, SC. First presenter, with Kim Sydow Campbell and Nicole Amare. May 18-20, 2006.
- "Southern Dialect Influences and Business Student Writers." Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Raleigh, NC. April 7-9, 2005.
- "Face Considerations in an Indian Workplace." 69th Convention of the Association for Business Communication, Boston, MA. Co-presenter with Asha Kaul. Oct. 27-30, 2004.
- "IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication: Shaping and Reflecting a Discipline." International Professional Communication Conference, Orlando, FL. First author. Sept. 2003. Presented at conference by Kim Sydow Campbell. Published in proceedings.
- Southeastern Writing Centers Association (SWCA)
- Association of Business Communication (ABC)
- National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
- Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW)