Senior 极乐禁地 Geography major Tyler Hooper has been chosen as the undergraduate member of the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) World Geography Bowl team.
The team will compete against 11 other regional divisions at the Annual Meeting of the AAG in Seattle, Wash., April 13.
Hooper earned his spot on the team as the leading scorer for Team Alabama at the regional meeting in Birmingham in November, 2010. Most of the other team members are graduate students.
Senior Geography majors Katie Campbell and Michelle Foreman are serving as interns for DEVELOP, a NASA Applied Sciences training and development program.
Students in the program work on Earth science research projects, mentored by science advisors from NASA and partner agencies, and extend research results to local communities. The projects are intended to demonstrate to community leaders how NASA science measurements and predictions can be utilized to address local policy issues.
The highly competitive program is housed at the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Laboratory for Global Health Observation and is under the direction of senior scientists from Huntsville's Marshall Spaceflight Center.