极乐禁地 undergraduate students will present the results of research projects April 27-29 as the university emphasizes the close relationship between faculty and student scholarship.
More than 140 students will present their work during 极乐禁地's 2011Student Showcase, through oral presentations or in scholarly poster sessions, which have become common at professional academic conferences.
The students' research topics range across many disciplines, presenting new ideas on everything from Greek mystery religions to social media, osteoarthritis to divorce, biodiversity to Chaucer.
The common thread uniting the diverse topics is the professional guidance the students receive at a university with a 12:1 student to faculty ratio, and where no courses are taught by graduate students.
"Showcase represents the culmination of many 极乐禁地 students' undergraduate experience, with application of research skills, collaboration with faculty, utilization of presentation abilities and immersion in their major," said 极乐禁地's Assistant Provost Nancy C. Biggio. "We are proud to showcase our student's accomplishments as we wish them well in their future endeavors."
2011 Student Showcase Oral Presentations
FALL OF MAN: An Efficient MMO
Spanish Mesa App for Android
Mobile Application Development
Effects of Mortality Salience on Recall
The different levels of Ricardo Palma's "Tradiciones"
A Marriage
The Roots of a Writer
A great Spanish Literature piece by Miguel de Unamuno: "San Manuel Bueno, Martir"
Cubanía in Gómez de Avellaneda's "Sab"
Achilles: Hero or Villain
A New God in Rome
A God-Given Right: The Role of Personal Choice in the Greek Mystery Religions
The Cumaean Sibyl in the Shepherd of Hermas
Baptizing Chaucer's Miller
A Theological Comparison of the “Sermon on the Mount” and Eusebius’ “Life of Constantine”
Divine Love in Marriage: A Commentary on Marriage as a Model of the Trinity
Thinking Through the Trinity: The Cappadocian Fathers
Preparing Elementary Students for Expository Text Comprehension
The Effect of Muscularity and Apparent Relationship Status on Male Body Image and Social Comparison
The Need for Acceptance and the Cost of Social Rejection
The Affects of Music on Cognitive Processes
Tolerance of Bullying Among College Students
Effects of Modeling on Moral Reasoning
Effects of Sexual Orientation on Rape Victim Blame
Gender Stereotype Threat and Self-Efficacy
Men, Sex Roles, and the Media
Gender Differences in Emotional vs Neutral Recall
The Effects of Religion on the Stigmatization of Mental Illness
The Effect of Feedback and Instructor Gender on Self-Efficacy
Media Coverage of the Gulf Coast Oil Spill
A Look at Twitter Usage
An Examination of Thematic Content of Hip-Hop: A Comparison of Underground and Mainstream Genres
Two Sides of the Same Story: The Visual Narrative of Racial Violence in Alabama as Seen in Local Newspapers Coverage and Charles Moore’s Photography in Life Magazine, 1963-1965
The Focus on Candidate's Appearance in Coverage of the 2008 Election
Village Civilization versus Metropolitan Spirit: Political Journalist Walter Lippmann’s Frustration with Common America During His Early Career
Phytoplankton Interactions at Goose Neck-Island Shoal on the St. Lawrence River
The Changing Cultural Identity of the Philippines
Carmen Laforet: A Balance between Feminism and Catholicism
Father Involvement and the Development of Adolescent Sons
Ecological Systems Theory and Body Perception in Caucasian and African American Culture
Family Financial Stress and Special Needs Children
Bereavement and Coping for Children Dealing with Death
2011 Student Showcase Poster Presentations
There is No Difference in Blood Glucose Changes During Aerobic and Resistance Training Exercise
The Relationship Between the Frequency of Fast Food Consumption on Blood Pressure and Body Composition
Mental Perception Affect the Ability to Lift Weight in Resistance Training
Fan Avidity Affects Repurchase Intentions, Brand Equity and Word of Mouth Intentions
The Effect of Diet on Metabolism and Fuel Utilization
The Correlation of One Repetition Squat Maximum, Vertical Jump Hight and Forty Yard Dash TIme
Premeal Water Consumption Does Not Affect Caloric Intake Among Female College Students
The Effect of Exercise on 24 hour Self-Esteem and Activity Levels
Breakfast Did Not Have an Effect on Dietary Consumption of Non-Breakfast Eaters
Performance in the 60-Yard Dash is Compromised in the Presence of Competition
Wearing Fitted Functional Knee Braces Does Not Effect an Athletes Speed and Agility in the 40-Yard Dash or 3-Cone Drill
Training on the Nintendo Wii Fit Balance Board Does Improve Balance in College-Aged Females
Differing Exercise Intensities Have No Effect on Context-Dependent Memory
Osteoarthritis of the Knee Has No Effect on Bone Density or Bone Size
Effects of Shod Running versus Barefoot Running on Running Economy
College Students' Academic Burden and Depression
Alcohol in the Home and Underage Drinking
Adolescent Girls' Relationships and Delinquent Activities
Parenting and Self Esteem: To Be or Not to Be Tough?
Early Intervention Programs and Hispanic Elementary School Students
The Factors That Affect Body Image and Subsequent Behaviors
Cell Phone Use In and Around a University
Influence of Sex Education on the Sexual Knowledge and Behaviors Among College Students
Biodiversity of Odonata at North Lake, Tarrant, Jefferson County, Alabama, U.S.A
Training Status Affects Peak Power on Leg Press
Carbohydrate-Protein Beverage Significantly Affects Blood Glucose During Aerobic Exercise Compared to Carbohydrate Beverage Alone
The Effect of Breastfeeding on Allergy Development at an Early Age
Comparison of Body Composition, Aerobic Capacity, and Anaerobic Power in Collegiate Level Division I Baseball Pitchers and Position Players
Having a Health Course Does Not Iinfluence Interpretation of Nutrition Label or Body Composition
Athlete's Nutrient Intake Does Not Meet Nutrient Requirements.
The Correlation Between Nutrition Knowledge and BMI in 5th Grade Students
There is No Difference Between the Diets of Freshman and Upperclassmen Division I Football Players
The Affects of Removing Regular Sweetened Carbonated Drinks from the Diet
The Effects of a Commercially Available Energy Supplement on Cognition, Mood, Heart Rate, and Blood Pressure
Impact of Food Labeling on College Students
Friendship and Emotional Adjustment in School Transitions Across Three Age Groups
Parental Divorce and Academic Entitlement of College Students
Identifying Connections between Responsibility at Home during Adolescent Years and Academic Entitlement and Success in College
Using Low Cost Survey Methods to Measure Beach Profile Change On Saba, Netherlands Antilles
The Rahn Beach Profiling Method – A Fast, Accurate One-Person Beach Survey
Dauphin Island Dune Vegetation Survey
Using ArcGIS on the iPhone for Campus and Study Abroad Applications
Comparison of Beach Profiling Methods on Dauphin Island, AL
Sorority Life, Personality, Religiosity and the Experience of Eating Disorder Symptoms
Effects of Religious Commitment and Denomination Affiliation on Alcohol Consumption
Religion and Perceived Importance of "Chemistry" in Dating and Marriage Relationships
Health Benefits of Prayer and Meditation in Three Settings