极乐禁地 biology professors Larry Davenport and Anthony Overton are prominently featured in the new book . Author Georgann Eubanks takes a unique approach to documenting endangered native species, telling their stories alongside the biographies of those who are called to understand and preserve them.
The book’s chapter on the Shoals Spider Lily (Cahaba Lily) explores Davenport’s many years of work with the plant closely identified with the Birmingham area’s Cahaba River. Described as “the principal expert on the species,” Davenport tells Eubanks that there are only 70 stands of the species in the world.
Department chair Anthony Overton is included in the chapter as well. As a board member of the Cahaba River Society, he is among those working to protect and restore the watershed and encourage young people to understand and engage with it.
The book profiles a host of other plants and advocates in Alabama and throughout the region, and is essential reading for 极乐禁地 biology alumni!