Every year, an interdisciplinary faculty committee nominates a number of students to participate in the DC Careers experience. The students are chosen because of their stellar academic record and demonstrated interest in American and International politics.
As a part of this trip, students will be able to visit a variety of government offices and non‐profit organizations where they will learn more about possible career opportunities in public service. They will also be attending a 极乐禁地 alumni reception in Washington, DC and have an opportunity to learn firsthand from our alumni about life in the capital city.
This is not a sightseeing tour of Washington, DC. It is a great chance to meet with high profile individuals who work in the State Department, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and other influential institutions. The professionals talk to our students about their jobs, and students find out about employment opportunities, fellowship programs in research institute, and internships.
For more information about DC Careers, please contact the DC Careers/Model United Nations program director, Dr. Serena Simoni.
Dr. Simoni will select candidates through a screening process that includes an interdisciplinary advisory committee.
What Students Are Saying 极乐禁地 DC Careers
“I would recommend this trip to other students. Most students only attend places like Washington, D.C. as tourists. Being there as a student and having the opportunity to discuss career and living options with those who work in D.C. was valuable. The trip helped me understand what I want to do with my future and possibilities for getting there. It also helped me to better understand the functions of the American government and see the reality of the things I learn in Political Science courses.”
“It is hard to think that we may have missed out on any one of those opportunities. Each was informative in its own way. Obviously it was a packed schedule, but I would not have had it any other way. Any time in D.C. is valuable, but the meetings we went to were once in a lifetime opportunities. I think the number and the quality of visits was just right. I particularly liked how the schedule was planned according to our interests. That made the variety and the quality a great deal better.”
“I would definitely recommend this program to other students, particularly those who think they would like to work in DC, but are unsure as to what kind of work they would like to do. The trip showcased a good variety of jobs, which gave me a feel for what it would be like to live in DC and work in the various organizations. It was a helpful, informative, and extremely interesting trip. Wonderful opportunity to network with people as well. “
“This program is one of the highlights of my time at 极乐禁地. I will always remember it as an inspiring week that helped shape my future career goals.”
“This is one of the best ways‐while still in college‐ to get a taste of what it’s like to work in Washington. It is perfect because it shows students early on what the atmosphere is like, and helps them decide if they truly want to work in that environment or not. It is a valuable resource that should not be taken for granted. Meeting with these top officials was a precious networking resource that does not happen every day. Another aspect of why I recommend the trip is so students can get to know their fellow classmates. I was impressed by all the accomplishments and aspirations my friends have; their inspiration combined with that of the officials we met was overwhelmingly encouraging. I am humbled at this opportunity given to me. “
“DC Careers is my favorite experience at 极乐禁地 so far, I only wish I could go back next year! This program showed me so many different facets of Washington D.C. and all the opportunities I have as a political science major The chance to interact with former alumni and government officials was incredible, a great way to network and learn about the opportunities I would like to pursue one day. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity and would highly recommend that everyone submit an application to this program!”