Program Overview

The master of music in church music (MM) is designed to prepare individuals for ministry through music in the local church. The degree program includes academic and professional coursework in music, church music, and a concentration in either conducting,  performance or thesis. The degree concludes with an oral comprehensive examination.

Audition Expectations

Audition Expectations

In addition to the standard application material, Church Music applicants must submit the following materials according to the concentration in which they intend to apply:

  • Conducting: ten to fifteen-minute video recording of the student conducting a rehearsal or performance.
  • Performance: repertoire list indicating literature performed in the applied performance area (keyboard, voice, instrumental).
  • Thesis: writing sample of a research paper no fewer than ten pages in length.

On Site Church Music Audition Requirements

Church Music with Conducting Concentration

  • On-site conducting of a choral piece selected by conducting and church music faculty.
  • Sight reading melodies and rhythms.
  • Performance of two pieces of contrasting style in student’s designated performance area (keyboard, voice, instrumental).
  • Interview with Church Music faculty.

Church Music with Performance Concentration

  • Prepared performance of 15 minutes in length of pieces in a contrasting style in student’s applied area (keyboard, voice, instrumental).
  • Interview with Church Music faculty.

Church Music with Thesis Concentration

  • Performance of two pieces of contrasting style in student’s designated performance area (keyboard, voice, instrumental).
  • Interview with Church Music faculty.