Published on September 14, 2018  


Nicaraguan American man at table

". . . I’ve become a lot more aware of the fact that I’m black, that I’m, I’m a black American. I, and most people would probably categorize me as an African-American, um. I personally wouldn’t, just because I feel like I’m Haitian-American because, you know, I, my roots are in Haiti."


Introduction: Carlos Aleman

Dr. Carlos Aleman shares his family’s experience immigrating to America, his identity as Nicaraguan-American, and his goals for his History of Immigration course.
Play Segment

Imam Ashfaq Taufique

Imam Asfaq Taufique describes some of the cultural differences he overcame after immigrating to America.
Play Segment

Olivier Barreau

Olivier Barreau discusses the differences between New York City and Alabama, and describes how “black American” and “African-American” are often, inaccurately, used interchangeably in the United States.
Play Segment


Audio Information
Repositoryֽ Oral History Collection