A $15,000 grant from the Alabama State Department of Education’s Office of Teaching and Leading will help fund a pilot program providing education and training to 极乐禁地 faculty, support the revisions of coursework in programs, provide support and training for teacher education candidates seeking certification in various states and prepare students for edTPA submission in 2018.
The Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) plans to implement a statewide performance assessment as a criterion for earning an Initial Professional Educator Certificate by fall of 2018. Teacher education candidates completing internships during fall semester 2018-2019 and thereafter will be required to provide documentation having earned acceptable score on the statewide performance assessment.
The funding will help 极乐禁地 establish a program which will provide training for the upcoming performance assessment. Betsy Rogers, department chair of curriculum and instruction at 极乐禁地, will oversee the program.
“Since it is projected in 2018 Alabama will require a passing score on edTPA in order to receive teacher certification, this funding is integral in preparing our students for this change,” said Dr. Rogers. “The grant will help us provide support to our students in the portfolio submission process, and will provide additional student and faculty training and training for our school partners.”
The assessment system will complement Alabama’s PLAN 2020 goal of ensuring every child is taught be a well-prepared, resourced, supported, and effective teacher.