Published on October 14, 2022 by Leighton Doores 聽

Summer 2022

Dissertation Title: The Relationship of Test Preparation Courses on High School Juniors' Ability to Earn a Benchmark Score on the American College Test
Students: Trina Hall, Dadron Ham, John Lyons
Chair: Dr. Les Ennis

Spring 2022

Dissertation Title: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Early Childhood Teachers' Roles in Supporting Students with Adverse Childhood Experiences in Alabama Title I Schools
Student: Nicole Henderson
Chair: Dr. Amy Benton and Dr. Kara Chism 

Dissertation Title: School Leaders as the Instructional Leaders for Stem In PreK-12 Urban Schools: Examining Vision, Professional Development, and Resources
Students: Yvette Sanders, Monique Stewart
Chair: Dr. Mary Yakimowski 

Dissertation Title: Compassion Fatigue in Alabama's Secondary Educators Working in Urban Districts: Exploring Satisfaction, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatic Stress
Students: Sherina Morgan, Freda Willis
Chair: Dr. Mary Yakimowski 

Dissertation Title: Teachers' Self-Efficacy in the Elementary Reading Literacy Classroom: Exploring Classroom Management, Student Engagement, and Instructional Strategies in Urban Schools
Students: Paula Bruno, Tammarra Tippett
Chair: Dr. Mary Yakimowski 

Dissertation Title: Multi-Text Reading Comprehension Models: The Lens of Principals in Elementary Title I Schools in Alabama
Students: Eleanor Cox, Yentl Lee
Chair: Dr. Mary Yakimowski 

Dissertation Title: An Exploration of Elementary Teachers' Experiences Related to Teaching Students with Dyslexia
Student: Sheila Brock
Chair: Dr. Jodi Newton 

Dissertation Title: Preservice and Inservice Teachers' Sense of Efficacy for Character Education and Digital Citizenship in Alabama
Students: Jacklyn Rivers, Brittany Spillman
Chair: Dr. Jane Cobia 

Dissertation Title: Teacher's Self-Reported Beliefs of Social and Emotional Learning in an Award-Winning Rural Head Start Program
Students: Stacy Cunningham, Thomas Jones, Robert Vizant
Chair: Dr. Les Ennis

Fall 2021

Dissertation Title: A Qualitative Study of Northwest Alabama Veteran Teachers' Daily Instructional and Technological Practices
Student: Robyn E. Aldridge
Chair: Dr. Monique Witherspoon 

Dissertation Title: A Quantitative Study Focusing on Alabama Public Schools: Do Differences Exist Between Leader Behaviors and Teacher Well-being in Low and High Socioeconomic Schools?
Students: Jason A. Bostic, Amy N. England
Chair: Dr. Kara Chism 

Dissertation Title: An Exploratory Collective Case Study of Leadership of Implementation of Effective Character Education Initiatives in Elementary National Schools of Character
Student: Blair R. Inabinet
Chair: Dr. Amy Benton 

Dissertation Title: The Importance of Retaining High Quality Teachers: An Examination of Differences in Teacher Grit Based on Experience or Intention to Remain in the Profession
Students: Ashley R. McCulloch, Marsha C. Mitchell
Chair: Dr. Jodi Newton 

Dissertation Title: An Examination of the Principal’s Use of Personality Tests
Student: Gregory D. Moore
Chair: Dr. Jodi Newton 

Dissertation Title: Perceptions Among Alabama PreK-12 Public School Principals Across Difference Dimensions of Crisis Preparedness  
Students: Tina M. Reid, Kathlene V. Wade
Chair: Dr. Mary Yakimowski