Published on December 2, 2024 by Kameron Brown 听

At Orlean Beeson School of Education, faculty are encouraged and empowered to explore innovative and leading opportunities in research to advance the mission of 极乐禁地.

“The School of Education fosters research opportunities because we want to contribute to the good of the whole, we want our knowledge to improve the lives of individuals and communities around the world,” said Anna McEwan, dean of the School of Education.

Through innovation and leadership, the school continues to excel in global conversations surrounding the field of education, human development and family science.

Discover opportunities to partner with us in advancing our mission of enriching communities and empowering our faculty in their research which directly impacts our student’s ability to educate, lead and serve.

Faculty Publications 2023-2024

Boden, C.J., Benton, A.L., & Pomery, K. (2024). Faculty Belonging at Work: Individual and Institutional Factors. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 20 (1), 5-17.

Girdley, A. P., & Benton, A. L. (2024). The Devil Is in the Details: How Clergy Tasks Became Stressors During COVID-19. Pastoral Psychology, 1-12.

Hataway, D. & Benton, A. (2024). The illogical leap to summative without formative: Low-risk assessments of high-risk students in human anatomy and physiology classes. Journal of College Science Teaching. Special Issue.

Benton, A. L., & Girdley, A. P. (2023). Clergy and Compassionate Leadership: A Tightrope of Fatigue and Satisfaction During COVID-19. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 51(4), 509-522.

Chandler, K.B. (2024). Leadership lessons from math interventions: insights into enhancing high school math instruction and student achievement, Alabama Journal of Educational Leadership, 11.

Chandler, K. B. (2024). A small world families live in: Six degrees of separation. In Ramsey, E. (Ed.), Wisdom for Parents: Key Ideas from Parent Educators (2nd ed). St. Paul, MN: National Council on Family Relations.

Chandler, K. B. (2023). Endogamy. In Hartenstein, J. (Ed.), Marriage and Divorce in America: Issues, Trends, and Controversies. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.

Chandler, K. B. (2023). Exogamy. In Hartenstein, J. (Ed.), Marriage and Divorce in America: Issues, Trends, and Controversies. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.

Farkas, E., Betkowski, A., Deckelman, A., Chism, K., Shirley, C., Johnson, E., Diehl, N.,Funston, D., Forman, L., Rogers, E., Franciamore, N., & Frugo, J. (2024). Activities and applications: Character education. Grand Canyon University.

Sauls, B., Scott, F., & Chism, K. (2024). Implementation of character education programs by high school administrators of national schools of character. The Alabama Journal of Educational Leadership, 11.

Cobia, J., Erdmann, R., and Drew, C. (2024). Improving leading indicators for self-efficacy and collective teacher efficacy. International Journal of Education and Human Development.

Gerhardt, C. (2024). Practicum, Ethics, Vocation, and the helping professions. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. Digital E-Book 2024, hardcopy 2025.

Hill, C. (2024). Developing a professional identity within family science. Reflection appearing in Chapter 3. In Gerhardt, C (2024). Practicum, Ethics, Vocation, and the helping professions. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. Digital E-Book 2024, hardcopy 2025.

Hill, C. (2024). Navigating career transitions: Embracing change, taking risks, and ignoring naysayers. Reflection appearing in Chapter 7. In Gerhardt, C (2024). Practicum, Ethics, Vocation, and the helping professions. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. Digital E-Book 2024, hardcopy 2025.

Gerhardt, C. (2024). Adult siblings: Close enough for cutoffs. NCFR Publication: Family Focus. Winter edition.

Gerhardt, C. (2023). One food basket at a time: Addressing food insecurity. Case study in Chapter 20. In Clinger, James, Handley, Donna & Hassett, Wendy. Local Government Administration in Small Town America. Taylor & Francis.

Gerhardt, C. (2023). Contributed nine topics: Dating pre-1950’s; international marriage; marriage and immigration; marriage and diversity; paradigm shifts in dating; parent education programs; relocation and marriage; shared custody; religion and marriage. In Hartenstein, J. (Ed.), Marriage and Divorce in America: Issues, Trends, and Controversies. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.

Hoaglund, A. H., & Birkenfeld, K. J. (2023). The Commitment Based Teacher: Cultivating Character for Lasting Impact. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Birkenfeld, K.J., Hoaglund, A.E., and Day, J.B. (2023). Introduction. In Hoaglund, A., & Birkenfeld, K. (Eds.). (2023). Commitment-based teacher: Cultivating professional character for lasting impact. Kendall Hunt.

Day, J.B., Hilsmier, A.S, Birkenfeld, K.J., & Hoaglund, A.E. (2023). Commitment to Collaboration. In Hoaglund, A., & Birkenfeld, K. (Eds.). (2023). Commitment-based teacher: Cultivating professional character for lasting impact. Kendall Hunt.

Hilsmier, A.S., Day, J.B., Birkenfeld, K.J., & Hoaglund, A.E. (2023). Commitment to Teaching. In Hoaglund, A., & Birkenfeld, K. (Eds.). (2023). Commitment-based teacher: Cultivating professional character for lasting impact. Kendall Hunt.

Kennedy, H., Birkenfeld, K., & Hoaglund, A. (2023). Commitment to the Learner. In Hoaglund, A., & Birkenfeld, K. (Eds.). (2023). Commitment-based teacher: Cultivating professional character for lasting impact. Kendall Hunt.

Kennedy, H., Hoaglund, A., & Birkenfeld, K. (2023). Commitment to Professionalism. In Hoaglund, A., & Birkenfeld, K. (Eds.). (2023). Commitment-based teacher: Cultivating professional character for lasting impact. Kendall Hunt.

Scarborough, K., Hoaglund, A., & Birkenfeld, K. (2023). Commitment to Equity. In Hoaglund, A., & Birkenfeld, K. (Eds.). (2023). Commitment-based teacher: Cultivating professional character for lasting impact. Kendall Hunt. Junjulas, S.S., McKinney, J.L.

Kennedy, H., Scarborough, K., & Jurgenson, K. (2023). Foundational literacy within content areas: a practitioner’s guide. The Reading Paradigm 16(1).

Scarborough, K., Kennedy, H., & Shepard, T. (2024). When Times Get Tough: A Faith Based Approach to Teaching and Learning. Published in Christian Scholars Review Blog.

Aldridge, R. Elyse and Witherspoon, M. (2023). A Qualitative Study of Northwest Alabama Veteran Teachers’ Daily Instructional and Technological Practices. Alabama Journal for Educational Leadership, 10.

Faculty Presentations 2023-2024


Gerhardt, C. & Chandler, K.B. (Spring 2024). Character-infused leadership models to create systemic change in education. The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues 2024 Virtuous Leadership and Character Conference, Oxford University, UK

Scarborough, K. & Cobia, F.J. (Spring 2024). Shifting Mindsets: Approaches for Broadening Understandings and Sparking. The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies, Tokyo, Japan

Scarborough, K., Kennedy, H., & Shepard, T. (Spring 2024). What Does Our Work Say 极乐禁地 God’s Story? Promising Practices for Integrating Faith and Work for Preservice Teachers. International Christian Community for Teacher Education, Wenham, MA

Witherspoon, M. (Fall 2023). Expanding our Impact. Global Women’s Leadership Summit, London, England, UK


Beckham, L. (Spring 2024). It’s Not What You Do; It’s Who You Are: Our Journey to the Educational Leadership Dispositions Assessment. Higher Education Character Convening, Pensacola, FL

Boden, C., Benton, A., & Pomeroy, K. (Spring 2024). Faculty Experiences of Belonging: Fostering Inclusive Environments for Career Growth. Adult Higher Education Alliance (AHEA)

Chandler, K. B. & Gerhardt, C. (Fall 2023). Core values, resource allocation, and communities of character. Cultivating Communities of Character Conference, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

Chism, K. & Doyle, L. (Spring 2024). I have a friend in you: Critical friendship at work in higher education. Higher Education Character Convening, Pensacola, FL

Chism, K. & Gerhardt, C. (Fall 2023). Mustard seed initiatives: Creating and sustaining communities of character. Cultivating Communities of Character Conference, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

Chism, K. & Spelman, M. (Spring 2024). Developing virtue literacy and practical wisdom in aspiring school leaders. Higher Education Character Convening, Pensacola, FL

Chism, K. & White, B. (Spring 2024). Solving the character education implementation team mystery. KPCEL Convening, Boston, MA

Cleveland, B. & Cobia, J. (Spring 2024). Why a Leader Chooses to Do the Right Thing. Higher Education Character Convening, Pensacola, FL

Gerhardt, C. & Witherspoon, M. (Fall 2024). One stitch at a time: The Gee’s Bend Quilters and the transformative power of humble leadership. Cultivating Communities of Character Conference, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

Gurney, M., Bowen, A., Davidson, T., & Davis, J.C. (2023). Creating inclusive classrooms. Southeastern Council on Family Relations’ Social Media Push during and post the COVID-19 Pandemic. Affiliate Councils Workshop at the 2023 National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference

Hill, C., Wenth, K., Gerhardt, C., & Brown, C. (Fall 2023). Family systems as cultivators of communities of character. Cultivating Communities of Character Conference, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

Hilsmier, A., Kennedy, H. & Benton, A. (Spring 2024). Creating Data-Driven Research in Character Education. 5th Annual Higher Education Character Convening, Pensacola, FL

Kennedy, H. & Scarborough, K. (Fall 2023). Books and Beyond: Building a Community of Character. Communities Cultivating Character Conference at the University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, AL

Kennedy, H., Scarborough, K., Shepard, T., & Hilsmier, M. (Spring 2024). Promoting Character Development through Partnerships in Special Education. Higher Education Character Convening, Pensacola, FL

McEwan, A. (Spring 2024). Invited panelist. Promoting Integrity & Social Responsibility in Teacher Education. American Association of College for Teacher Education (AACTE), Denver, CO

Scarborough, K. & Cobia, F.J. (March 2024). Attitude Adjustments: How Your Approach Can Ignite Progress and Unite Students. Critical Questions in Education Conference, New Orleans, LA

Scarborough, K. & Gerhardt, C. (Fall 2024). The learning community matters: Student education in higher education. Renewing and Reimagining Institutions for the Common Good: Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture, Baylor University, Baylor, TX

Scarborough, K., Shepard, T., & Kennedy, H. (May 2024). Books that Build Character. Higher Education Character Convening, Pensacola, FL

Sherman, H., Brooks, C., Zorotovich, J., Wenth, K., & Stackhouse-Morson, B. (2023). The Southeastern Council on Family Relations’ Social Media Push during and post the COVID-19 Pandemic. Affiliate Councils Workshop at the 2023 National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference

Wenth, K. (2024). Race and The Emerging Adulthood Years: Does the Path Look the Same? Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations 2024 Annual Conference, Bellevue, WA

Wenth, K. & Hill, C. H. (Spring 2024). Character Development in the College Classroom: Opportunities for Formative Influence. Annual Higher Education Character Convening, Pensacola Beach, FL

Zorotovich, J., Sherman, H., Brooks, C., Wenth, K., Stackhouse-Morson, B., & Hill, C. (2023). Engagement Dos and Don’ts: Innovative Strategies from the Southeastern Council on Family Relations. Affiliate Councils Workshop at the 2023 National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference


Beckham, L. (Summer 2024). Climate Change: The Leader’s Role in Restorative Practices. Southeast Conference on School Climate, Savannah, GA

Chandler, K. B. & Gerhardt, C. (Spring 2024). Envisioning the Values of Family Resource Management. Southeastern Council on Family Relations (SECFR) Annual Conference, Orange Beach, AL

Cleveland, B. & Beckham, L. (Summer 2024). Navigating the Seven C’s of Mindfulness in Education. Southeast Conference on School Climate, Savannah, GA

Gerhardt, C. & Chandler, K. B. (Spring 2024). Why Values Matter: Families as Mini-Communities of Character. Southeastern Council on Family Relations (SECFR) Annual Conference, Orange Beach, AL

Landrum, M. & Benton, A. (Spring 2024). Educational Administrators’ Implementation of Stress Relief Practices and their Descriptions of Perceived Benefits. Southeast Conference on School Climate, Savannah, GA

Scott, D. & Chism, K. (Fall 2023). Implementation of character education programs by high school administrators of national schools of character. Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Pensacola, FL

Wenth, K. & Hill, C. H. (Spring 2024). Transmission of Values in Family Systems. Southeastern Council on Family Relations (SECFR) Annual Conference, Orange Beach, AL

Witherspoon, M. (Fall 2023). Leadership and Service: A Winning Combination. 47th Southern Area Women’s Leadership Conference, Charlotte, NC


Chism, K. & Scarborough, K. (Spring 2024). Future Leader Mentor Program. Alabama Association of Professors of Educational Leadership virtual conference

Junjulas, S.S., McKinney, J.L., & Chandler, K.B. (Spring 2024). Mathematics Intervention: Finding the Right Equation. Alabama Association of Professors of Educational Leadership’s Spring Virtual Conference

Kennedy, H., Williams, A.G., & Cruise, M. (Spring 2024). A Shared Literacy Experience: Promoting Growth through Higher Education Partnerships in Special Education. Higher Education Reading Symposium at the University of North Alabama, Florence, AL

Kennedy, H. & Scarborough, K. (Fall 2023). Morning Meeting: Promoting Character, Community, & Inclusion. Alabama Early Intervention and Preschool Conference, Mobile, AL

Scarborough, K. (March 2024). Unlocking Promising Practices: Keys to Serving All Children. Alabama National Association of Multicultural Educators Conference, Montevallo, AL

Scarborough, K., Shepard, T., & King, T. (January 2024). Reading Fellows: An Initiative with 极乐禁地 & I3 Academy. Alabama Higher Education Science of Reading Symposium, Florence, AL

Shepard, T., Birkenfeld, K., & Hoagland, A. (Fall 2023). Exploring the Science of Reading: 7 Implications for Teacher Preparation. Alabama Higher Education Science of Reading Symposium, University of North Alabama, Florence, AL

Wenth, K., Hill, C., & Davis, J. (Fall 2023). Elevating Professionals in Family Science: Becoming Comfortable in the Uncomfortable. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Alabama Affiliate annual conference, Jacksonville, AL

Faculty Grants 2023-2024

Chism, K. (2023). Campbell Grant – Mentoring Aspiring Principals, $20,000

Kennedy, H. & Day, J. (2023). The Greenhouse Project: Growing Future Teachers through Science-Based Exploration. Faculty Development Grant. 极乐禁地, $1,600

Scarborough, K. (2023). Defending the Early Years Mini Grant – Let the Children Play Book Study, $500

Scarborough, K. (2023). Campbell Grant – Mentoring Aspiring Teachers, $20,000

Wenth, K. (2023). Trust-based Relational Intervention Practitioner Training. Faculty Development Grant, 极乐禁地, $4,000