Published on January 23, 2020 by Gregory K. Laughlin, Law Library Director 聽

Each academic year, the law library conducts a survey of our law students to assess how well we are serving your needs. The survey should take no more than three to four minutes to complete and will provide us with much needed information so that we can better serve you. The more students who respond, the better we will be able to match our resources and services to your needs. You may access it here: 

 We almost always get feedback which leads to changes in our resources and services. For example, after last year's survey, we purchased new lamps for all of the large work tables, providing both AC and USB outlets on top of the tables, purchased seat cushions for use with the wooden chairs, and designated the lower level for collaborative work and the other three floors for quiet study. We also added a Keurig, microwave oven, and shelving for a book exchange on the lower level, and magazine subscriptions and a variety of books to the reading lounge on the second floor. Some of these added resources have seen considerable use, while others have not. However, all were made based on student input. 

There remain two issues from last year's responses on which we are still working. First, we have arranged for the installation of a proximity card system to allow students expanded access to the law library during hours when we are not staffed. That system has been approved, but we are still waiting for its installation. We hope that it will be added sometime this semester. Second, we are exploring adding more study rooms, based both on the increase in demand we have seen and on feedback from last year's survey. We have sought cost estimates to do so and one of the questions in this year's survey is designed to better understand what student want in study rooms, several small ones or fewer larger ones. 

Thanks for your anticipated responses. The survey will remain open until noon on Friday, January 31.