Published on November 23, 2020 聽
As exam preparation begins, remember that Cumberland School of Law students have access to online study aids through the collections of the Lucille Stewart Beeson Law Library.  Primarily, access to those resources are provided through three databases: , , and the . The can be used to help identify resources on a particular topic.
In Using Study Aids Effectively: Three Things to Remember When Preparing for Finals, a CIO blog post that was published in April 2020, the following advice for using study aids is provided:
  1. Study aids should be used conjunction with the information that was received in class.
  2. Remember that commercial outlines may not always align with the material that is covered in class.
  3. Many study aids contain practice questions in both multiple choice and essay format.
Revisit the April 2020 post to learn more.
If you need assistance accessing the that are available through the law library’s collection, please contact a librarian:
Edward L. Craig Jr.
Reference Librarian
Leigh A. Jones
Evening and Weekend Reference Librarian
We wish you the very best on your exams. Also, we wish you a good (and safe) holiday break.