Published on January 6, 2020 聽

As the spring 2020 semester begins, it is important for law students to map out a schedule that allows you to accomplish all of your goals. A big part of that planning may (should) include setting aside time to study in the law library each week. As you plan your library study schedule, here are five things to remember: 

1. Current information about hours is posted on the law library’s website 

Beginning January 6, the law library will resume its regular hours, which are: 

Monday–Thursday: 7 a.m.–midnight

Friday: 7 a.m.–10 p.m.

Saturday: 9 a.m.–10 p.m.

Sunday: 1 p.m.–midnight

It is important to keep in mind that hours may change during holidays or interim periods. Therefore, by visiting the main page of the library’s website, you can locate the most up-to-date information concerning openings and closings. 

2. Collaborative workspaces are available throughout the library 

Although the law library maintains a strict noise policy, there are places where patrons can talk freely in order to work on collaborative projects and engage in group study sessions. Collaborative workspaces include the entire lower level of the library and, also, study rooms (which can be found on all floors). 

3. Study room availability can also be checked by visiting the law library’s website

If you need to know whether a study room is available, you can visit the and perform a keyword search for “conference room keys.” This search will let you know which study room keys are available for checkout. You can also follow the link that is available on the library’s main page.

4. Study aids for specific subject areas can be located by searching the online catalog 

Study aids covering various subjects are available, both in print and online. Aids that are in the reserve section can be checked out for three hours, while aids that are located in the second floor treatise collection can be checked out for seven days.  Online study aids are available through the LexisNexis Digital Library database. Both print and electronic study aids can be located by searching the .

5. If you ever have any questions about the law library’s resources and services, you can always contact a librarian. 

Reference Librarians, Edward L. Craig Jr. ( and Leigh A. Jones ( are available to answer any research questions that you might have. Contact information for other library faculty and staff can be found by visiting Law Library Staff contact page.