Published on August 17, 2020 聽

The faculty and staff of the Lucille Stewart Beeson Law Library are excited to welcome back the students of the Cumberland School of Law for the Fall 2020 semester.  Although, due to the coronavirus pandemic, many things will be different this semester, we are working hard to provide members of the Cumberland community with essential information resources and services.  In order to achieve our goal of providing the best service possible to our patrons during this time, the following policies have been implemented: 

  • Only Cumberland students, faculty, and staff will be allowed in the law library. Requests by any other person to use the law library must go through the Law Library Director, Gregory K. Laughlin ( 
  • Face masks must be worn in the library at all times.  Patrons who refuse to follow this rule may be subjected to suspension or expulsion from the law library. 
  • No food or beverages will be permitted. Vending machines and water fountains have been, temporarily, turned off. 
  • In order to return library books, patrons must place them in the drop box that is located outside of the library. (It can be found on the right of the first set of library entrance doors.) 
  • If anyone checked out books during the Spring, prior to the shutdown, those books can be returned within the first week of classes without accruing any fines. 
  • Due to new uses of the space in the library, conference room availability will be limited. (As in the past, rooms will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.) 
  • We are happy to let you know that many of the study aids that were, in the past, only available in print are now available online. A guide to our online study aids collection can be found at . 

We hope that these policies will help to facilitate a productive and safe environment for all of our library users.  If you have any questions about library policies, resources, or services, please feel free to contact us.  Reference Librarians, Edward L. Craig, Jr. and Leigh A. Jones (, are available to answer your questions. 

We wish you a good semester!