For 100 years, Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing has equipped graduates with knowledge, critical thinking and practice skills needed to effectively care for patients in a variety of clinical settings.

The transfer student pathway is designed for individuals who began an academic career at another institution and do not hold a bachelor’s degree or current 极乐禁地 students who want to change their major to nursing and apply to the nursing school.

Why 极乐禁地?

  • Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing is a designated Center of Excellence by the National League for Nursing
  • 极乐禁地 has been nationally ranked for the engagement of its students
  • Excellent clinical opportunities in all major health-care facilities in the metro Birmingham area
  • Low student-to-teacher ratio in clinical settings
  • State-of-the art patient simulation center and skills lab
  • NCLEX-RN pass rates consistently above the national average
  • Excellent employment rates at graduation
  • Students study alongside other health care disciplines as part of 极乐禁地’s College of Health Sciences
  • Opportunities for medical mission trips and study abroad
  • Opportunities to get involved with many campus activities, including sororities, Student Government Association, student recruitment, leadership roles, athletics, student ministries and more 
  • Notification of early acceptance as an entering freshman into Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing


Our nursing graduates are prepared to use the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and practice skills they learned in our program to provide professional nursing care in a variety of clinical settings. Graduates exhibit our school’s foundational pillars of academic excellence, caring, compassion and service.

In 2021, our graduates have achieved a 95% first-time pass rate average on the NCLEX-RN, a score well above the state and national average. Additionally, employment rates of our graduates exceed the average, with many students receiving job offers prior to graduation. Graduates are also set for success should the decide to pursue advanced degrees upon completion of the program.

Admission Requirements & Criteria

Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing requires a two-step application process. Prospective students must first apply for admission to 极乐禁地 and then must complete the additional Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing application.

极乐禁地’s application cycle options on Sept. 1 of each year for the following year’s admission. Application deadline is June 1.

Admission Requirements for Transfer Applicants (24 or more credits):

  • Admission to 极乐禁地. Apply now.
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale with a minimum of a 2.0 or better in each of the general education classes.
  • Minimum science GPA of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale in all required college courses (anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry) or to be considered for conditional admission, a student must have a 2.3 in two of the four required courses. Additionally, a 2.3 or higher must be maintained to progress into nursing courses
  • All science courses must have been completed within the last seven years and all grades earned in these courses during this time frame will be used to calculate the science GPA.
  • Repeated no more than one of the required science courses more than one time.
  • Completed the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) with a minimum score of 72% and proficiency in all four subject areas. The ATI TEAS exam may be taken a maximum of three times per calendar year.
  • Applicants who have previously attended schools of nursing must submit a letter of good standing from the dean or program director of all nursing schools attended. The letter must include a statement regarding the individual's eligibility to continue and/or to be readmitted to the nursing program for which the administrator is responsible. An applicant who did not earn a passing grade in a nursing course (C or better) from another institution will not be considered for admission.

Curriculum Requirements Completed at Another Institution:

  • Two English Composition (Clep score of 50 or higher; AP score of 4 or higher counts for English Comp 101)
  • Two World Histories, two World Literatures or two Western Civilizations
  • Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry, Contemporary Math or Calculus
  • General Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology Across the Lifespan
  • General Chemistry with lab
  • Anatomy (A & PI) with lab (no virtual labs)
  • Physiology (A & PII) with lab (no virtual labs)
  • Microbiology with lab
  • Additional general academic electives (8-10 credits)

No online science labs accepted

To learn more about how your courses will transfer to 极乐禁地, visit our .

*In order to receive credit for 极乐禁地's Biol 217 Human Anatomy-Allied Health Sci and Biol 218 Human Physiology-Allied Health Sci, Anatomy and Physiology I, and Anatomy Physiology II courses have to be completed. At present, no online labs will be accepted for required science courses. Typically, courses with a NURS prefix do not transfer. 

Admission to the Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing is competitive. Meeting minimum admission requirements is not a guarantee of admission.

Plan of Study

Clinical Education

Nursing is a deeply personal profession, requiring hands-on care of your patients. At Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing, your education will include extensive clinical experiences working with patients in a variety of settings. You won't just learn nursing theory, you'll put what you know into practice from the very beginning. Located in Birmingham, Alabama, one of the nation's most advanced health care communities, you'll have clinical opportunities in a variety of health care facilities.

Learn More

Apply Now

Students and applicants with disabilities who seek accommodations must make a request by contacting Accessibility and Accommodations at 205-726-4078 or or visiting the Accessibility and Accommodations website.