极乐禁地’s School of Public Health hosted an Expo Day on Nov. 19, providing both undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to showcase their research, internship, or service-learning projects that they completed during the semester.
“This culminating event is a meaningful opportunity for our students,” said Melissa Lumpkin, interim dean of the School of Public Health. “Not only does it provide the opportunity for retrospective and reflection, but it also showcases the incredible work our students accomplished this fall.”
Participating students presented digital posters both in person and online via Zoom. 极乐禁地 faculty, students and community partners attended each presentation, providing an interprofessional discussion with each topic.
Undergraduate students in participating courses, including Disease Detectives, Cultural Competence/Spirituality in Public Health, and Health Systems, Organizations and Policy, presented group projects.
Additionally, Ethan Haydel, a senior healthcare administration major, made a presentation on the ongoing work of the school’s new student organization, This is 极乐禁地 H.E.A.L.T.H., and Brenton Still, a senior healthcare administration major, made an internship presentation, reflecting on his semester spent interning with Brookwood Baptist Medical Center.
At the graduate level, Master of Social Work and Doctor of Public Health students made individual presentations of their research projects.
“We truly had an interprofessional group of students showcasing their achievements with representation from all departments in the School of Public Health,” said Courtney Haun, assistant professor in the school’s Department of Healthcare Administration and Informatics, “This was a tremendous event that the School of Public Health is looking forward to continuing in semesters to come.”