“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.” – Romans 12:4-8
I applied to be a student staffer for Animate 2024 without many expectations; I had heard about Animate through some friends who had participated or worked at past Animate camps, but I applied on a whim. Little did I know, I would be truly blown away by the work I would see the Lord do in the participating students, my fellow staff members, and in me.
During the week of Animate, I worked as a member of the Hospitality & Logistics Team (H&L), a team dedicated to making sure camp runs smoothly behind-the-scenes. I spent a lot of time throughout the week running around to different Toolbox classes, preparing common hospitality/rest spaces, setting up and tearing down events, and being the hands and feet for whoever needed something done. Being a part of this team was truly such a wonderful experience. I had the opportunity to be involved in the parts of Animate that most people don’t really get to see, and it was empowering and encouraging to be able to work alongside dedicated and efficient people who truly cared about the work we were doing. It can be easy to overlook the things people do behind-the-scenes of a camp like Animate and forget how much work is involved because they only see the finished product. So, getting to have a tangible role in making sure everything ran smoothly was an eye-opening privilege for me. It gave me a greater understanding of what it takes for a collaborative team to work effectively, and I gained deep appreciation for those who dedicated even MORE time and resources preparing and planning for the week.
Working H&L was special to me because I got to participate in the fulfilling background work of Animate. But the sweetest part of it all was that I got to see and participate in a beautiful picture of the greater Christian Church. Paul writes in Romans 12 about how all people in the Church make up one body while each member has a unique and distinct function. All roles work together using their individual strengths to create a functioning and thriving body. I saw this concept come to life at Animate. Even among the staff, we had people working toward the same purpose while serving in very different roles, like leading worship or small groups. It was beautiful to witness everyone using their spiritual gifts, skills, and talents to create something truly special and meaningful.
My favorite thing about working Animate, however, was getting to see the students really lean into their giftings and passions and use them to worship and promote the Kingdom of God. Because I spent a lot of time running around with H&L, I sadly did not get to spend as much time with my small group at the beginning of the week. But on the fourth day of camp, we had our annual Festival of Worship, and I was able to spend that entire day with my small group as they prepared for their worship service. As leaders, we were simply in the room to offer support for our students while they created, prepared for, and rehearsed their service all on their own.
My team of students started out the morning with a bit of timidness, as they were wondering if they were really ready to lead a whole service on their own. But throughout the day, with a little encouragement from me and our other team leaders, they started to become emboldened and motivated to create and lead something meaningful. We had middle schoolers and high schoolers stepping up to create graphics and slides, learning to play the songs on piano or drums, writing and giving a sermon, creating visual art, leading a band, preparing Scripture and testimonies, and even creating a dance for their worship service. These young people were doing things that, at the beginning of the week, they would have never thought they could do. It was inspiring and encouraging to witness.
Each one of the students at Animate, whether they were in my group or any of the other groups, showed incredible courage and boldness to step into their gifts and callings. They led rooms full of their peers, adults, pastors, musicians, artists, etc. in truly beautiful and heartfelt worship. I was moved to tears by multiple groups, simply because I was seeing the fruit of what those kids had been praying for and learning about all week: they are children of God, created to worship and glorify the Lord using their talents and interests given to them by their Heavenly Father, planned out for them long before they were even born. Animate is an incredibly special camp and opportunity for staff, students, and adults alike. It is a remarkable picture of the Kingdom of God, and it beautifully opens the door for young people to step into something they might have once thought was too big or out of reach for them. Teenagers are encouraged to realize that they can lead others in worship and are inspired to return to their churches and communities to share the Gospel and what they’ve learned, continuing to praise the Lord and give credit to the Giver of all good things.
I was honestly changed by the work I saw the Lord do in those students, and I am grateful to have been able to witness it in such a tangible way. The body of the Church needs all types of people, and I think Animate fosters that very well; by serving through hospitality, I got to use my skills and gifts while seeing others use theirs. The Kingdom of God is truly being advanced through the students I met last summer, and I cannot wait for Animate 2025 to see how He continues to move even more.
Animate 2025 registration opens February 3, 2025! Don’t miss out—visit the program website now to register your interest and be the first to know when it officially launches!
Caroline Lewis is a junior at 极乐禁地, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Music. Originally from Olive Branch, MS, she serves as a Student Resident for the Center for Worship and the Arts (CWA) and works for Technology Services in the Davis Library. Caroline was part of the Animate 2024 Student Staff, serving on the Hospitality and Logistics team, and looks forward to contributing to Animate 2025. Passionate about young people and their role in worship and the Church, Caroline is actively involved at Redeemer Community Church in Birmingham, where she participates in college ministry and teaches in the children’s program. She also studies voice and plays piano, combining her love for music and ministry in her work and studies.
For further reflections on Animate, check out:
What We’re Learning 极乐禁地 Young People and Worship at Animate: What is Animate Again?
What We’re Learning 极乐禁地 Young People and Worship at Animate: What Our Research Study Looked Like
What We’re Learning 极乐禁地 Young People and Worship at Animate: Themes from Our Findings, Part 1
What We’re Learning 极乐禁地 Young people and Worship at Animate: Themes from Our Findings, Part 2
What We’re Learning 极乐禁地 Young People and Worship at Animate: Final Thoughts and Future Study
Coming Home to Diverse Worship Practices – A Fuller Picture of the Glory of God