2025 Nominations: February 10 - March 7
To be eligible, candidates must have graduated with at least one 极乐禁地 degree. These awards are the highest awards presented by the 极乐禁地 Alumni Association.
Announcements will take place this summer and will be awarded during Homecoming Weekend (November 7-8).
Thanks in advance for submitting your nominations for these prestigious awards!
Award Requirements
Alumnus of the Year
The Alumnus of the Year award honors 极乐禁地 graduates of true distinction in their careers, making significant contributions through their professions. Honorees are widely known and acknowledged as a person of national or global distinction, display substantial leadership and embody the 极乐禁地 mission.
Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year
The Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year award honors alumni between the ages of 21 and 39 who have made significant contributions through their professional careers, displayed true distinction in leadership and embody the 极乐禁地 mission.
Humanitarian of the Year
The Humanitarian of the Year award honors 极乐禁地 graduates of true distinction, wide respect and acknowledged leadership. Nominees are recognized for having given selflessly and working tirelessly to better the lives of others and society at large as well as embody the 极乐禁地 mission.
Past Recipients
- Alumnus of the Year - Eric Motley
- Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year - Isaac Cooper
- Humanitarian of the Year - Jenny Waltman
- Alumnus of the Year – Lynn Boggs
- Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year – Chad Trull
- Humanitarians of the Year – Susan and Ken Berg
- Humanitarian of the Year – Lindy Cleveland
- Alumnus of the Year – Gary Cooney
- Alumnus of the Year – Jody Hunt
- Outstanding Young Alumna of the Year – Alex McLure Colvin
- Humanitarian of the Year – Herbie Newell
- Humanitarian of the Year – Lynn Smith
- Alumnus of the Year – G. Michael Escoe
- Outstanding Young Alumna of the Year – Lindsey Harris
- Outstanding Young Alumna of the Year – Mary Kathryn Steel
- Humanitarians of the Year – Katherine and Jay Wolf
- Alumnus of the Year - John Floyd
- Outstanding Young Alumna of the Year - Jewel Littleton-Williams
- Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year - Randall Woodfin
- Humanitarian of the Year - Meredith Toering
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Bradley Dennis
- Alumna of the Year - Kimeran Brown Stevens
- Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year - Jeremy Towns
- Humanitarians of the Year - Dr. Tyler and Allison Pittman Fuqua
- Alumnus of the Year - Joel Brooks
- Alumnus of the Year - Chief Judge Stephen Louis Armstrong Dillard
- Outstanding Young Alumna of the Year - Lauren Lunceford Dunnam
- Humanitarian of the Year - Amy Jo Osborn
- Humanitarians of the Year - Jade and Shelah Hubbard Acker
- Outstanding Young Alumna - Katie Murnane
- Alumna of the Year - Anne Glaze Stone
- Alumnus of the Year - William R. Baggett
- Alumnus of the Year - Keith Herron
- Alumnus of the Year - Fred Kingren
- Humanitarian of the Year - Carolyn Maull McKinstry
- Humanitarian of the Year - Stephen B. Moss
- Outstanding Young Alumnus - Andrew Patterson
- Alumna of the Year - Karen Carlisle
- Alumnus of the Year - Todd Carlisle
- Alumnus of the Year - Larry Cox
- Outstanding Young Alumnus - Houston Estes
- Alumna of the Year - Brenda Mitchell Hackney
- Alumna of the Year - Hon. Helen Shores Lee
- Alumnus of the Year - Bryan K. Owens
- Outstanding Young Alumnus - Jeff Stephens
- Alumnus of the Year - Mark Cottingham
- Alumnus of the Year - Mickey Newsome
- Alumna of the Year - Sylvia Snider Young
- Outstanding Young Alumnus - Patrick Devereux
- Alumnus of the Year - James Huskey
- Alumnus of the Year - Kerry Gossett
- Alumna of the Year - MaryAnn Buffington Moon
- Alumnus of the Year - Rickie D. Moon
- Outstanding Young Alumna - Kitty Brown
- Alumnus of the Year - Joe McDade
- Alumnus of the Year - Mark Davidson
- Outstanding Young Alumnus - Ted Alling
- Outstanding Young Alumnus - Barry Large
- Outstanding Young Alumnus - Allan Davis
- Alumna of the Year - Ann Thornton Field
- Alumnus of the Year - William J. Stevens
- Outstanding Young Alumnus - Eric Motley
- Alumna of the Year - Carolyn Yeager Robinson
- Alumnus of the Year - Col. Michael Robinson
- Alumnus of the Year - Bennie Bumpers
- Alumna of the Year - Paula Hovater
- Alumnus of the Year - Rod Hovater
- Alumnus of the Year - Walt Barnes
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Sigurd F. Bryan
- Alumna of the Year - Carol J. Guthrie
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. George Irons, Jr.
- Alumnus of the Year - William E. Cash
- Alumnus of the Year - Pat M. Courington, Sr.
- Alumna of the Year - Martha Ann Cox
- Alumnus of the Year - S. Todd Crider
- Alumna of the Year - Betsy Box
- Alumnus of the Year - William E. Hull
- Alumnus of the Year - Luther Durwood McAlister
- Alumna of the Year - Dr. Wanda Lee
- Alumnus of the Year - Marvin Mann
- Alumna of the Year - Hon. Karon O. Bowdre
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. William C. Dooley
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. W. Randall Lolley
- Alumna of the Year - Dr. Betsy Rogers
- Alumna of the Year - S. Elizabeth Futral
- Alumnus of the Year - Howard G. Clark III
- Alumnus of the Year - Francois Coutu
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. George F. Scofield
- Alumna of the Year - Patricia Trent Scofield
- Alumnus of the Year - Eddie Miller
- Alumna of the Year - Anne George
- Alumnus of the Year - Carl E. Miller, Jr.
- Alumna of the Year - Dr. Mary Lynne H. Capilouto
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Lonnie W. Funderburg
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. James D. Moebes
- Alumnus of the Year - Herman Moore
- Alumna of the Year - Margaret W. Morland
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. James A. Ward, Jr.
- Alumnus of the Year - William J. Ward
- Alumnus of the Year - William S. Propst
- Alumnus of the Year - Malcolm K. Miller, Jr.
- Alumnus of the Year - John W. Duren
- Alumnus of the Year - Herschel H. Hobbs
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Robert Glen Waldrop
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Ray C. Williams
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Clayton McWhorter
- Alumna of the Year - Dr. Grace E. Marquez
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Arthur L. Walker, Jr.
- Alumna of the Year - Ida V. Moffett
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Frank W. Donaldson
- Alumnus of the Year - J. Wayne Flynt
- Alumnus of the Year - Cecil E. Wanninger
- Alumnus of the Year - Tracy B. Burger
- Alumnus of the Year - Gene C. Kelser
- Alumnus of the Year - Howard F. McCord
- Alumna of the Year - Hon. Janie L. Shores
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. J. Claude Bennett
- Alumna of the Year - Miss Mildred Blankenship
- Alumna of the Year - Mary Louise S. Hodges
- Alumnus of the Year - Loyal Phillips
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. William C. Rhodes
- Alumna of the Year - Dr. Catherine B. Allen
- Alumnus of the Year - Robert C. Bowden
- Alumnus of the Year - John Will Gay
- Alumna of the Year - Dr. Martha Hagood
- Alumnus of the Year - A. Gerow Hodges
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Hugh Mattison Linder
- Alumna of the Year - Irene McCombs
- Alumna of the Year - Mrs. May L. Adams
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Ira Simmons
- Alumnus of the Year - Guy H. Caffey, Jr.
- Alumna of the Year - Dr. Martha J. Stewart
- Alumna of the Year - Elsie D. Waller
- Alumna of the Year - Lucille Dorroh Burton
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. L. August Lovegren
- Alumnus of the Year - Robert E. Lambert, Jr.
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Clyde J. Dotson
- Alumna of the Year - Lucille Ford Moore
- Alumna of the Year - Dorothy Youngblood Woodyerd
- Alumna of the Year - Edwina A. Rose
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Carl Whirley
- Alumna of the Year - Dean Margaret S. Douglass
- Alumnus of the Year - Curtis Bush Hasty
- Alumnus of the Year - Harold E. Martin
- Alumna of the Year - Nina Miglionico
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Charles Bowdon Kingry
- Alumna of the Year - Ada Rae Pass
- Alumnus of the Year - Emmett David Bates
- Alumna of the Year - Ruth Davis O'Kelley
- Alumnus of the Year - Andrew Hendrix Knight
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Hamilton Reid
- Alumnus of the Year - Earl Goodwin
- Alumnus of the Year - Charles W. Gross
- Alumnus of the Year - J. Orlando Ogle
- Alumnus of the Year - Dr. Wiley Ogletree
- Alumnus of the Year - A.P. Longshore
- Alumnus of the Year - Albert Lee Smith
- Alumnus of the Year - Algermon L. Smith
- Alumnus of the Year - J. C. Inzer
- Alumnus of the Year - Peyton A. Eubank
- Alumnus of the Year - Joseph D. Heacock