Ronald  Sterling
Lecturer in Pastoral Studies and Spiritual Formation, Director of Student Services and Placement Services
Beeson Divinity School
聽Divinity Hall

Ronald Sterling joined the Beeson faculty and staff as a part-time lecturer and director of student services in 2017, and became director of placement services in October 2023. In this part-time role, Sterling teaches courses in the areas of spiritual formation and pastoral ministry. As director of student services, he will give special attention to matters of racial reconciliation and student retention. An ordained minister in the African Methodist Episcopal denomination for twenty years, Sterling helps to maintain and forge stronger ties with this important constituency and also assist in recruiting prospective students. Sterling is the pastor of Saint John AME Church in Birmingham. For several years, he also has provided chaplaincy services to the UAB Health System in Birmingham as a PRN Chaplain. Sterling is married to Kim, and they have three children and eight grandchildren.


  • DMin, Beeson Divinity School
  • MDiv, Beeson Divinity School
  • BS, Southern University

Get to Know Dr. Sterling