Beeson is committed to in-person, incarnational learning. Our graduates will serve in relational ministry in Christian community, and our in-person model prepares them for this future during their seminary years. Our covenanted community will form you as a Christ-follower and minister of the Gospel as you live life with your fellow students, enjoying shared meals, attending chapel services and sharpening one another through mentor groups.
Beeson’s commitment to in-person theological education has been transformative in my life. I wouldn’t do it any other way. I’ve been so grateful to have deep relationships with fellow classmates, friendships I didn’t know I needed before my time at Beeson. —Cole Shiflet, MDiv student
There are people here who long for the name of Jesus to be known. And when you have that in community, it will sharpen you for the rest of your life. —J.T. Reeves, MDiv student
Beeson is committed to bringing students together from a variety of backgrounds, with more than 15 Protestant denominations represented within our student body. Students share a common belief in the core, historic beliefs of the Christian faith while growing in their appreciation of the richness and contributions of other backgrounds, all while being prepared to serve well within their own denominations.
Beeson’s interdenominational community has encouraged my view of the global church’s future and is shaping how different traditions can beautifully blend together. —Nancy Hartin, MATS student
Beeson prepares God-called men and women for ministry in the church of Jesus Christ. We believe in the One Triune God of holiness and love: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are committed to the great tradition of historic Christian orthodoxy. Therefore, we believe in the cardinal doctrine of justification by grace through faith, the tenet by which the church either stands or falls. We also believe that the good news of God’s gracious salvation in Christ is clearly taught in God’s written Word, the Bible; its fully inspiration and total truthfulness we confess and to its authority we submit. This rich core of commitments forms the basis of our unity as a theological, interdenominational community centered on Jesus Christ.
Beeson’s evangelical ethos was a major reason why I chose to study here. Beeson equips men and women to study God’s word rigorously, to preach the gospel clearly and to make disciples of all nations. Beeson’s evangelical ethos will help me obey the Great Commission with greater catholicity, arm in arm with other evangelicals united in the Gospel.
—Salvador Blanco-Perello, MDiv student
Our students commit to rigorous, full-time study during their time at Beeson, aided by scholarship assistance for every full-time master's-level student. We offer three master's degrees and two advanced degrees, certificates for Anglican and Wesleyan ministers and a certificate for those preparing for cross-cultural missions. Our world-class faculty is prepared to help shape you for the work God has called you to, and our admissions team is available to help you along the way. Join us at Beeson and experience the Beeson difference.
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