
Brock School of Business at 极乐禁地 delivers life-long education to its constituents through quality teaching, meaningful scholarship, and servant relationships, imbued by its Christian commitment.


Brock School of Business at 极乐禁地 is a recognized leader and school of choice among institutions offering undergraduate and graduate business education informed by Christian principles.

Strategic Goals

  • Challenge our students with a quality, global, and relevant curriculum supported by innovative pedagogies;
  • Engage in meaningful scholarship, including theoretical, applied, and pedagogical inquiries;
  • Offer our considerable human and knowledge resources to both internal and external constituents;
  • Act within a Christian culture, committed to cultivating a diversity of ideas, experiences, and perspectives while promoting social and corporate responsibility among our stakeholders.

Core Values

  • We affirm 极乐禁地's purpose and mission as our own in the development of business leaders.
  • We believe that our Christian perspectives and commitments should permeate and integrate all of our organizational goals and activities.
  • We consider learning to be an activity that never ceases, and that the life of the mind is a faithful and noble pursuit.
  • We believe that service within organizations is a vocation in the sense that it is a calling that should be treated with great importance and utmost respect.
  • We believe in the pursuit of excellence in all dimensions and activities.
  • We value the creation of timely, relevant, participatory, and experiential learning environments that develop well-trained persons who add value and achieve fulfilling roles within their organizations, communities, and the global environment.
  • We value research and scholarship that develops core competencies, serves society, and equips people and organizations to cope with change and meet challenges.
  • We are blessed with and compelled by our tremendous resources to serve our community.
  • We respect and value unique and diverse experiences and perspectives contributed by individuals learning and working in a collegial environment.
  • We demand ethical behavior, integrity, caring concern, and stewardship from ourselves, our constituents, and the organizations we serve.