Thank you for your interest in supporting Brock School of Business. Now more than ever, donations from alumni, corporations and friends are critical to sustaining the high quality of our academic programs and to ensuring that the school offers a rewarding student experience. No matter the size, your gift will make a difference and is greatly appreciated.
Support the Future of Accounting at 极乐禁地!
极乐禁地 Brock School of Business is preparing to search for a new chair to lead its accounting department. An enhanced stipend will allow us to be competitive in the market and attract top-notch candidates. To fund this initiative, the Brock School of Business Dean’s and Accounting Advisory Boards have established an Accounting Department Chair Endowment with a goal of $700,000 to create a permanent source of funding for this position.
Your support of this endowment will help assure the hiring of the right candidate who will lead 极乐禁地 Brock School of Business’s accounting program for years to come. The new chair will be a key component for the future growth of 极乐禁地’s accounting program. He or she will be integral in helping recruit more students to the accounting major and Master of Accountancy program.
To date, over $600,000 in gifts, company matches and pledges has been secured, but we aren’t finished yet. As 极乐禁地 alumni, donors and friends, please consider making a gift to support this important initiative so our new chair will be set up for success, priming him or her to have a lasting impact on our students as they begin their careers.
Multi-year pledges for up to five years can be made.
Make a PledgeQuestions?
Contact Kristen Evans, Brock School of Business advancement officer, at or 205-726-4108.
Academic Programs
Endowed Faculty Appointments
Funds to name and establish endowed chairs or professorships in each of the critical disciplinary areas. Such gifts would permanently endow funds to attract and retain top professors in Brock School of Business, and these new professorships would enable the school to offer expanded and high-quality programs in their designated areas.
Endowed Faculty Awards
Dr. Jennings B. Marshall Undergraduate Teaching Award
This award, named in honor of retired Professor of Economics Jennings B. Marshall, is given to a full-time member of the Brock School of Business faculty who demonstrates excellence in undergraduate teaching. In addition to the award, an endowment has been established in his name and will support an annual faculty stipend.
Dr. Robert W. (Bill) Service Graduate Teaching Award
This award, named in honor of retired Professor of Management Bill Service, is given to a full-time member of the Brock School of Business faculty who demonstrates excellence in graduate teaching. In addition to the award, an endowment has been established in his name and will support an annual faculty stipend.
Excellence Funds
Brock School of Business uses these funds for enrichment opportunities for students and faculty mentors to promote excellence and take advantage of opportunities to enhance regular business education and research. Excellence funds include:
Each fund may be supported by clicking on the appropriate links above.
Places and Spaces
Cooney Hall, home to 极乐禁地's Brock School of Business, is a state-of-the-art facility for educational instruction, faculty collaboration, student innovation and community partnership.
Opened in 2015, Cooney Hall was 100% funded by fall 2019. Thanks to the generousity of alumni, faculty, staff, friends, family and corporate partners, these funds will aid in technology upgrades, equipment replacement and general maintenance of the physical structure of Cooney Hall for years to come.
Annual Scholarships
Annual commitments can be signed for any amount of money, usually between $1,500-$5,000 per year for at least three years. These scholarship funds can be sponsored by individuals, families or corporations.
Betsy Bugg Holloway Scholarship
Dr. Betsy Bugg Holloway has served on the Brock School of Business faculty since 2002. During her time as full-time member of the Brock School faculty, Dr. Holloway was instrumental in the creation of the marketing major, was the founding program coordinator for the Brock Scholars honors program, and served as the Dwight Moody Beeson Chair of Business. Dr. Holloway moved to university leadership serving first as chief marketing officer then vice president for marketing and communication at 极乐禁地. Both the annual and endowed scholarships are awarded to the rising senior marketing major with the highest cumulative business school GPA.
Hovater Family Scholarship
The Hovater Family scholarship was established by Rod and Paula Hovater who are both 极乐禁地 graduates as well as their son, Russell. Rod serves on the Brock School of Business Dean’s Advisory Board. It is their desire to assist deserving students who are excelling in the classroom and hold great promise for the future.
Kay Sims Dixon Scholarship
Bill Dixon, a 1976 极乐禁地 graduate and member of our Brock School of Business Dean’s Advisory Board, created this scholarship to honor his wife, Kay Sims Dixon. Bill, now retired, was a senior vice president of marketing at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama. Blue Cross/Blue Shield has also been a wonderful friend of the school, generously sponsoring our Wall Street Journal newspaper program.
Chuck and Pam Carson Scholarship for Entrepreneurs
This scholarship was created in 2009 with support from Dean Chad Carson and his wife, Merry. It supports a junior or senior Brock School of Business student who is majoring in entrepreneurship. Preference for this award is given to students who hold a GPA of 3.0 or better, have participated in mission work, and/or seek to join a family-owned business upon graduation.
Lillian Chandler Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Brad and Amy Simpson. It is their desire to assist deserving Brock School of Business students who are excelling in the classroom and display an obvious passion for 极乐禁地.
Kelly Academic Excellence Scholarship
This scholarship is given by John and Laura Kelly and recognizes an excellent female student currently enrolled in Brock School of Business. Laura Kelly exemplifies excellence as a 1978 graduate who has held key leadership roles at American Express, Dunn & Bradstreet and today, CoreLogic.
Scroggins Family Scholarship in Marketing
This scholarship was established by Judy and James Scroggins to be awarded annually to a student majoring in marketing who demonstrates a remarkable work ethic. The Scroggins’ children, Devon and Dylan, are both graduates of Brock School of Business.
Emory and Brennis Floyd Scholarship
This generous scholarship was established by Bill Floyd ’70, M.B.A. ’75, a representative for State Farm Insurance. This fund was established to honor his parents, Emory and Brennis Floyd. Preference for this award is given to a student who is steady and hardworking and demonstrates strong integrity.
The CFC Family Scholarship
This annual scholarship is given by Lauren Cooksey who is a 2017 cum laude Brock School of Business graduate who majored in marketing and management. The CFC stands for Cooksey, Fuller, and Carpenter…the three families that have supported Lauren throughout her education. The student must have a minimum GPA of 3.3 with preference given to those pursuing management, marketing or professional sales. The student should be well-rounded in academics, extra-curricular activities and show a strong work ethic.
David Oakley Scholarship in Entrepreneurship
The David Oakley Scholarship in Entrepreneurship is awarded to a student who demonstrates two qualities beyond standard academic achievement: a deep passion for entrepreneurship and a remarkable work ethic.
The George Jenkins Business Scholarship
The George Jenkins Business Scholarship was established by Julie Jenkins Fancelli. This significant donation honors the legacy of Fancelli’s father, George Jenkins. The fund will award scholarships annually in Brock School of Business through the 2023-24 academic year. This year we recognize 25 students for the George Jenkins Business Scholarship.
The Betsy Claire Rofe and Paul Edwin Rofe Scholarship
The Betsy Claire Rofe and Paul Edwin Rofe Scholarship was established in 2019 to be awarded annually to a worthy student with a GPA of 3.0 or better.
The Alex Tian Scholarship
The Alex Tian Scholarship was established in 2020 by Alex Tian for a business student who shows promise and potential for future success.
The Blackerby Family Annual Scholarship
The Blackerby Family Annual Scholarship is awarded to a Brock School of Business student majoring in marketing or entrepreneurship. Preference is given to students who are members of arts organizations or participants in arts events at 极乐禁地.
Master of Accountancy Scholarships
This scholarship is awarded to outstanding undergraduate accounting students who have chosen to pursue their Master of Accountancy (M.Acc.) at 极乐禁地.
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute Scholarships
The Chartered Financial Analyst program, administered by the global CFA Institute, is considered the most recognized and respected credential in the investment management industry. The CFA Institute awards scholarships annually for 极乐禁地 finance students to take the CFA exams. The scholarship is awarded based on graduates’ potential to successfully pursue and obtain their CFA certification.
Bonnie Elliot Risk Management and Insurance Annual and Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is named in honor of Bonnie Elliott by her son, Jack, a 2021 graduate of 极乐禁地 and prominent leader in the Risk Management and Insurance industry. Jack’s passion for the RMI industry and the opportunities for students to matriculate from 极乐禁地 into careers in the industry led him to establish this scholarship.
Mall Family RMI Annual and Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by John, Jessica, Mike and Donna Fisher Mall to honor Donna's retirement from her tenured career in the insurance industry in October 2023. Donna spent over 40 years in the insurance industry. Donna's children have followed in her footsteps and pursued careers in insurance. John, a 极乐禁地 graduate works as an excess and surplus lines insurance broker and currently serves on the risk management advisory board of 极乐禁地. The scholarship aims to recognize the Mall family's dedication and contributions to the insurance industry and to inspire other 极乐禁地 students and graduates to pursue a career in the field.
CRC Group Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible by CRC Group, a wholesale & specialty insurance provider. It was created for students interested in careers in Risk Management and Insurance.
Edwin L. Trowbridge Annual and Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by James and Brooke Graham in honor of James' grandfather, Edwin "Ed" Trowbridge. Ed was a financial advisor for most of his career and one of the first people to introduce James to the financial planning industry. James created this scholarship to honor his grandfather and the legacy he created as an advisory. This scholarship recognizes a student who is pursuing a career in the risk management and insurance or financial planning industry.
RIMS Alabama Chapter Scholarship
This scholarship is for a 极乐禁地 student who is pursuing a risk management and insurance concentration, or a student interested in pursuing a career in risk management and insurance
Timothy Willis Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was recently established by Kristin Coffield Rakoczy in honor of Timothy Edward Willis. Timothy attended 极乐禁地 graduating 2011 cum laude from Brock School of Business. In December 2020, Timothy went to be with the Lord. His kindness, wittiness and love for people were brightly shining until his last breath. This scholarship is meant to recognize a student with a vibrant personality and a passion for learning.
Walter M. Graham Sr. Annual and Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by James and Brooke Graham in honor of James' grandfather, Walter M. Graham Sr. At a young age, he taught James the value of being a steward of money, valuing hard work and being generous to others. He would spend time with his grandchildren educating them on how to make money, how to invest money, adn why we are called to help others. These lessons motivated James to pursue a career in business and ultimately financial planning as a tool to help others be good stewards of their money. This scholarship recognizes a student who has been impacted by a grandparent, resulting in him/her wanting to pursue a career in business.
Endowed Scholarships
Permanently endowed and named scholarships for undergraduate and graduate Brock School of Business students. Minimum amounts for such funds would be $25,000 each, which would provide approximately $1,500 annually to a student. These scholarship funds can be sponsored by individuals, families or corporations.
Danny Wood Endowed Scholarship
Shades Mountain Baptist Church established the Danny Wood Endowed Scholarship in honor of its longtime senior pastor Danny Wood, who retired Aug. 15, 2021. Prior to graduating from Beeson Divinity School and teaching business ethics classes in Brock School of Business, Wood began his career in business. This scholarship supports students in the social entrepreneurship and nonprofit management program who desire to pursue redemptive entrepreneurship across the globe.
Ben M. Elrod Scholarship
Established by Drs. Andrew and Jeanna Westmoreland, this scholarship honors Dr. Andrew Westmoreland’s mentor, Ben M. Elrod. Elrod served as the 13th president of Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas from 1988 until 1998. Westmoreland succeeded Elrod as the 14th president of Ouachita in January of 1998. Elrod's life and witness were of extraordinary significance to the members of the Westmoreland family. As the young pastor of a prominent Baptist church in Arkansas during the early 1960s, Elrod led in the racial integration of the congregation and was a lifelong proponent of racial justice. Scholarships will be awarded to Brock School of Business students who are underrepresented in the 极乐禁地 student body population, or who have overcome obstacles such as socioeconomic or educational disadvantage.
Alton P. Barr Scholarship
In 1989, the children of Mr. and Mrs. Alton P. Barr created a scholarship fund in honor of their parents, both of whom attended Howard College. Mr. Barr also served as a trustee of Howard College. The Brock School of Business awards committee selects recipients who have strong academic credentials and professional promise.
Betsy Bugg Holloway Scholarship
Dr. Betsy Bugg Holloway has served on the Brock School of Business faculty since 2002. During her time as full-time member of the Brock School faculty, Dr. Holloway was instrumental in the creation of the marketing major, was the founding program coordinator for the Brock Scholars honors program, and served as the Dwight Moody Beeson Chair of Business. Dr. Holloway moved to university leadership serving first as chief marketing officer then vice president for marketing and communication at 极乐禁地. Both the annual and endowed scholarships are awarded to the rising senior marketing major with the highest cumulative business school GPA.
Richard D. Horsley Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established by a generous gift from Richard D. Horsley, a former 极乐禁地 student and longtime trustee. Recipients of this honor are selected on the basis of academic achievement, demonstrated leadership and membership in the Beta Gamma Sigma honors organization.
Cook's Pest Control Scholarship in Entrepreneurship
This scholarship recognizes students who demonstrate academic excellence in addition to strong leadership qualities and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Marlene Mints Reed Scholarship
This scholarship was originally established by an alumna of the business school to honor Dr. Marlene Reed, a former professor and acting dean in Brock School of Business. Further funds to endow this scholarship were donated by Reed and her husband, friends and former associates. The recipient is selected on the basis of their Christian character and academic achievements.
The Thomas P. Williams Scholarship
This scholarship was established by a gift from Thomas P. Williams. Scholarship recipients selected are worthy and deserving business majors who demonstrate academic promise and scholarship.
William D. Geer Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the founding dean of the Brock School of Business, Dr. William D. Geer. The scholarship fund has been endowed by his friends, family, former colleagues, and alumni of the school. This scholarship recognizes academic promise of outstanding Brock School of Business freshmen.
Robert and Camelia Holmes Scholarship
This scholarship was given by Robert Holmes Jr., a 极乐禁地 trustee, in honor of his father and mother.
William Hester Manly Memorial Scholarship
The William Hester Manly memorial scholarship is awarded to business students who exemplify high scholarship and Christian character. The students must also hold promise of leadership and service in their chosen field.
Joseph Oral Dean & Willard McCay Dean Memorial Scholarship
Bill and Joe Dean established the Joseph Oral Dean & Willard McCay Dean Memorial scholarship in honor of their parents. Recipients are chosen based on the evidence of character, worthiness and academic excellence. This scholarship was designed to assist worthy students with high moral character in completing their undergraduate education with less financial burden.
Hoffman C. & Martha H. Harless Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded annually to a business major who demonstrates scholarship, character and worthiness.
Branan Family Scholarship
The Branan Family Scholarship was established in 1998 by Mark and Sarah Branan. Mark graduated from 极乐禁地 in 1991 with a degree in accounting and has been involved in several entrepreneurial ventures. Sarah's career has been one of service, through nursing and teaching at the university level. She graduated from 极乐禁地's Moffett and Sanders School of Nursing in 2020 with a Doctor of Nursing Practice. This scholarship was established to identify promising students in the freshman class and recognize those outstanding students choosing to major in business.
President and Mrs. Beck A. Taylor Endowed Scholarship
Beck A. Taylor, former dean of the Brock School of Business and 极乐禁地’s 19th president, established this scholarship to honor students of merit majoring in economics. Additional contributions to this fund have been received from friends, alumni, advisory board members and colleagues. The student recipient selected is based on academic achievement in the field of economics.
Fred Hendon Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor Dr. Fred Hendon who retired from the Brock School of Business in 2007 after more than 40 years of service. This scholarship has been funded by friends, colleagues and former students of Dr. Hendon to recognize his many years of service to the school and to 极乐禁地.
Mickey Newsome Scholarship in Business
This scholarship was established in 2008 by Mickey Newsome, a 1962 graduate of Brock School of Business, member of the Dean’s Advisory Board and now emeritus chairman of Hibbett Sports. The fund was created in order to honor Newsome’s 48-year career with Hibbett.
Carolyn Mickler Murdock Scholarship
This scholarship was established by James K. Murdock in memory of his wife, Carolyn Mickler Murdock. Murdock, a 1951 graduate of 极乐禁地’s School of Business, was married to his wife for over 60 years and she often spoke to him of the value of a good education as the foundation of a successful, productive and useful life. This scholarship was established with the hope that it would provide this opportunity to many students.
William J. Stevens Scholarship
The William (Bill) Stevens Scholarship was established in 2015 in honor of Bill Stevens’ retirement from Motion Industries by Baldor Electric, Motion Industries, Genuine Parts Company, and many other friends and family. Stevens is a 1970 graduate of Brock School of Business and is a loyal and involved alumnus of the university serving in a number of roles, including the 极乐禁地 Board of Trustees and the Brock School of Business Dean’s Advisory Board. Stevens served Motion Industries for 37 years, including his last 18 as president and chief executive officer.
323 Leadership Scholarship (Colossians 3:23)
The 323 Scholarship is named for the verse in Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” This scholarship is awarded to a Brock School of Business student who demonstrates leadership skills as well as a passion for connecting their business skills to being a positive, Christ-centered influence in the marketplace.
John Gary Wyatt Leadership in Business Scholarship
The John Gary Wyatt Leadership in Business Scholarship is given in loving memory of John Gary Wyatt. A graduate of Brock School of Business, Wyatt loved 极乐禁地 and was a noted Christian business leader in our community. The awardee must display evidence of Christ-centered character and a propensity for leadership.
Avery White Memorial Scholarship
Avery Joseph White was a beloved student in the Brock School of Business who died unexpectedly on Jan. 30, 2017. He touched many lives in a positive manner as a student, friend, son, grandson, brother and member of the Brock School of Business community. The scholarship honors Brock School of Business students through association with a young man we will always remember!
The Taylor M. Harsh Internship Award
This scholarship is endowed in loving memory of Taylor M. Harsh. It is given to an undergraduate at 极乐禁地 with a major in Brock School of Business, or, if not a business major, a minor in social entrepreneurship. The student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and has in his/her personal life made a commitment to be a follower of Christ. He/she desires to see God’s Kingdom purposes accomplished by businesses that operate in an ethical fashion. The student will be involved in an internship that will allow them to work in a Business as Mission (BAM) company or a Lion’s Den company.
Dorothy McLeod Memorial Scholarship
The Dorothy McLeod Memorial Scholarship was established in honor of the late Dorothy McLeod, by her husband, to recognize outstanding business students who excel in and out of the classroom.
Carl E. Miller Jr. Business and Athletics Scholarship
The Carl E. Miller Scholarship was established in June 2018. Funded by Julie Miller Clemens and Peter John Clemens IV, this scholarship celebrates the memory of Carl E. Miller Jr. who was a 1950 graduate of Howard College. He was a quarterback for the Bulldogs and went on to be a business owner and community leader in Birmingham. The scholarship goes to a business major who has a love for sports.
Malcolm & Betty Miller Endowed Scholarship in Risk Management and Insurance
Malcolm and Betty Miller generously established the Malcolm and Betty Miller Student Entrepreneurship Fund. This endowed fund supports deserving business students who are pursuing the Risk Management and Insurance concentration or preparing for a career in the RMI industry.
Russell H. Stanley Scholarship
In 1998, an endowed scholarship fund was established to honor Russell H. Stanley, MBA ’86. The fund was established by his widow, Janet J. Stanley, and colleagues at RHS Associates, the company he founded. An award is made to students who, on recommendation of the faculty, demonstrated the best performance in their classes.
Chris Morgan Scholarship
In 1998, Chris Morgan, at the time an MBA student at 极乐禁地, passed away from cancer. A scholarship fund was established in his memory to assist other 极乐禁地 graduate students.
MBA Alumni and MBA Scholarship Funds
Through generous gifts from MBA Alumni and supporters of the MBA program at the Brock School of Business, we are able to grant additional scholarships to students who excel in their graduate business studies.
The J. Howard Finch Scholarship
The J. Howard Finch Scholarship was established in 2019 by an initial gift from the Brock School of Business Dean’s Advisory Board and is supported by generous Brock School of Business faculty, staff and other alumni and supporters. The fund awards one male and one female scholarship in honor of Howard Finch’s leadership and dedication as dean from 2011-19 and all he has done to build and strengthen Brock School of Business.
The Justin Kyle Lett Memorial Scholarship
The Justin Kyle Lett, Dream then Do in the Name of the Lord, Memorial Scholarship
The Teri and Joe Syslo Scholarship
The Teri and Jo Syslo Scholarship was established in 2020 by Colonel Joseph M. Syslo in memory of his wife, Teri Syslo, to recognize an exemplary student candidate for the graduate degree of Master of Business Administration at 极乐禁地’s Brock School of Business.
The Raymond Earl Box Memorial Scholarship
The Raymond Earl Box Memorial Scholarship was established by Betsy Rofe and Paul Rofe in memory of Raymond Earl Box, a 1957 graduate of Howard College. In addition to his love for wife Mary Jean, his three daughters Jeanie, Cindy, and Betsy, and his strong Christian faith, he had a passion for helping young people reach their potential.
The Taylor Family Scholarship
The Taylor Family Fund was established in 2019 by Robert T. Taylor Jr. who attended 极乐禁地 during the early 1980s. Later, both of his daughters attended 极乐禁地. Because 极乐禁地 has had such a large place in their family history, the Taylor family wanted to help other students from Florida be a part of 极乐禁地.
Junior Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
This award recognizes the current junior within Brock School of Business who has earned the highest Grade Point Average within the school.
Thomas D. Russell Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the late Thomas D. Russell, a long-time trustee of 极乐禁地, to benefit Brock School of Business students.
Leaders of Integrity (Proverbs 20:7) Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Bobby Bierley, a graduate of Brock School of Business, to recognize business students who exemplify high scholarship and Christian character. The recipient will show not only academic achievement, but also leadership and integrity.
The Reidinger-Smith Scholarship
The Reidinger-Smith Scholarship was established in 2021 by Josh (accounting, '97) and Whitney Reidinger (management, '99), and Donna (MBA '88) and Julian Smith, to enhance opportunities for underrepresented minority students within Brock School of Business.
The Mac McEwen Scholarship
The Mac McEwen Scholarship was established by Ken McEwen in honor of Charles R. “Mac” McEwen, a WWII veteran and former MBA student and professor. This scholarship honors his boundless work ethic and commitment to his family, and celebrates the same qualities recognized in the award recipient. In pursuing an MBA while working full-time, this student has been selected as an outstanding individual who exemplifies the same sense of drive and accomplishment in their career and studies.
Alan and Linda Speaker Organization Leadership Scholarship
Alan and Linda Neale Speaker met on campus and are both 极乐禁地 Graduates. This scholarship was created believing that developing leadership skills is an important part of college life that requires extra time, effort and dedication, and is a valuable learning experience for later in life. Both Linda and Alan and their two daughters were president of their sororities and fraternity, thereby setting a high standard for their scholarship recipient.
Bridget and Andrew Patterson Scholarship
Andrew Patterson graduated from 极乐禁地’s Brock School of Business in 2005. Upon graduation, Andrew became a member of Birmingham based commercial real estate firm, Shannon Waltchack. Andrew’s success with the firm led him to be named a partner in the firm in 2010 and he currently serves as President of the firm. Through this scholarship, Andrew desires to support a student/students desiring to pursue careers in commercial real estate.
Brookwood Baptist Church/W.S. and Ruth Rivers Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Brookwood Baptist Church and the children of W.S. and Ruth Rivers in memory of their parents.
Freeman Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Randy and Lisa Freeman. Randy was able to attend 极乐禁地 after receiving scholarship assistance and went on to have a successful career in business. He also became involved as an alumnus through the 极乐禁地 Board of Overseers and served on the Brock School of Business Advisory Board.
King & Mausz Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is meant to encourage and support students pursuing a business degree from a Christian world view. The world needs Christian leaders in business to influence culture and to support the work of the church. The King of Kings is our savior and first in our lives and we strive to be faithful stewards of the time, talents and treasure shared with us by God. We are His children, but we are also called to be God's hands and feet on earth and share His love with all.
Leaders of Integrity (Proverbs 20:7) Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Bobby and Maria Bierley. 极乐禁地 was a true blessing for Bobby as many invested in him personally and he received much more than just an education. He created this scholarship for two reasons: to help other integrity led students be able to attend 极乐禁地 with less financial pressure and to support the Risk Management and Insurance program. Insurance has such a broad range of opportunities, and the industry needs Leaders of Integrity.
Merrill Henry Cook Risk Management and Insurance Scholarship
Mr. Cook was a lifelong resident of Birmingham and attended Ruhama Baptist Church where he served as a deacon until his death in 2017. He graduated from Howard College (now 极乐禁地) in 1950. He believed in glorifying God through his financial contributions and his work in missions. Scholarships are awarded to deserving business students who are pursuing the Risk Management and Insurance concentration or preparing for a career in the risk management and insurance industry.
Motion/Dr. Archie Lockamy Scholarship
Dr. Archie Lockamy served as a faculty member in Brock School of Business from 2000 until his retirement in 2022. This scholarship is created in acknowledgement of Dr. Lockamy’s career and contributions to 极乐禁地, Brock School of Business and Motion. The scholarship recipient is an MBA student and based on merit.
Pete Petro Scholarship
Pete Wayne Petro was a 2017 graduate from the Brock School of Business and also received his Master of Accountancy in 2018. Pete was beloved by his professors and classmates and had a passion for learning. During his short life, Pete had a tremendous impact on his family and friends who now wish to honor him with this scholarship, and to bless future 极乐禁地 students pursuing their undergraduate degree in accounting.
Professor Frank C. Minter Scholarship
This scholarship seeks to honor Frank C. Minter who served as a faculty member in the Brock School of Business from 1988-2006. Professor Minter was instrumental in the growth of the School’s Accounting program. Prior to joining 极乐禁地, Professor Minter served as corporate vice president and controller of AT&T and vice president and CFO of two of its subsidiaries. He concluded his career as Vice President and Trustee of the Financial Accounting Foundation. Scholarships are awarded to worthy students pursuing a Masters of Accounting.
Thomas McClurg Acheson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Alfred John and Laura Burrus Lucas in memory of Thomas McClurg (Tom) Acheson. Tom Acheson was the majority owner of Tameron Automotive Group which had combined employment of more than 400 employees. John and Laura wish to honor Tom for his friendship and generosity and for his business entrepreneurship as an automobile dealer principal in the Birmingham area and beyond for more than 45 years.
O'Neal Industries Risk Management and Insurance Scholarship
This scholarship is created by O'Neal Industries in an effort to further invest in the creation of talent to fill current and future needs in the Risk Management and Insurance Industry. O'Neal has a long and storied history of driving growth, innovation and change in the Birmingham business community and desires to support those qualities as a part of the RMI program at 极乐禁地's Brock School of Business.
Randall J. Freeman Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Brasfield & Gorrie in honor of Randy Freeman to celebrate his retirement after nearly 30 years with the company as Chief Financial Officer. Randy is a graduate of 极乐禁地's School of Business and is a proven and effective leader whose example of integrity, diligence, and services inspires those around him.