The Professional Development course will provide admitted Brock School of Business undergraduate students the opportunity to:

  • Participate in a variety of co-curricular events that will enhance professional development.
  • Develop critical professional skills related to interviewing, networking and communication.
  • Interact with industry professionals to gain important industry knowledge and career skills.

The Brock School of Business Professional Development course is a series of activities and events scheduled throughout the academic year that focuses on building career skills. The objective of the course is to engage students in a variety of co-curricular events that will enhance professional development. After gaining admission to Brock School of Business, students must attend a total of 10 events approved by the dean’s office to earn one credit hour. All Brock School of Business students are invited to attend Professional Development events, however, only those students who have declared a major will accumulate credits toward the required 10 credits to finish the course.


What is it?

This course helps admitted Brock School of Business students network and gain exposure to relevant speakers and activites that are designed to enhance their educational experience. While all Brock School of Business students may attend as many professional development events as they'd like, however, the events only count towards the course once a major has been declared.

Who participates?

Professional development credits can only begin to accumulate once a student has been admitted into Brock School of Business.

How many events do students need?

Students need to participate in 10 events to successfully pass the Professional Development course and graduate. 

What counts as an event?

Approved events, speakers, sessions, conferences, etc. that develop student understanding about important business topics. All requests go through the director of professional success for initial review. After initial review, the event is submitted to UEPC for final approval.

What if I take students to a three day conference on Topic X, shouldn’t that count as Y # of PDPs?

All "events" count as one credit, unless otherwise determined by committee evaluation.

Can an event count as a convo credit and PDP simultaneously?

Yes, but not always. Convo has a separate approval process. Some events are ONLY counted towards Professional Development credits, others will count for convo and Professional Development.

Who will keep track of student involvement?

The director of professional success will be responsible for tracking student activity. Like convo, students will be able to see PD balances online. The Office of Academic Programs also will have access to student progress. Like convo, scanners will be used at PD events and students will be responsible for having their card scanned in order to receive credit for participation.