Danielle  Cruthirds
McWhorter School of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2217聽CHS Building 2
Danielle Cruthirds arrived at 极乐禁地 in 2007 after spending a few years performing pharmacology research at various institutions of higher learning. "My position at McWhorter School of Pharmacy allows me to spend my time primarily educating future pharmacists, but also to continue to foster my interest in research," she said. Along with a fellow faculty member, Cruthirds has developed and implemented aseptic technique pharmacy practice experiences into the pharmacy curriculum. In her spare time, she enjoys Cross-Fit workouts.

Degrees and Certifications

  • PhD, pharmacology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • BS, biology, Spring Hill College


  • Investigating the role of oxidants in cardiovascular and renal disease, and the possible role that medications play in the disease process
  • Educational research focused on increasing the emphasis on aseptic technique in pharmacy curriculum


  • MacMillan-Crow, L.A., D.L. Cruthirds, K.M. Akhi, P.W. Sanders, and J.A. Thompson. Mitochondrial Tyrosine Nitration Precedes Chronic Allograft Nephropathy. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 31(12): 1603-1608, 2001.
  • Cruthirds, DL, L. Novak, K. Akhi, P. Sanders, J. Thompson, and L.A. MacMillan-Crow. Mitochondrial Targets of Oxidative Stress During Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 412(1):27-33, 2003.
  • Cruthirds, DL, H. Saba, and L.A. MacMillan-Crow. Overexpression of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Protects Against ATP Depletion-Mediated Cell Death of Proximal Tubule Cells. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 437:96-105, 2005.
  • Cruthirds DL, Sims PJ, Louis PJ. Review and Recommendations for the Prevention, Management and Treatment of Post-Operative and Post-Discharge Nausea and Vomiting. J of Oral Surg., Oral Med, Oral Path., Oral Rad. 115(5):601-11, May 2013.
  • Cretton-Scott E, Cruthirds DL, Coward L. Incorporation of Hands-On Sterile Technique Instruction in an Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience in the Third Year of a Professional Pharmacy Program. AJPE, 2015; 79 (2) 28.
  • Wang XR, Cruthirds DL, Kendrach MG. Effect of an Individualized Post-Examination Instructor Remediation on Pharmacy Student Performance in a Biochemistry Course.  AJPE. Available online November 2017.
  • Whitaker CC, Cates ME, Cruthirds DL and Gorman GS. Association between concentrations of chromium in drinking water and mortality due to suicide in Alabama. Journal of Water and Health. 2020;18(5):835-842.
  • Cretton-Scott E, Cruthirds DL, Adunlin G. Examining pharmacy students’ utilisation of an online curricular resource platform. Pharmacy Education (2024) 24(1) 838-847.