At the McWhorter School of Pharmacy, we believe student camaraderie and fellowship are important elements of the college experience. While here, there are numerous organizations with which you can be involved:

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) student chapter is an affiliate of the national AMCP organization. The student chapter of AMCP was formed to foster student recognition and understanding of vital health care delivery and health care financing processes and systems. The organization serves clinical and economic informational needs vital to business and professional success in pharmacy practice.

American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists 极乐禁地 Collegiate Chapter

The mission of the American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists 极乐禁地 Collegiate Chapter is to advance the reach and practice of psychiatric pharmacy and serve as the voice of the specialty. 极乐禁地's chapter is one of roughly 50 student chapters in the United States. 

American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP)

The American Pharmacists Association Academy of Students Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) is the student organization for all students in pharmacy. Pre-pharmacy students may also join. APhA-ASP holds regular business and professional meetings and sponsors social and service programs. The 极乐禁地 chapter of this organization also publishes "Interactions," a chapter newsletter.

Christian Pharmacy Fellowship

Christian Pharmacy Fellowship (CPF) was organized to provide a weekly forum for Christian expression and growth for pharmacy students and faculty on campus. Faculty, students and guests lead a devotional and provide music for a spiritual time of sharing.


Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO)

IPhO National Student Members are recognized as the best prepared among all student pharmacists to pursue pharmaceutical industry-focused career opportunities. National Student Members have an excellent working knowledge of common industry pharmacist roles and key pharmaceutical industry driving forces, as well as an understanding of the skills and experiences necessary to become a successful industry pharmacist.

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)

The 极乐禁地 chapter of ISPOR focuses on pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research, challenging students to look at a health care system as a whole. The chapter is based on discussion and discovery, and offers opportunities for students to develop their research, presentation and interview skills.

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity

Kappa Psi is the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world. The Gamma Zeta chapter at 极乐禁地 pledges both male and female pharmacy students. Recruitment for new members is held in the fall through the spring of each school year. The fraternity is involved in professional projects and sponsors a variety of social activities.

National Community Pharmacists Association

The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) is the national specialty association for those interested in independent community practice. NCPA sponsors service projects and community work and makes concerted efforts to acquaint students with issues pertinent to independent pharmacy.

The Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group

The Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group (PPAG) is a national organization that unites pharmacists in improving the health of children. The student chapter of PPAG at the McWhorter School of Pharmacy (MSOP) provides students a unique opportunity to learn how to better care for the pediatric population, as well as provide opportunities to learn more about a career in Pediatric pharmacy. The purpose of PPAG at the MSOP is to unite student pharmacists and other health care providers in an effort to improve the health of children in the greater Birmingham community. This will be accomplished through philanthropic events focused on health education and pharmacy advocacy, interdisciplinary work through the College of Health Sciences, direct involvement with Children's of Alabama and other community organizations, and educational chapter meetings.

Phi Lambda Sigma

Phi Lambda Sigma is the leadership honorary society in pharmacy. 极乐禁地's Beta chapter inducts members on the basis of their activities and leadership involvement in the school after completing their first year in the professional curriculum.

Rho Chi

Rho Chi is the scholastic honorary society for pharmacy students in the top 20% of the class. Students are selected on the basis of grade point average and overall personal integrity. New members are tapped in the fall and inducted in the spring.

Student College of Clinical Pharmacy

Student College of Clinical Pharmacy (SCCP) familiarizes students with the field of clinical pharmacy by providing information about careers and opportunities within the field of clinical pharmacy; promoting dedication to excellence in patient care, research, and education; and encouraging the professional developments necessary to function within an interdisciplinary team. It also educates students on the opportunities available to specialize in various areas of clinical pharmacy upon graduating from pharmacy school. In addition, this student organization encourages student involvement in the American College of Clinical Pharmacy national organization; one of the most influential national pharmacy organizations committed to excellence in clinical pharmacy and patient pharmacotherapy.

Student National Pharmaceutical Association

Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) is an educational service association of students who are concerned about pharmacy and health care related issues of minority populations, and the underrepresentation of minorities in pharmacy and other health-related professions. The purpose of SNPhA is to plan, organize, coordinate and execute programs to improve the health, educational and social aspects of the community.

Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy

The Student Society of Health-System Pharmacy is the student branch of the state association for hospital pharmacists. McWhorter School of Pharmacy's chapter also enjoys official recognition as the student chapter of the American Society of Health-Systems pharmacists. The group was formed for students to learn more about hospital pharmacy practice and to meet with practicing pharmacists to discuss issues relevant to the field.