Howard Hendrickson brings 20 years of experience in educating future pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists. He specializes in bioanalytical chemistry, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics. Hendrickson is dedicated to advancing our understanding of how interactions among nutrition, genetics, and drug therapy influence chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. He advocates for interdisciplinary collaborations as a key strategy to enhance human health and address complex questions in the field. McWhorter School of Pharmacy’s focus on providing a unique educational experience for future pharmacists and developing collaborative projects with major research institutions in the area provide a vibrant environment for this approach. He enjoys reading (primarily fiction), watching movies that make us look critically at ourselves. and outdoor activities such as hiking.
- PhD, analytical chemistry, University of Arkansas
- MS bioanalytical chemistry, University of Kansas
- BS, chemistry, University of Arkansas
- Bioanalytical chemistry
- Pharmacokinetics
- Drug metabolism
- American Chemical Society
- American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
Recent Publications
Dakota L Pouncey, Dustyn A Barnette, Riley W Sinnott, Sarah J Phillips, Noah R Flynn, Howard P Hendrickson, S Joshua Swamidass and Grover Paul Miller. Discovery of Novel Reductive Elimination Pathway for 10-Hydroxywarfarin. Front Pharmacol. 2022;805133; doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.805133
Jai Shankar K. Yadlapalli, Zaineb A. F. Albayati, Philip J. Breen, Maxim Dobretsov, Narsimha R. Penthala, Howard P. Hendrickson, Peter A. Crooks. A pharmacokinetic study of morphine-6-O-sulfate in rat plasma and brain. Drug Dev. Res. 2021;82(6): 802-814.
Sarah J. Phillips, Alison Oliveto, Michael J. Mancino, Howard P. Hendrickson. Development and validation of a rapid liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method to quantitate gabapentin and buprenorphine in human serum RCM 2021;35(14):e9104.
- Liu X, Poddar S, Song L, et al. Synthesis and Liver Microsomal Metabolic Stability Studies of a Fluorine‐Substituted δ‐Tocotrienol Derivative. ChemMedChem. 2020;15(6):506-516.
- Liu X, Gao Z, Fu Q, et al. Deuteration of the farnesyl terminal methyl groups of δ-tocotrienol and its effects on the metabolic stability and ability of inducing G-CSF production. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2020;28(11):115498.
- Hambuchen MD, Berquist MD, Simecka CM, et al. Effect of Bile Duct Ligation-induced Liver Dysfunction on Methamphetamine Pharmacokinetics and Locomotor Activity in Rats. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2019;22(1):301-312.
- Liu X, Wang Y, Zhang X, Gao Z, Zhang S, Shi P, Zhang X, Song L, Hendrickson H, Zhou D, Zheng G.; Senolytic activity of piperlongumine analogues: Synthesis and biological evaluation; Bioorg Med Chem. (2018) pii: S0968-0896(18)30794-6.
- Hambuchen MD, Hendrickson HP, Gunnell MG, McClenahan SJ, Ewing LE, Gibson DM, Berquist MD, Owens SM. The pharmacokinetics of racemic MDPV and its (R) and (S) enantiomers in female and male rats. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017; 179:347-354.
Research Areas
- Clinically relevant effects of natural products on drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics