David R. Luthin
McWhorter School of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2233聽CHS Building 2

After completion of a postdoctoral fellowship at University of Virginia, David Luthin moved to San Diego, California to join a small biotech company and work in new drug discovery. Nearly 11 years later and after four corporate mergers, Luthin left the pharmaceutical industry and joined 极乐禁地 in 2006.
Luthin’s current teaching responsibilities include teaching in a 4-part Integrated Biomedical Sciences course taught in the first year of the curriculum. He also teaches a Drug Discovery and Development elective to help encourage students to consider an industry career. In addition, he teaches both research and academic electives and a pharmacology course in the Nurse Anesthesia program.

Degrees and Certifications

  • PhD, pharmacology, Southern Illinois University
  • BA, zoology, Southern Illinois University

Awards and Honors

  • Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences Faculty Member of the Year
  • Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society
  • Superior Scholar Award, McWhorter School of Pharmacy
  • Cross and Flame Award, Riverchase United Methodist Church
  • Boy Scouts of America Silver Beaver Award and District Award of Merit


  • American Academy of Sciences
  • American Diabetes Association
  • American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
  • American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
  • Boy Scouts of America


  • Drug Discovery and Development
  • Interprofessional education
  • Therapeutic area expertise in neuropharmacology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, cardiovascular and metabolic disease

Recent Publications

  • Luthin, D.R., & Wensel, T.M. (2017). Chronic Idiopathic Constipation: incorporating newer agents into evidence-based care. Power-Pak CE. Continuing Education for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.  .
  • Baker, J.F., Cates, M.E., & Luthin, D.R. (2017) D-cycloserine in the treatment of post-traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD). Mental Health Clinician, 7(2), 88-94.

Research Areas

  • Effects of natural products on diet-induced obesity in Zebrafish
  • Interprofessional Education
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Recent Presentations

  • Luthin DR, Thigpen J, Kendrach M, Waldrop B, Crouch MA. Strategically revising the prepharmacy curriculum to maximize student matriculation into PharmD program. AACP Summer 2024.
  • Turner A, Broeseker AE, Burdette K, D’Souza B, French KM, Luthin DR, Landgrave H. An Interprofessional Learning Activity for Prelicensure Baccalaureate Nursing and Pharmacy Students. Alabama State Nurses Association, F.A.C.E.S, Montgomery, AL, U. S. A. April 3, 2024.
  • Kendrach M, Wang X, Luthin D, Worthington M, Thigpen J, Crouch M. Student Remediation—One School’s Process. AACP Summer 2023.

Select Publications

  • Slaton RM, Luthin DR, Boyd K. A Pipe Dream? Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists in Nicotine Use Disorder Quart J Pharm & Phrmceutics. 2021;01(01): 8–17.
  • Baker JF, Cates ME, Luthin DR. D-cycloserine in the treatment of post-traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD). Mental Health Clinician, 7(2):88-94, 2017
  • White CW, Boyd K, Luthin DR, Cates ME. Disease characteristics and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Consultant, 56(6):496-501, 2016.
  • Thomas RH, Luthin DR. Current and Emerging Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation (IBS-C) and Chronic Idiopathic Constipation: Focus on Prosecretory Agents. Pharmacotherapy 35(6):613-630, 2015.
  • Luthin, DR. Anti-obesity effects of small molecule melanin concentrating hormone receptor1 (MCHR1) antagonists, Life Sciences 81(6):423-440, 2007.
  • Jung, AP and Luthin, DR. Wheel Access Does Not Attenuate Weight Gain in Mice Fed High-Fat or High-CHO Diets. Med. Sci Sports Exerc, 42(2):355-60, 2010.