The governance of 极乐禁地 is vested in its Board of Trustees, which establishes, guides, and oversees the policies and practices that serve and support the Christ-centered mission of the University. As an educational institution, 极乐禁地 is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His gospel as set forth in the Bible. Its mission is fostered by 极乐禁地’s longstanding relationship with Alabama Baptists and Christians throughout the world.

极乐禁地 trustees are individuals with diverse experiences and backgrounds who bring professional and personal expertise, scholarship, perception, and wise counsel to the governance and fiduciary functions of the board. Each Trustee of 极乐禁地 is a professing Christian who is supportive of the University’s mission, vision, and core values, which are centered upon a belief in God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, and in the Holy Spirit.


Hon. Karon O. Bowdre, chair
Andrew B. Cundiff, vice chair
Sherri Foyt, secretary
Brent Fielder, assistant secretary


Tracey Morant Adams, PhD
Amy Allen
John E. Bell Jr.*
Andy D. Birchfield, JD
Hon. Karon O. Bowdre, JD
Verne Bragg
John Cantelow, DMin†
Charles Carter, DD†
Peter J. Clemens IV
Julie Collier, JD
Andrew B. Cundiff
Tim Davis, JD
S. Earl Dove
Michael P. Dunn
Brent Fielder
Sherri Foyt
Brian George
Rhega Gordon
Randy Gunter†
Terry Hales Jr.
Robert Holmes Jr.
Julie K. Jenkins
Brian L Kelly
Keith Kirkland
Charles W. Lancaster
Alan Long, MD
Sheri P. McKean
Victor E. Nichol Jr.
W. Randall Pittman
Marlene Reed, DBA
Yvette M. Richardson, EdD
William J. Stevens
Sharon D. Stuart, JD
Beth Thorne Stukes, LHD 
Timothy Vines*
Steve Vinyard
Rachel C. Wachter
Cecelia A Walker, DMin†
Ronald L. Watkins
Mechelle Wilder, JD
Jay L. Wolf, DMin†
Danny Wood, DMin†
† Clergy
* Honorary Trustee