Campus Building Accessibility

Barrier Notice

极乐禁地 is committed to actively removing barriers to accessibility and to prioritizing removal based on the nature of the barrier and the accessibility needs of the 极乐禁地 community. In the event you encounter a barrier on the campus, such as an inoperative elevator, items blocking an access ramp, or missing/damaged signage for accessible routes, please help us identify them.

You may submit the accessibility barrier report form anonymously. If you choose to do so, you will not receive a confirmation of submission or subsequent follow-up information regarding efforts to address the barrier. If you choose to provide your name and contact information, we will confirm receipt of your report, route the information provided to the appropriate department based on the type of barrier selected, and send follow-up information to the email address you provide.

Note: Submission of the form does not constitute a formal complaint, grievance, or request for academic or workplace accommodation. Its intent is only to assist in identifying and addressing barriers to access. Please visit for information on how to file a grievance or request academic or housing accommodations. Employees should contact Human Resources to request workplace accommodations.

Academic Buildings

Brooks Hall

  • Elevator on north side of building. Access sidewalk on east side of library, continue in front of Law School and behind Brooks Hall to service elevator; accesses first and second floors. Third floor can be accessed by elevator, but you must call.
  • Accessible restroom on first floor. Exit elevator to left. Follow hallway to the right. Take the first left and restroom is on the right.

Buchanan Hall

  • Enter accessible main entrance of Harrison Theatre, turn left to enter Buchanan Hall, second floor only accessible. Accessible restrooms are to the right of Harrison Theatre entrance past the box office.

Burns Hall

  • Accessible entrance on east side (back) of building. Follow sidewalk on north side of building (in front of Brooks Hall) to back of Burns. Once entered the building, turn right, follow hallway to the left, accessible restroom on left for second and third floors.
  • Elevator is directly across from the accessible entrance.
  • For Accessible Restrooms on first floor exit elevator and turn left. Restrooms on right.

Chapman Hall

  • Enter through Burns Hall entrance; take left to enter Chapman Hall side of building. Accessible Restrooms and Elevator on Burns side of the building.

College of Health Sciences Building 1

  • Eight Accessible Parking Spaces are located on the top level of the parking deck. Follow the breezeway to automatic door. Elevator is located straight ahead from entrance on the left with access to all floors. With the elevator on your left turn right to cross over to Building 2.
  • On the second floor exit elevator straight for access to Building 2 through automatic door.
  • Accessible restrooms on first floor are to the left behind the elevator. Additional accessible restrooms are through the double doors at the end of the hall on the left.
  • Accessible restrooms on floors 2-5 turn right out of the elevator and right down the hall. Take the first left and restrooms are on the left.
  • Third floor has a unisex accessible restroom. Exit the elevator to the right and restroom is on the right.

College of Health Sciences Building 2

  • Access from building 1 via bridge through atrium on Floors 1 and 2. Doors are directly across from elevator. Automatic Door on second floor.
  • Accessible restrooms on first floor go left from entrance and restrooms are on the left.
  • For the elevator from the entrance go left and the elevator is around the first turn on the right.
  • Accessible restrooms on floors A, G, and 2 are out of the elevator to the right. Take the first left and restrooms are on the left.
  • On level A exit elevator to the left and follow hallway to the left for accessible entrance to the Atrium.

Cooney Hall

  • Four accessible parking spaces are located on the south side of the building. Follow the sidewalk and use ramp access to automatic door to the left of the main entrance for access to the first floor. Elevator is on the left as you enter the lobby. First floor accessible restrooms are in the far corners from the main entrance. Men鈥檚 restroom on the right women鈥檚 restroom on the left.
  • Two accessible parking spaces are located on the north side of the building directly across from the automatic door main entrance that leads to the second floor. Elevator is on the right.
  • Accessible restrooms on the second and third floor. Women鈥檚 restroom is to the left of the elevators. Men鈥檚 restroom is across from the elevators.
  • Fourth floor accessible restrooms are on the left upon exiting the elevator.

Divinity Hall North

  • Ramp entrance at both doors.
  • Accessible restrooms on west end of building for second and third floor.
  • Accessible restrooms on first floor are next to the kitchen in the student commons.
  • Elevator on east end of building.

Divinity Hall South

  • Accessible entrance on south side of building at ground level including elevator and accessible restrooms
  • Accessible restrooms on ground and first floor directly across from elevator.
  • Accessible restrooms on second and third floors at the east end of the building.

Dwight M. Beeson Hall

  • Ramp access on right side of front entrance is for access to Brock Forum (DBH 131) only. Restrooms can be accessed by the doors at the front of Brock Forum. Women鈥檚 on the left. Men鈥檚 on the right.
  • Accessible ramp entrance with push button door on west side of building. Follow hallway to the left. Accessible restrooms are on the left. Continue following hallway to the right to access elevator.

Ingalls Hall

  • Accessible entrance with automatic door on south and north side of building between Russell and Ingles Halls. This entrance accesses both Ingalls Hall to the east and Russell Hall to the west and is the only accessible entrance to Ingalls Hall. You will need to call Admissions to be let in this way.
  • The second Floor can be accessed by the second floor of Russel Hall. Turn left and the elevator will be on the right.
  • Elevator accesses ground through third floors.
  • Unisex accessible restroom on third floor. Exit elevator right, go around the desk on left and continue to back of room. Restroom on right.

Law Library

  • Accessible entrance on north side of library, Riley Road entrance. The north entrance leads into a breezeway which connects the library and the law school. Go left to library and right to law school. Once entered the library, elevator is straight ahead at the opposite end of the reading room from the entrance and slightly to the right of the stairs at the far end of the law library. The elevator accesses first through fourth floors. Accessible restrooms are in the back right corner on each floor.

Orlean Bullard Beeson Hall

  • First-floor accessible entrances are on the south side of the building. Two accessible parking spaces have access to sidewalk and the two entrances. Right entrance has elevator on right. Left entrance has accessible restrooms on the left.
  • Accessible second floor main entrance on east side of building from street. Elevator is to the left upon entering. Turn right upon entering and follow hallway to accessible women鈥檚 restroom on left. Turn Left upon entering and follow hallway to accessible men鈥檚 restroom on right.
  • Accessible restrooms on third floor. Exit elevator. Men鈥檚 in back left corner and women鈥檚 in back right corner.
  • Accessible unisex restrooms on fourth floor. Exit elevator either direction and follow hallways to end.

Propst Hall

  • Three Accessible parking spaces in the lot to the north of the building. Walk toward the north side of the building for an automatic door entrance to first floor. North elevator is on the left side.
  • Accessible entrance first-floor main entrance to the right of breezeway, turn right; ahead will be accessible restrooms and south elevator. Exit elevator right to accessible restrooms on the ground -third floors.
  • Accessible entrances are on both ends of the building on front side. South end front of building is automatic door.

Robinson Hall

  • Accessible entrance on west side at courtyard. Turn right upon entering, take first left to accessible unisex restroom. Take second left (end of hallway) to south elevator, accesses first floor south, second floor north and south and third floor south. Turn left upon entering west side entrance, follow hallway to the right, north elevator will be on left. Accesses first floor south, second floor north and south, mezzanine and third floor north.
  • Accessible entrance on north side of building, Riley Road entrance, to second floor north and south. Upon entering follow hallway to the left, right, and another right, Great Room on right. Ramp in the back right corner of the Great Room to access north elevator.
  • Accessible entrance on east side of building at courtyard. Turn right upon entering, follow hallway to the left, north elevator on right. Accesses first floor south, second floor north and south, mezzanine, and third floor north.

Russell Hall

  • Accessible entrance on east side of building, follow hallway. Elevator on left and accessible restrooms at next left on each floor.
  • Accessible entrance with automatic door on south and north side of building between Russell and Ingles. This entrance accesses both Ingalls Hall to the west and Russell Hall to the east. Russell entrance has an automatic door. Upon entering follow hallway to the right, accessible restrooms on right and elevator at next right.
  • Second and third floors, exit elevator left, take an immediate left to accessible restrooms.

Swearingen Hall

  • North wing of Wright Center and Harrison Theatre, 极乐禁地 Art Gallery, Bolding Studio, classrooms, work rooms and offices. Accessible main entrance to second floor of Harrison Theatre. Right to men鈥檚 and women鈥檚 accessible restrooms on left. Elevator is to the left of main entrance. Accesses first to third floors.

University Library

  • Accessible entrance on east side of building, first-floor entrance. Directly ahead are accessible restrooms and elevator. Elevator accesses lower level through fourth floors with accessible restrooms on each floor.
  • Accessible only entrance on west side of building. Follow sidewalk past brick wall and ring doorbell for access to this first-floor entrance. Go through another door and turn right, with elevator and accessible restrooms on right.


Bashinsky Field House

  • Accessible entrance on west side of building facing Pete Hannah Center.
  • Ramp access on south side of building to accessible entrance and to track/football field
  • Accessible from first floor of Seibert via ramp.

Courington Tennis Center

  • Two accessible parking spaces are available. One near the outdoor courts. One near the building main entrance.
  • Accessible restrooms are inside past the desk on the right.

Hanna Center

  • East Elevator Access The east side passenger elevator is located at the southern end of the east side third floor (plaza) near the athletic director鈥檚 offices (PHC 3014). Guests can freely travel between the first floor (ground), second floor (concourse), and the east side third floor (plaza).
  • Third Floor East: Accessible Parking Eight spaces located in small lot (21 total spaces) outside main entrance to student fitness center located on the northwest corner of Pete Hanna Center. Guests will travel on sidewalk located along northern face of the Pete Hanna Center to the east third floor (plaza) lobby exterior doors at northeast corner of building.
  • Third Floor East: Accessible Entrance: Push door located at the set of exterior doors that enter the east third-floor (plaza) lobby. Exterior doors located on northeast corner of the Pete Hanna Center.
  • Third Floor East: Accessible Restrooms For visitors to the Pete Hanna Center Box Office, accessible restrooms are available on the east second-floor lobby of the building in PHC 2004 for men and PHC 2002 for women by utilizing the east side passenger elevator located on the southern end of the east side third floor (plaza). For visitors to the athletic director鈥檚 offices (PHC 3014) accessible restrooms are available for men in PHC 3011 and for women in PHC 3012.
  • West Elevator Access The west side freight elevator is located at the southern end of the West Lobby near the Pete Hanna Center Hospitality Room (PHC 2020). Guests can freely travel between the first floor (ground) and second floor (concourse) on this elevator, but cannot travel from the first floor (ground) or the second floor (concourse) to the third floor (plaza) and enter the student fitness center without special assistance to override lockout. Additionally, the east side passenger elevator can be used by guests on the first floor (ground) to access the second floor (concourse) level and the third floor (plaza) on the east side of the Pete Hanna Center.
  • First Floor West: Accessible Parking Four spaces located in small lot (20 total spaces) outside west lobby entrance to Pete Hanna Center.
  • First Floor West: Accessible Entrance Push door located at the northernmost set of exterior doors that enter the Pete Hanna Center west lobby at second floor (concourse). Guests will utilize the west side freight elevator to travel down to the first floor (ground). Guests can freely travel between the first floor (ground) and second floor (concourse) on this elevator.
  • First FloorWest: Accessible Restrooms Accessible restrooms are available on the first floor (ground) for men near the west end of the building in PHC 1047 and near the east end of the building in PHC 1121. Accessible restrooms are available on the first floor (ground) for women near the west end of the building in PHC 1046 and near the east end of the building in PHC 1122.
  • Second Floor West: Accessible Restrooms Accessible restrooms are available on the second floor (concourse) for men on the west lobby of the building in PHC 2030 and on the east second-floor lobby of the building in PHC 2004. Accessible restrooms are available on the second floor (concourse) for women on the west lobby of the building in PHC 2028 and on the east second floor lobby of the building in PHC 2002.
  • Third Floor West: Accessible Parking Eight spaces located in small lot (21 total spaces) outside main entrance to student fitness center located on the northwest corner of Pete Hanna Center.
  • Elevator Access The west side freight elevator is located at the southern end of the West Lobby near the Pete Hanna Center Hospitality Room (PHC 2020). Guests can freely travel between the first floor (ground) and second floor (concourse) on this elevator, but cannot travel from the first floor (ground) or the second floor (concourse) to the third floor (plaza) and enter the student fitness center without special assistance to override lockout. Additionally, the east side passenger elevator can be used by guests on the first floor (ground) to access the second floor (concourse) level and the third floor (plaza) on the east side of the Pete Hanna Center.
  • Third Floor West: Accessible Restrooms and Locker Rooms Men鈥檚 locker room (PHC 3026) and women鈥檚 locker rooms (PHC 3020) just off main cardio and machine fitness area in the student fitness center. Both locker rooms contain accessible restrooms and showering facilities.

Seibert Hall

  • Accessible ramp entrance at north side (front) of building, gym level, third floor. Ramp is to the right of steps.
  • Accessible entrance on east side of building to second floor.
  • Accessible entrance on west side of building, first floor鈥攔amp to this entrance is accessed from the east side of Bashinsky Field House.
  • Health Services is accessed from south east corner of the building with automatic door.

Sullivan-Cooney Family Field House

  • Accessible entrance on southwest side of the building provides access to elevator.
  • Accessible Restrooms on the third floor. Exit elevator and proceed down the hallway to the right. Restrooms are on the right.

Event Venues

Beeson Alumni Center

  • Accessible main entrance on south side of building. Take first left and first right to accessible restrooms and elevator.
  • Accessible restrooms on second floor exit elevator right and take the second door.
  • Accessible entrance to third floor from the north side of building. Elevator is to the right.

Brock Forum

  • Ramp access on right side of front entrance is for access to Brock Forum (DBH 131) only. Restrooms can be accessed by the doors at the front of Brock Forum. Women鈥檚 on the left. Men鈥檚 on the right.
  • Accessible ramp entrance with push button door on west side of building. Follow hallway to the left. Accessible restrooms are on the left. Continue following hallway to the right to access elevator.

Brock Recital Hall

  • Two accessible front entrances on the south side of building. Accessible ramp entrance on front left, ramp to the right of steps. Push button entrance on the front right. Both entrances access the auditorium with accessible seating on either side. Accessible restrooms are just inside the front left entrance. Follow hallway to the left of the auditorium for more accessible restrooms on left. Turn right off this hallway behind the auditorium to access elevator on left. Elevator accesses first to third floors. Accessible restrooms on second floor; exit elevator right. Exit elevator left on second floor for push button door to courtyard on north side of building.
  • Exit elevator right on third floor and follow hallway to access second floor of Swearingen Hall.

Harrison Theatre

  • Accessible main entrance to second floor is up the ramp leading behind the rose garden. Turn right to men鈥檚 and women鈥檚 accessible restrooms on left past the box office.
  • Elevator is to the left of main entrance. Accesses first to third floors.

Hodges Chapel

  • Enter through Divinity South entrance, take elevator to first floor and exit left. Also can be accessed by entering through the east side courtyard entrance at back of building and turning left.

Howard Room

  • Ramp access on west side of building. Ramp on left leads to Automatic Door. Turn right after entering. Elevator is on the right to access food court, post office, and bookstore.

Reid Chapel

  • Ramp access on the front left side of Burns Hall main entrance accesses side entrance of Reid Chapel.

Wright Center

  • Accessible entrances are located on both the east and west sides of the Wright Center. The auditorium can be entered without encountering stairs by using the east and west portals. Accessible ramps for drop-off and pick-up with automatic doors are located on the east side of Brock Recital Hall and Wright Center. There is an automatic door that leads to the lobby of Brock Recital Hall and one that leads to the east portal of the Wright Center. To reach these entrances from the west parking lot, follow the sidewalk in front of the Wright Center.
  • Accessible parking is available in the west parking lot beside Wright Center and in the east parking lot beside Brock Recital Hall.
  • Accessible restrooms are located inside the lobby of Brock Recital Hall and in the lower lounge of Wright Center. Elevators to reach the lounge are located on the east and west sides of the lobby of Wright Center. Push the 鈥淟鈥 button to reach the lounge and push 鈥1鈥 to return to the lobby. The men鈥檚 restroom is located on the west side of the lounge and the women鈥檚 restroom is located on the east side of the lounge.
  • Accessible concessions are available in the lounge.
  • Call 205-726-2853 or visit to purchase accessible seating.


Administration (极乐禁地 Hall)

  • The main entrance is an accessible entrance. To access main entrance follow sidewalk on the south side of building that leads around to the east side main entrance or from the sidewalk that leads in from the north side of building. Once entered, elevator on right accesses first to third floors. On the first floor, exit elevator left and accessible restrooms on right.


  • Accessible main entrance on south side of building. Take first left and first right to accessible restrooms and elevator.
  • Accessible restrooms on second floor exit elevator right and take the second door.
  • Accessible entrance to third floor from the north side of building. Elevator is to the right.

Athletics Administration

  • Accessible Parking鈥Four spaces located in small lot (20 total spaces) outside west lobby entrance to Pete Hanna Center
  • Accessible Entrance鈥Push door located at the northernmost set of exterior doors that enter the Pete Hanna Center west lobby at second floor (concourse). Guests will utilize the west side freight elevator to travel down to the first floor (ground).Guests can freely travel between the first floor (ground) and second floor (concourse) on this elevator.
  • Accessible Restrooms鈥Accessible restrooms are available on the first floor (ground) for men near the west end of the building in PHC 1047 and near the east end of the building in PHC 1121. Accessible restrooms are available on the first floor (ground) for women near the west end of the building in PHC 1046 and near the east end of the building in PHC 1122.
  • Elevator Access鈥The west side freight elevator is located at the southern end of the West Lobby near the Pete Hanna Center Hospitality Room (PHC 2020). Guests can freely travel between the first floor (ground) and second floor (concourse) on this elevator, but cannot travel from the first floor (ground) or the second floor (concourse) to the third floor (plaza) and enter the student fitness center without special assistance to override lockout. Additionally, the east side passenger elevator can be used by guests on the first floor (ground) to access the second floor (concourse) level and the third floor (plaza) on the east side of the Pete Hanna Center.

Dining Hall (The Caf)

  • Ramp access on west side of building. Ramp on left leads to Automatic Door. Turn right after entering. Elevator is on the right to access food court, post office, and bookstore.

Food Court

  • Ramp access on west side of building. Ramp on left leads to Automatic Door. Turn right after entering. Elevator is on the right to access food court, post office, and bookstore.
  • Accessible entrance on east side of building Automatic door (near post office). One Elevator on right at this entrance to access second floor cafeteria and dining services only. Second Elevator to left of food court to access student commons, cafeteria, and Howard Room. Turn left from O鈥橦enry鈥檚 to Accessible Restrooms on the right.
  • Ramp Access on the south side of the building from the Quad. Turn right from this entrance to access books store, food court, post office, and elevators to the cafeteria. Turn left and follow the ramp up and through the door. Elevator access on the left to first through third floors.
  • Ramp Access on west side of building. Use the ramp on the right. Turn right and go through the door to access the elevator straight ahead.
  • Ramp Access on the south side of the building from the Quad. Turn right from this entrance to access books store, food court, post office, and elevators to the cafeteria. Turn left and follow the ramp up and through the door. Elevator access on the left to first through third floors.

Health and Wellness Services

  • The Health and Wellness Center is accessed from south side of the building with an automatic door.

Student Fitness Center

  • Accessible Parking鈥Eight spaces located in small lot (21 total spaces) outside main entrance to student fitness center located on the northwest corner of Pete Hanna Center.
  • Accessible Entrance鈥Push door located at main entrance to student fitness center on west side third-floor (plaza) level.
  • Accessible Restrooms and Locker Rooms鈥Men鈥檚 locker room (PHC 3026) and women鈥檚 locker rooms (PHC 3020) just off main cardio and machine fitness area in the student fitness center. Both locker rooms contain accessible restrooms and showering facilities.
  • Elevator Access鈥West side freight elevator serves the student fitness center at third floor (plaza) and is located at the southern end of the student fitness center near the women鈥檚 locker room (PHC 3020). Guests can travel down from third floor (plaza) to second floor (concourse) and first floor (ground). Guests will not be able to travel back up to third floor (plaza) without special assistance to override lockout.

Student Life

  • Ramp Access on west side of building. Use the ramp on the right. Turn right and go through the door to access the elevator straight ahead.
  • Ramp Access on the south side of the building from the Quad. Turn right from this entrance to access books store, food court, post office, and elevators to the cafeteria. Turn left and follow the ramp up and through the door. Elevator access on the left to first through third floors.

University Center

  • Accessible entrance on east side of building Automatic door (near post office). One Elevator on right at this entrance to access second floor cafeteria and dining services only. Second Elevator to left of food court to access student commons, cafeteria, and Howard Room. Turn left from O鈥橦enry鈥檚 to Accessible Restrooms on the right.
  • Ramp Access on the south side of the building from the Quad. Turn right from this entrance to access books store, food court, post office, and elevators to the cafeteria. Turn left and follow the ramp up and through the door. Elevator access on the left to first through third floors.

Turn-by-turn Directions

Academy of the Arts

Turn onto Old Montgomery Highway from Lakeshore Drive. Turn right onto South Lakeshore Drive. The Academy is on the second right, at 1939 South Lakeshore Drive. There are visitor parking spaces in the lot.

Art Gallery

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. The Art Gallery is located on the first floor of Swearingen Hall behind the Wright Center and is accessible from the Rose Garden/Quad entrance. There are visitor parking spaces in the lot next to the Wright Center.

Art Lofts

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Continue on Montague Drive through the four-way stop at Talbird Circle. Turn left at Maintenance Drive. There are visitor parking spaces below the Art Lofts.

Beeson Alumni Center

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Continue on Montague Drive through the four-way stop at Talbird Circle. Turn left onto Rotunda Drive. The Rotunda Club is inside the Beeson Alumni Center, which is the first building on the left. There are 18 visitor parking spaces on Rotunda Drive.

Dwight Beeson Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Turn right onto Talbird Circle at the four-way stop sign. There are 8 visitor parking spaces in Talbird Circle. Walk through the University Center to the right of the visitor parking area. Dwight Beeson Hall is the first building on the left after exiting the University Center.

Orlean Beeson Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Continue through the four-way stop at Talbird Circle. Orlean Beeson Hall is on the left past the intersection of Montague Drive and Dawson Drive. There are visitor parking spaces available beside the building.

Brock Recital Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Take the first available right to drop guests off at the recital hall and continue through the turnoff back to Montague Drive. There are visitor parking spaces on the left across Montague Drive.

Brooks Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the right lane, and turn right onto Montague Drive. Brooks Hall is the third building on the left. There are visitor parking spaces on the east side of the building. For additional parking, continue on Montague Drive to the first parking deck on the right.

Burns Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the right lane, and turn right onto Montague Drive. Parking for Burns Hall is located in the first lot on the left. Take the stairs on the northeast side of the lot. Turn left on the sidewalk at the top of the stairs then turn right on the sidewalk in front of the chapel. Burns is the third entrance on the right. There are visitor parking spaces available in the lot.

Chapman Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the right lane, and turn right onto Montague Drive. Parking for Chapman Hall is located in the first lot on the left. Take the stairs on the northeast side of the lot. Turn left on the sidewalk at the top of the stairs then turn right on the sidewalk in front of the chapel. Chapman is the first entrance on the right. There are visitor parking spaces available in the lot.

Cooney Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the right lane, and turn right onto Montague Drive. Cooney Hall is the first building on the left past Riley Road. There are visitor parking spaces available on Riley Road and x available in the lot behind Cooney Hall across from the parking deck entrance.

Divinity Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Divinity Hall is the domed building on the right across from the football stadium. There are visitor parking spaces available in the lot near the Wright Center.

Pete Hanna Center

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Turn left onto Dawson Drive. Turn left onto Neal Road, and then turn left at the second stop sign. There are 6 visitor parking spaces in the second parking lot on the left.

Harrison Theatre

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Harrison Theatre is located on the second floor of Swearingen Hall behind the Wright Center. The main entrance faces the Quad. There are visitor parking spaces in the lot near the Wright Center.

Health Sciences Buildings 1 and 2

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s east gate. Visitor parking spaces are available in the parking deck at the top of the hill. Enter Building 1 via the sidewalk to the lobby.

Hodges Chapel

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Hodges Chapel is the domed building in Divinity Hall on the right across from the football stadium. There are visitor parking spaces available in the lot near the Wright Center.

Ingalls Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and continue straight onto Sherman Circle. Ingalls Hall is the first building on the right. There are 10 visitor parking spaces and 14 Admission guest parking spaces in Sherman Circle.

Propst Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the right lane, and turn right onto Montague Drive. Propst Hall is the first building on the right. There are visitor parking spaces available in the lot on the right immediately past the building. For additional parking, continue on Montague Drive to the first parking deck on the right.

Reid Chapel

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the right lane, and turn right onto Montague Drive. Parking for Reid Chapel is located in the first lot on the left. Take the stairs on the northeast side of the lot. Turn left on the sidewalk at the top of the stairs then turn right on the sidewalk in front of the chapel. Reid is the second entrance on the right. There are visitor parking spaces available in the lot.

Robinson Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the right lane, and turn right onto Montague Drive. Turn left onto Riley Road. The entrance to Robinson Hall is on the left. There are visitor parking spaces available along Riley Road.

Rotunda Club

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Continue on Montague Drive through the four-way stop at Talbird Circle. Turn left onto Rotunda Drive. The Rotunda Club is inside the Beeson Alumni Center, which is the first building on the left. There are 18 visitor parking spaces on Rotunda Drive.

Russell Hall

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the right lane, and turn right onto Montague Drive. Parking for Russell Hall is located in the first lot on the left. Enter Russell Hall on the ground floor at the east end of the building. There are visitor parking spaces available in the lot.

University Center

Turn off Lakeshore Drive at 极乐禁地’s main gate. Get in the left lane, and turn left onto Montague Drive. Turn right onto Talbird Circle at the four-way stop sign. The entrance to the University Center is directly ahead. There are 8 visitor parking spaces in Talbird Circle.