International Churches in Birmingham

African Congregations

Christian Missions Church
Green Springs Ministry Center
2230 Green Springs Highway
Birmingham, AL 35209
Pastor: Rev. Yohana Maginga
(205) 296-7126

Languages during worship: English, Swahili
Congregation: Kenyans, Ugandans, Tanzanians, Jamaicans, Americans

Laborers in Christ Ministry
2708 Temple Drive
Birmingham, AL 35209
Pastor: Rev. Jacob N. Gathogo
(205) 941-3302

Languages during worship: English, Swahili
Congregation: Kenyans, Tanzanians

Lighthouse International Church
11th Avenue South, 19th Street
Birmingham, AL 35205
Pastor: Simba Lombo
Languages during worship: mainly English
Congregation: Cross-cultural; Kenyans, Americans, Tanzanians, Trinidadians, Indians, Ugandans

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (Jesus House)
213 1st Avenue North
Birmingham, AL 35204
Pastor: Rev. Enefaa Fenny
Phone: 205-401-3301
Languages during worship: English
Congregation: Cross-cultural; Nigerians, Togolese, Tanzanians, Cote d’Ivoire, Americans

Arabic Congregation

Arabic Baptist Church
Meets at Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Contact: Ben Hale
(205) 587-4193
Languages during worship: Arabic with English translation

Chinese Congregations

Birmingham Chinese Christian Church
5099 Caldwell Mill Road
Birmingham, AL 35242
(205) 408-2615
Pastor: John Chou

Shades Mountain Baptist Church
2017 Columbiana Road*
Birmingham, AL 35216
(205) 822-1670

Language during worship: English
Congregation: Americans, Chinese
* NOTE: There is not a separate congregation for Chinese; they are all integrated into the regular service at Shades Mountain Baptist Church. There are Sunday school classes that are taught in Mandarin.

Hispanic Congregations

Church of the Highlands
9013 Helena Road 
Pelham, AL 35124
Campus pastor: Alex Solito
(205) 731-2352

Congregacion Hispana de Dawson Memorial
Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
1114 Oxmoor Road
Homewood, AL 35209
Pastor: Rev. Bayron Mosquera
(205) 795-7733

Cristo Nuestra Esperanza
Christ our Hope Baptist Church (The Church at Brook Hills)
1331 Fairfax Ave
Bessemer, Al 35020
Pastor Brian Harper, Harry Harper
FB: Cristo Nuestra Esperanza Birmingham

Hispanic Episcopal Diócesis of Alabama
Iglesia Episcopal de la Gracia
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
901 Kingman Road
Birmingham, AL 35235
Priest: Rev. Dr. Herman Afanador
(205) 838-2565

Iglesia Alianza Cristiana y Misionera
2160 Brewster Road
Birmingham, AL 35235
Pastor: Rev. Marco Requena

Iglesia Bautista Jesús el Buen Pastor
2876 Pelham Parkway
Pelham, AL 35124
(205) 664-0237
Pastor: Jorge Camacho

Iglesia Biblica de Alabaster
88 Highway 139
Brierfield, AL 35035
Pastor: Rev. Jose Luis Leon

Iglesia Christiana Agape
First Baptist Church, Hoover
2025 Patton Chapel Road
Hoover, AL 35216
Pastor: Rev. Pablo Moscoso
(205) 410-7273
(205) 567-3715

Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostal del M.M.M.
500 4th Street SE
Fort Payne, AL 35967
Pastor: Rev. Roberto Andino

Iglesia Cristo Roca de Salvación
825 Oak Blvd
Moody, AL 35004
Pastor: Rev. Miguel Barajas
(205) 266-8022

Iglesia Hispana de Briarwood
New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church
3521 Double Oak Lane 
Birmingham, AL 35242
Pastor: Rev. Brad Taylor

Iglesia Pentecostal Cristo la Roca
412 6th Street North
Birmingham, AL 35204
Pastor: Rev. Arturo Barbosa
(205) 541-4456

Mana Del Cielo
8425 1st Avenue North
Birmingham, AL 35206
Pastor: Rev. Javier Godoy
(205) 422-5981  

Ministerio Avivamiento
2800 Metropolitan Way
Hoover, AL 35243
Pastor: Rev. Noel Alarcon

Mission Birmingham
P.O. Box 12824
Birmingham, AL 35202
Pastor: Rev. Tracy Hipps
(205) 222-0667

Riverchase Casa de Adoracion
Riverchase United Methodist Church
1953 Old Montgomery Highway
Birmingham, AL 35244
Pastor: Rev. Fernando Del Castillo
(205) 739-0885

Japanese Congregation

Briarwood Presbyterian Church
2200 Briarwood Way
Birmingham, AL 35243
Pastor: Rev. Kotaro Hamamatsu
(205) 776-5412

Language during worship: Japanese
Congregation: Japanese and Americans

Korean Congregations

Korean Presbyterian Church of Birmingham
7814 Helena Road
Pelham, AL 35124
(205) 982-1990
Pastor: Timothy Cho

Korean Baptist Church
1016 19th St. South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Pastor: Young Duk Chang

Korean Congregation
Briarwood Presbyterian Church
2200 Briarwood Way
Birmingham, AL 35243
Pastor: Rev. Jonathan Kim
(205) 776-5414

Language during worship: Korean
Congregation: Korean, American

St. Luke Hwang Korean Catholic Church
759 Valley St.
Hoover, AL 35226

Language during worship: Korean
Congregation: Korean

Vietnamese Congregation

Hoi Thánh Báp Tít Viet Nam North Shelby
North Shelby Baptist Church
4100 Belcher Drive
Birmingham, AL 35242
(678) 704-6478
Pastor: Trung Nguyen


Birmingham International Church
1380 Montgomery Hwy
Vestavia, AL 35216
Phone: 205-823-7399
Ministries in Chinese, Spanish, and French.

Global Center Resources

Guests of the Global Center are welcome to peruse our bookshelves to discover books and other resources about world Christianity and cross-cultural missions.

Mission Database Directories

Mission Finder

Mission Finder is the world's leading gathering place for locating Christian mission trips. Search through hundreds of short term, medical, domestic and international mission trips including orphanages.

World Christian Resource Directory

The World Christian Resources Database provides information and resources on how you can reach your world for Jesus and other useful information for Christians. This web site provides information on resources in many different languages.


OSCAR is a UK based information service for world mission. OSCAR is designed to take the 'leg work' out of finding missions related information. It helps you locate the organizations, services and resources you need.

ChristianVolunteering is a program of TechMission that matches volunteers to volunteer opportunities and helps organizations recruit volunteers through online volunteer matching.

Skybridge Community

Skybridge Community is a global network of marketplace professionals who seek to leverage their work and their lives for the sake of impacting the nations with the Gospel. This network thrives in an organic, exclusive, online community designed to awaken professionals to the possibilities of integrating their faith with their life and work.

Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center for Evangelism

We believe that effective and faithful Christ-followers live lives of authentic witness, seamlessly blending together living on mission with God, while speaking words of the truth of Jesus.

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary's Global Missions Center

The vision of the Global Missions Center is to research effective global mission strategies, train Christians for global missions service, resource global mission Christians and reach the globally unreached with the Gospel.

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary's Center for the Study of Global Christianity

The CSGC researches, monitors and analyzes worldwide demographic trends in Christianity.

Worldwide Missions Agencies

10/40 Connections

10/40 Connections cultivates global community by equipping believers and by engaging in innovative ministries that fight injustice, empower children and plant multiplying churches among the least reached.

Africa Inland Mission


AIM is a worldwide team that works to establish maturing churches through the evangelization of unreached peoples in Africa and the effective preparation of church leaders. AIM accomplishes this mission through the following avenues of ministry: prayer movements, community outreach, leadership training, youth development, medical missions and support services. There are opportunities to serve short-term and full term (one year or more) as well as a two-year Training in Ministry Outreach program that provides academic and experiential learning.

African Methodist Episcopal AME-SADA

The African Methodist Episcopal Service and Development Agency is the humanitarian relief and development entity of the AME Church. It is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Africa and the Caribbean. It currently has programs in Haiti and South Africa focuses on health, micro-credit and education.

Alabama State Board of Missions

The Office of Collegiate & Student Ministries -- in partnership with the churches and associations of the Alabama Baptist State Convention -- ministers to college, university, middle and high school students in order to reach students for Christ, grow faithful disciples, prepare students for Christian leadership and involve students in mission service and education.

Anglican Mission in America

The AMiA National Mission Resource Center organizes 17 mission networks and seeks to glorify God by fathering, planting and serving dynamic congregations in the Angelical tradition through cooperative system of networks. This missionary movement is focused on reaching the 150 million souls in North America.

Anglican Frontier Missions

AFM is a mission organization that seeks to plant viable, biblically-based, indigenous churches in areas of the world where there is very little Christian presence, in areas of North Africa, the Middle East, Asia and even some ethnic communities in the United States. We partner with members of the Anglican Communion from around the world for this endeavor.

Association of Baptists World Evangelism

The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism is an independent mission agency that exists to serve local churches in the task of sending missionaries around the world. They currently offer short-term, collegiate, and career missionary opportunities to countries such as Singapore, South Africa, Peru, Bangladesh and many others. Missionaries have the chance to engage in administrative, educational, worship leadership and church planting projects.

Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship

Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship began in 1977. A group of physicians got together to discuss their experiences in doing short-term healthcare mission projects and long-term careers in service to Christ. The result was BMDF, a group of physicians and dentists with the mission statement, “Responding to God’s call through healthcare.” Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship is now an organization open to all categories of recognized healthcare professionals and others who subscribe to our mission. BMDF ministers through Christian healthcare medical/dental missions projects in the United States and internationally, disaster relief projects, support ministries for long-term healthcare missionaries, student/resident mission grants for short-term healthcare mission projects and Christian fellowship and networking.

Baptist Mid-Missions

BMM exists to strategically advance the building of Christ's church, with His passion and for His glory, in vital partnership with Baptist churches worldwide. BMM missionaries currently serve in over 50 countries in ministries as diverse as aviation, camping, radio and publications in order to plant churches, evangelize and disciple new believers. BMM has short-term, career and collegiate opportunities for Baptist Christians.

Baptist Nursing Fellowship

Baptist Nursing Fellowship provides Christian professional fellowship, promotes continuing education and growth for members and nurse missionaries, and encourages nursing service evolving from a personal commitment to Jesus Christ. Baptist Nursing Fellowship focuses on ministering to health-care professionals by supporting them professionally, spiritually and missionally. It purposes to develop in its members a missional lifestyle—one that combines the medical field with the missions field. BNF® accomplishes these goals by equipping health-care professionals, providing them with prayer support, supplying them with resources for ministry, connecting them with other professionals and sending them across the country and around the world. Join online by going .

Café 1040

Café 1040 is an intensely experiential 3-month training program inside the 10/40 window, exposing Christian college students and young adults to missions in the unreached world. Participants have the chance to study language, culture, history, religion and technology with the possibility of college credit. In addition to time on the field, Café 1040 also mentors each person who goes through the program before and after his/her time overseas.

Children’s Relief International

CRI works primarily in three areas of the world: South Asia, Africa and North America. CRI addresses needs such as education, orphan care, clean water, medical care and hunger.

e3 Partners

e3 Partners is a ministry that focuses on 3 essential E's of missions, Equipping, Evangelizing and Establishing churches. e3 exists to help Christians' ministry globally through organizing prayer groups and mission teams and connecting churches with key national pastors and church leaders. They organize missions trips around the world to places such as Rwanda, India, Ethiopia and Colombia with some trips geared toward youth and medical teams. e3 also offers a bountiful resource center online to help churches develop prayer, evangelism and discipleship ministries.

East-West Ministries

East-West exists to mobilize the Body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and healthy churches among unreached peoples and/or in restricted access.

Ethnos 360

Ethnos 360 mobilizes and equips missionaries who evangelize to people groups that have had no access to the Gospel, translates the Scriptures into their language and plants churches. NTM offers church weekend retreats to give the church a bird's eye view of the unreached peoples of the world. A similar experience is available aimed at college students and youth. There are short term and career opportunities as well as internships that focus on education, aviation, medical, information, technology and business administration needs.

Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism

FAME seeks to lead people to Christ through meeting real physical needs by partnering with other missions organizations to deliver a unique combination of medical mission services. They provide medical facilities, medicines and supplies and hands-on care through short-term mission teams. FAME takes trips to places such as Honduras, Ghana, the Dominican Republic, Kenya, Haiti, Brazil and India. While FAME does have a need for doctors, nurse, dentists and other medical professionals, they also recruit pastors, teachers and other Christians to participate in their trips.


Frontiers is an international community of ordinary people, serving with teams, going to the hardest places in the world, bringing efforts of human aid and relief, working in the global marketplace, while living as ambassadors of the Gospel to those who have not yet heard. The ministry offers both short and long term service opportunities as well as iPact, an intensive professional and cultural training program. Currently Frontiers missionaries serve in Asia, the Middle East, North and Sub-Saharan Africa, The Balkans and the Caucuses.

Global Gates

The mission of Global Gates is to see Gospel transformation of the world’s most unevangelized people groups who have come to global gateway cities, and through them reach their communities around the world. Global Gates is focusing on the unreached in these cities who have been neglected or written off as too difficult to reach. We seek to start churches among peoples who do not have one. And when they do have a church, we want to help them multiply a movement of disciples and churches that will transform their community with the Gospel.

Global Women

Global Women is a non-denominational movement created by women to minister with and to other women. They accomplish this goal by creating global friendships for shared learning and service. Currently, GW is committed to prayer, trips and giving, in order to address global issues such as sexual trafficking, spouse abuse, displaced women, poverty and economic development. The organization also provides resources to help women form Global Forums, gatherings to pray and learn more about issues facing women worldwide.

Hope International


HOPE International is a network of microfinance institutions operating in 16 countries around the world. We work to empower men, women and families to break the cycles of physical and spiritual poverty through the provision of biblically-based business training, savings services, small loans, mentoring and discipleship. By incorporating a strong witness for Jesus Christ and employing a variety of approaches to microfinance, HOPE is an innovator in the field of microenterprise development.

International Mission Board

The IMB is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention and exists to present the Gospel and lead individuals to saving faith in Him which will result in church-planting movements among all the peoples of the world. IMB missionaries serve around the world. The Task is the part of IMB dedicated to mobilizing college and seminary students for missions. IMB has the Journeyman Program which is a two-year commitment of a single, twenty-something year old college graduate to serve overseas. In addition to these special entities, the IMB has thousands of missions opportunities for adults, families and couples.

International Sports Federation

International Sports Federation (ISF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to using sports to build relationships in cross-cultural settings. ISF volunteers are trained to develop opportunities to share the Christian faith and provide relief. Volunteers not only engage in sports activities but also feeding programs, clean water projects and medical missions.

Jesus Film Project

JESUS Film Mission Trips teams are taking the "JESUS" film to the least-reached people of the world. Through more than 40 mission trips each year, JESUS Film Project works to partner with national ministries by taking short-term missions trips to over 30 different countries to give out the Jesus film in local languages. Most trips last from 2-3 weeks and are scheduled year-round.

Launch Global

Launch Global exists to awaken young adults to discover God’s will, develop as multiplying disciples and deploy to strategic opportunities impacting unreached peoples. Our vision is to see God ignite a movement of young adults who are consumed with a vision and passion to see every ethnic people group reached with the good news of Jesus Christ in this generation.

Lifeline Children’s Service

The mission of Lifeline Children’s Services is to equip the body of Christ to manifest the Gospel to vulnerable children. Lifeline provides several resources for adoptive and foster families. Lifeline seeks to see vulnerable children and their communities transformed by the Gospel and making disciples.

Mission to the World


MTW is the missionary sending organization of the Presbyterian Church in America and offers trips ranging from 1-2 weeks to 1-11 month internships to long term (4 years+). MTW is planting churches in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe and Latin America. Some of their focus includes working with street children in India, doing medical missions in Belize, teaching English and disaster response.


MountainChild exists for the purpose of raising awareness, resources and financial aid for humanitarian work carried out amongst impoverished children living in the Himalayas. Our origins began in 2000 when short-term exploratory teams traveled to the region to investigate reports of severe medical, social, educational and environmental challenges facing children living in the Himalayas.


NAMS has functioned as a society of Christ-followers facilitating the spread of the Gospel around the world through planting the Church wherever God opens doors. NAMS has colleagues and associates ministering in more than 30 nations. NAMS is a missionary community of pioneering, global Church planters serving the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

Nehemiah Teams


Nehemiah Teams are leading the next generation to reach every nation by standing in the gap among the unreached and the hard-to-reach. NT is an 8-week summer mission opportunity for students ages 17-29 which strategically involves them in cross-cultural missions among unreached people groups. NT partners with the International Mission Board and other global Christians, connecting with state conventions, local Southern Baptist associations & churches to reach the unreached & hard to reach.

Network of International Christian Schools (NICS)


The mission of NICS is to establish a worldwide network of international Christian schools staffed by qualified Christian educators, instilling in each student a biblical worldview in an environment of academic excellence and respect for people of all cultures and religions.

North American Mission Board

NAMB assists Southern Baptists in their task of fulfilling the Great Commission in the United States, Canada and their territories through a national strategy for sharing Christ, starting churches and sending missionaries. NAMB is involved in several projects including Operation Noah Rebuild for Hurricane Katrina victims, family missions, and ministry in the Appalachia and Mississippi River areas. The board also organizes Campers on Mission, a national fellowship of Christian campers who share their faith while camping.

One Hundred Fold

OneHundredFold is a group of specialists in software development, web design, database engineering, networking and telecommunications who believe that mobile technology has a transformative role to play in making the Gospel of Christ accessible to every individual on Earth.

Reaching and Teaching


Reaching & Teaching International Ministries exists to reach the peoples of the world through evangelism and by meeting the great need for deep discipleship, pastoral preparation, leadership training and theological education around the world.

Sacred Road

The goal of Sacred Road Ministries is to be a unified and growing community of believers who have a passion for God, for each other and for the lost, and who are prepared and equipped to serve the Lord by ministering in the community of Native America and the world. The Sacred Road team reaches out to the community through: Hope Fellowship church services, children's ministry, youth ministry, Kingdom Kids after-school program, a variety of acts of service and mercy, recruiting, hosting and organizing one week service teams, etc.


Serge is a missions sending agency that has over 150 missionaries in 14 countries. World Harvest works with evangelism and church-planting, and training, equipping and mobilizing leadership. WHM is a nondenominational foreign mission agency, founded in the reformed tradition. Missionary Lifecycle Shepherding: Serge is committed to a holistic model of caring for missionaries, from start to finish.

Servant Life

Servant Life is a mission-mobilizing ministry providing dynamic short-term mission experiences for teenagers and church groups. Currently, Servant Life sends short-term mission teams to 11 countries, including two locations in the United States. Our desire is to connect students' love for God to the nations through His Word and by His Spirit.


SIM is an international mission organization with more than 4,000 workers serving in more than 70 countries. SIM members serve God among many diverse people groups in every continent. SIM workers are international themselves, representing about 70 nationalities. They serve in a wide variety of career fields. SIM is looking for people who love Jesus and who are willing to use their skills on one of our ministry teams worldwide.

Sozo Children

Sozo Children works with orphans in different countries, including Uganda, Costa Rica, Kenya, Haiti and Papua New Guinea. They work to plant orphanages that will foster the development of a child in a holistic manner.

Training Leaders International

Training Leaders International mentors and sends pastors, seminary professors and graduate students to bring theological education around the world through short-term trips, long-term sending and school planting. TLI sends short-term teams to provide theological education, serves as a sending agency for those interested in teaching overseas and starts schools in places where formal education is lacking.

(Un)adopted, a ministry of Lifeline Children's Services

(Un)adopted exists to provide a hope and a future for orphans around the world by facilitating a safe environment to disciple and equip children in need.

United World Mission

United World Mission partners with local Christians in 42 nations to form leaders, reproduce churches and empower the poor and vulnerable. They create missional opportunities for North American churches and for God's missionary servants who are called to serve in short and long-term ways. UWM is interdenominational.

One of UWM's foci is the , whose mission is to field and support missionary scholars who will contribute biblical theological education that is contextually relevant for the equipping of God's people to serve the church and society.

Uttermost Sports

Uttermost Sports is a sports-business missions platform that works with churches and missions organizations to send intentional followers of Jesus to represent Him in restricted-access locations. We do this by facilitating short-term and long-term opportunities for coaches, athletes and a variety of people with a background in sports, for the purpose of creating and sustaining access and engagement not possible through traditional missionary efforts.

Volunteers for China

Volunteers for China, (VFC), is a Christian humanitarian, nonprofit organization that facilitates volunteers, both short-term and long-term, for service in China. VFC has also presently placed 11 long term (one month and longer) teachers, as well as other short term placements during non-summer times. They can place volunteers at any time of the year; you select the time that is best for you and the length of time you can serve. VFC has short-term opportunities for college students interested in teaching English as well as those gifted with technology and medical abilities.

Volunteers in Medical Missions

VIMM is a team of Christian doctors, nurses and other volunteers that minister to the physical and spiritual needs of children and adults in developing countries throughout the world. These volunteers serve in places such as Peru, Tanzania, Nicaragua and Honduras. Although their primary focus is medical, VIMM also seeks to involve non-medical people in mission projects such as construction, Bible schools and evangelism.

The Wellhouse

The WellHouse is a faith-based and Christ-centered nonprofit organization offering immediate shelter and transitional housing to women who have been trafficked, are prostituting or otherwise sexually exploited. Food, clothing, spiritual guidance, Christian counseling and other necessities are provided, along with assisting with referrals for substance abuse treatment, if needed. Life skills classes, GED preparation and other enrichment services are part of the experience to help these women become self-sufficient and give them a sense of self-worth.


WorldCraft SM develops sustainable, fair-trade businesses among impoverished people around the world. Our vision is to offer an income with dignity and the hope of everlasting life to every person on earth. We are committed to the in-country partners and artisan groups with whom we work. WorldCrafts is a division of WMU®.

Wycliffe Bible Translators


Wycliffe's vision is to see the Bible accessible to all people in the language they understand best. To make this vision a reality, Wycliffe also focuses on literacy development, community development and church partnerships. WBT offers short term trips, ranging from 1-8 weeks to 2 years, which provide volunteers with the chance to work in language-development, Bible translation, teaching, IT and management. Discovery Trips are 6-8 week trips overseas specifically geared to 21-25 year olds to give them hands-on experience with Bible translation work under the mentorship of long-term staff.

Youth With A Mission


YWAM is an international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Their many ministries fit into three main categories: evangelism, training and mercy ministry. YWAM operates in over 1000 locations in more than 149 countries. There are a number of opportunities ranging from one week to long-term service.