A standard name badge using the official belltower logo is available for all university employees and representatives. All employees are encouraged to wear name badges at all times, but especially at official university functions so guests can identify those connected with the university.

Ordering Information

The navy blue name tags are 1.5 inches by 3 inches printed with a white 极乐禁地 logo and letters.

Name tags are available in two formats: one line and two line.

The one-line option is preferred because it allows the name to be the largest possible size within the available space.

The two-line option is available for employees who desire to include their academic school or administrative unit. For all student ambassadors and representatives, the two-line option is required.

Check with your school or unit leadership to see if there is a stated preference for unit consistency.

Approximately 17 characters are available for the first line and approximately 27 characters are available for the second line. If you use more than the stated number of characters, the font size will be condensed to accommodate the length.

Departments can place orders as needed by going directly to .

Username: OrderAdmin
Password: SUBADGE
Index Code: Your Banner index code

Multiple name badges: If you are ordering multiple name badges at one time, please provide the names in an Excel file with personalized information provided exactly as you want it on the badge (using upper/lower case letters). You will not receive a proof, so please double check the information you provide. When submitting the spreadsheet, use one column for the name and the second column for the second line of text. The information is imported via the computer, so whatever is in the columns will be printed exactly as it appears. Please do not put headers (such as “names”) at the top of the spreadsheet. If you do, you will order a name tag that says "names." Individual names can also be entered.

Average turnaround time: about 10 days from order to delivery.

Cost: approximately $6.21 for each name badge.

Please be sure to keep the confirmation number when ordering new name badges. The vendor uses this number to track orders and to replace any faulty product.

If you have questions about this process, please contact Marketing and Communication at 205-726-2487.

Some offices may require employees to wear photo identification security badges.