
Amanda Barron

Friday Night at the ER to Assess Student Systems Thinking 

Brad Bennett

Probiotic and Postbiotic Interventions in a Fruit Fly Model of Alzheimer's Disease 

Jonathan Den Hartog

Book Manuscript Workshop: John Jay as Founding Statesman 

Hannah Kennedy

The Greenhouse Project

Kristen Johnson

Asthma Education Through a Children's Story 

Jane-Marie Marlin

Inquiry for Impact 

Anthony Minnema

The Algarve Questions 

Josh Reeves

Chance: A Theological History 

Jonathan Rodgers

Be Still My Soul: Hymns at the Piano 

Molly Lockart Smith

Spectroscopic Characterization of Mn2+-substituted Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase (cFAS) 

Brian Toone

Using Radar, Video, and Lidar to Collect and Publish Vehicle Passing Statistics from a Bicycle 

Anna Webb

Qualitative Analysis Exploring Student Reflective Journaling in an Externship-Based CSD Program 

Wink Winkler

Blockchain Revolution: Bridging Gaming and Technology 

Mary Yakimowski

A User-Friendly Guide to Creating Effective Online Survey Research Using Qualtrics 


Christopher Ballmann

Development and Validation of a rapid high throughput assessment of Fish Health

Lisa Baker

Parenting the Hospitalized Child

Courteney Benjamin

Prescribed Fluid Intake on Mood, Cognition, and Visuomotor Reaction Time in Lactating Females

Aaron Brakke

Peacebuilding and Placemaking: Collective Design and Construction of a Park

Mark Caulkins

Development and Presentation of Continuing Education Courses Utilizing Cadaver Lab Dissection

Stephen Chew

The Teacher Trust Inventory: A Research and Assessment Tool for Student Trust in the Teacher

Danielle Deavours

Eyes of the Storm: Hurricane Ian

Kenyon Gradert

The Rediscovery of Moby Dick

Maegan Powell

Exploring awareness and perception of physical therapy in underserved Alabama communities

Will Scogin

Retrain Pain: Empowering Students to Manage Patients with Chronic Pain

Jason Terry

Commercial Music Keyboard Training: Keys to Pedagogical Approaches for 21st-Century Students

Robert Wang

Development of novel CFTR modulators by targeting NBD1

Kayla Wenth

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Practitioner Training

Laura Wynn

Academic Nurse Educator Certification Support for Faculty


Kelly Atkins

Assessing Physical Activity Levels of Patients Receiving Inpatient Rehabilitation and Home Health Therapy: A Pilot Study

Amanda Barron, Lori Harrison and Lauren Jones

Formalizing Critical Thinking in Undergraduate Nursing Students

Karen Birkenfeld and Amy Hoaglund

Implementation of Trauma Informed Teaching Practices in Preservice Teacher Curriculum

Taylor Cyr

Evaluating History-Sensitive Structuralism

Brad Diamond

A Winter’s Journey – A Multimedia Recording Project of Franz Schubert’s Song Cycle, “Die Winterreise”

John Marc Green

Building Online Branching Case Study Scenarios

Rachel Hagues and Sara McCarty

What are the Economic Impacts of Girls’ Education in Sub-Saharan African Countries?

Courtney Haun

An Examination of Punctuating Events and the Future of Nursing: Politics, Pandemics, and Beyond

Kristen Johnston

Breathing Easy: Becoming a Certified Asthma Educator

Patricia Jumbo-Lucioni

Identifying the Neuroinflammatory Targets of Lisinopril in a Drosophila Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

Kristin Kenning

New Children’s Opera about family relationships when one child has autism. Title of opera TBD.

Nathan Kirkpatrick

“The Leadership Challenge”: Leadership Evaluation and Self-Reflection in the Classroom

Anthony Minnema

From Scrolls to Smart Phones: Teaching the History of the Book

Chelsea Nicholson

Blackface Minstrelsy as America’s First Performing Art Form: A Podcast

Anthony Overton

An Assessment of Birmingham Urban Fishery

Elizabeth Sheaffer

Assessment, Education, and Evaluation of Pharmacy Faculty on Hardiness Resilience

Morgan Soja

Music Educator Mentoring in Alabama: Supporting Early-Career Professionals

Sarah Szynkiewicz and Mallory Marshall

Tongue Strength in Aerobically-Trained Versus Resistance-Trained Older Persons

Angela Yoon

Songs of Hope: Unveiling Darkness


Georges Adunlin and Cheryl Cropp

"Metastatic Patterns, Treatment Strateigies, Health Resource Utilization, and Cost in Patients with Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer"

Kwadwo Antwi-Fordjour

"Extinction and Global Dynamics of a Fearful Predator-prey Model with Mutual Inference and Holling Type Functional Response"

Christopher Ballman

"Protective American Football Headgear and Peripheral Vision Reaction Time: The Role of Facemasks and Face-shields"

K. Megan Carpenter

"The Great Escape: A Novel Approach to Interprofessional Education Utilizing an Educational Escape Room Activity"

Scott Fisk

User Experience (UX) Design Training and Certification

Brian Hamm

"Crucibles of Belonging: Portuguese Immigrants and Local Society in the Spanish Circum-Caribbean, 1492-1665"

Allison Jackson

Disability Simulation

Kelly Jackson

Advanced Certification in Bilingual Speech-Language Pathology

Bryan Johnson

"Using the Northern Ireland YouthWorks Model for Peace and Reconciliation in Birmingham Service and Community Engagement"

Will Kynes

"The Meaning Between: An Introduction to Biblical Intertextuality"

Mingwei Sun

"A Time-lagged Penalized Regression Model and Applications to Economic Modeling"

Jason Terry

"The Holistic Pianist: Understanding the Relationship Between the Physical Mechanisms of the Piano and the Performing Artist"


Mark Baggett

“Mark Twain and the Art of Staging the Show Trial”

Lan Bui

“Stability of Angiotensin II Beyond 24 Hours”

Mark Busbee

“The Effects of Translation on Javajo Culture”

Bernadette D'Souza

“Optimizing and ex0vivo T-cell activation technique to screen immunotherapeuic vaccine adjufants”

Amanda Hilsmier

“Board Certified Behavior Analysis Program”

Carol Koch

“Utilizing Ultrasound Technology for Remediation of speech Sound Production Errors”

Mallory Marshall

“The Effects of Dual Tasking on Walking Gait and Cognitive Function During Pregnancy and Postpartum”

Chris Metress

“Reckoning with the Imperfect Past”

Justin Moody

“The effect of sports-related concussion on frontotemporal brain activity during neurocognitive testing.”

Hollea Ryan

“Hearing Monitoring for the Football Program”

Karen Thatcher

“Fostering Literacy Development in Preschool Children Identified as Homeless or Living in Poverty”

Kimberly Wood

“Human Psychophysiology Course as a conduit for Student-Designed Neuroscience Research”


Mark Lackey

“Fairy Tale: An album of original music. Recorded at The Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. Solo pieces yet to be recorded.”

Joseph Cory

“Out of the Depths: An Exhibit of Painting and Photography Exploring the Complex Nature of Middle East Migrants.”

Kristin Bakkegard

“Research: Biology of the Guantanamo Striped Curlytail (Leiocephalus onaneyi).”

Jennifer McClure

“Faith Connections: A Social Network Study of Religion Congregations.”

Steven Epley

“Preparation of abridged edition of: Sara Hall's Conversations on the Bible: Between a Mother and Her Children. Susanna Rowson's Biblical Dialogues Between a Father and His Children.”

Amy Hoaglund

“International Partnerships in Educational Missions.”

Jane Holston

“Inter-professional Education Program on Concussion Awareness.”

Thomas Kopec

“Parasympathetic measurements with ultra short-term heart rate variability using field measures for the clinical settings.”

Ashley Robertson

“Examination of Differences in Utilization of Medicare-Funded Acute Care Services among Recipients of Home Health Service: the Effects of Rurality, Policy and Patient Characteristics.”

Katie Coate

“Myokines and Metastasis: A Study of the Anticancer Effects of Exercise.”

Crystal Deas

“End of Life Home Care for Interprofessional Education”

Patricia Jumbo-Lucioni

“Angiotensin II Type 1 receptor blockade and Neprilysin Inhibition in an Alzeheimer's Disease Model.”

Pamela Sims

“Development of an In Vitro Assay for the Determination of Benzodiazepine Drug Binding to Plasma Proteins.”


Candice Adams-Mitchell

“Following Student Athletes from a Neurocognitive Perspective.”

Susanne Burgess

“Music Education in Early Childhood.”

Hugh Floyd

“Seeking Justice for Displaced Lives.”

Ginger Frost

“Crossed Lines and Crossed Hearts: Mixed Marriages in Britain.”

Rachel Hagues

“Caring for Refugees in Germany.”

Amanda Howard

“Quality of Life in a Sample of Child Welfare Professionals.”

Kristen Johnston

“ֽ Mobile Sav-A-Life Vestavia.”

Jeffrey Leonard

“Journey Through the Land of the Bible.”

Mallory Marshall

“Exercising for Two: Habits for Women in 2nd and 3rd Trimesters of Pregnancy.”

Timothy Sutton

“Leisure in the English Modernist Novel.”

Angela Thomason

“Fellowship for Interpersonal Development at ֽ.”


Carlos Aleman

“Nicaragua: Bridging Humanities Research and Teaching.”

John Arnold

“In Vitro and In Vico Evaluation of Tetracycline Loaded Biodegradable Microspheres for Use in the Eye.”

Jonathan Davis

“Developing Capacity for Scholarship on Violence Prevention.”

Mark DeVine

“Better Together: A Biblical, Theological and Practical Guide for Church Mergers.”

Clif Eason

“Christianity as a Part of the Brand.”

David Johnson

“An Investigation of molecular communication between parasites and host plants.”

David Luthin

“Determination of the concentration of Antibiotics and Metabolities Discharged from Animal Processing Facilities into the Black Warrior River Wasteland.”

Mary McCullough

“A Study of Gender and Space in Narratives on La Grande Rafle du Vel d’Hiv (July 16-17, 1942).”

Pilar Murphy

“The Impact of a pharmacist-led Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Clinic for patients in rural Perry County, Alabama.”

Julie Steward

“Italy Summer Writing Seminar.”

Stephanie Wynn

“Integrating Telehealth into the Nursing Curricula.”


Malia Fincher

“A new collaborative international research project: Physiological costs of plant defense against herbivores in two closely related rain forest shrubs.”

Jennifer Rahn

“Inquiry as Pedagogy: Developing better thinkers in geography with unified physical geography lab manuals”

James Strange

“Archaeology and the New Testament: Windows into Earliest Christianity”

Jeremy Thornton

“Experimental Analysis of Religiosity and Time Preference

Nathan Kilpatrick

“What Effects Will the NCAA Academic Redshirt Rule Have on NCAA Division I Intercollegiate Athletics?”

Shannon Ashe

“Development of Functional Assessment Tool for Ballet Dancers”

Osvaldo Padilla

“Reading Acts Today: From Authorship to Contemporary Political Engagement”

Rachel Thomas

“Impacting Health Literacy and outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus via the Development and Implementation of a Mobile Application”

Andrea Collins

“A Comparison of Magnesium vs. Melatonin for Improved Sleep Quality and Quantity”