Main Campus Employee Parking
极乐禁地 employees, your color designation on the map is brown, and you have multiple locations across campus to park. Employees are only allowed to park in the Wright Center Commuter Lot as overflow parking whenever employee parking is full. Employees may also park across Lakeshore Drive at the Track and Soccer Stadium and the Intramural fields Lots. Use the SamTram to safely reach main campus.
CHS Employee Parking
极乐禁地 College of Health Sciences employees, you may park in all employee areas across campus, but we urge you to utilize the Meredith parking deck, here in magenta, that is attached to CHS Building 3. You can access the Meredith deck via Old Montgomery Highway. From there, follow signage that leads you to CHS Building 2.
Please note, the parking decks located next to CHS Buildings 1 and 2 are designated exclusively for CHS students.
Commuter Student Parking
Commuters, your parking designation is blue, and you have multiple locations to park. There are spaces designated for you in the Lower Wright Center parking lot near the West Gate entrance and the Northeast Parking Deck. We anticipate these areas to be at capacity by 8:30 a.m. Please plan extra time into your schedule to park and get to class.
CHS Commuter Student Parking
CHS student commuters, your parking designation is blue. While you have multiple locations to park around campus, your most convenient option is the parking decks attached to Building 1 and Building 2 at the College of Health Sciences. These spaces are reserved solely for CHS students. Should you need to access Central Campus, the SamTram fleet of shuttles have expanded.
Beeson Woods Residential Parking
Students with green decals should park exclusively in the Beeson Woods area highlighted on the map. Please note: this location is first-come, first-serve, and there isn’t designated parking for any one residence hall.
Central Campus Residential Parking
Central Campus residents, your parking designation is purple and the map directs you to multiple areas. They include lots at the North parking deck, Leena Vail Davis Residence Hall and to the east side of the Beeson Alumni Center. Parking is also available in the Lower Wright Center parking lot near the West Gate. It is recommended you keep your vehicle parked and walk or utilize SamTram to get to your area of campus for class.
West Campus & West Village Residential Parking
West Campus and West Village residents, your parking designation is yellow and the map directs you to multiple areas. They include lots at West Village, Drummond Thorne Hall, the Hardison tennis courts, the West parking deck, the Pete Hanna Center and the Beeson Alumni Center. It is recommended you keep your vehicle parked and walk or utilize SamTram to get to your area of campus for class.