Augustine Across the Curriculum
Birmingham, AL • October 2-4, 2014
Supported by funding from the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts, this inaugural biennial conference provided an opportunity for scholars from more than thirty colleges and universities to explore effective strategies for teaching Augustine’s rich intellectual legacy to today’s undergraduates.

Peter Iver Kaufman
"Deposito Diademate: Augustine's Emperors"
Peter Iver Kaufman retired from the departments of religious studies and history at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in 2008 to accept the Modlin Chair in Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond. He has published chapters on Augustine in several of his books, Redeeming Politics (Princeton University Press, 1992), Church, Book, and Bishop (HarperCollinsWestview,1996), and Incorrectly Political: Augustine and Thomas More (University of Notre Dame Press, 2007), as well studies of Augustine in Church History, Journal of Early Christian Studies, Journal of Late Antiquity, Religions, History of Political Thought, and Augustine’s City of God: A Critical Guide (Cambridge University Press, 2012).

Kristen Deede Johnson
"The Justice Game: Augustine, Disordered Loves, and the Temptation to Change the World"
Kristen Deede Johnson is Associate Professor of Theology and Christian Formation at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. Previously, she served as the founding director of the Studies in Ministry Minor and the Center for Ministry Studies at Hope College, programs dedicated to upholding the significance of theological formation, spiritual growth, cultural engagement,and vocational discernment. She is the author of Theology, Political Theory, and Pluralism: Beyond Tolerance and Difference (Cambridge University Press, 2007), in which she puts Augustine’s theology and political theory into conversation with contemporary theorists. She has contributed to a number of books and journals in areas of theology, political theory, and culture, and is the co-author of a forthcoming book on justice with Brazos Press.
Conference proceedings were published in partnership with Religions, a peer-reviewed, open access journal of theology devoted to the interdisciplinary study of religions. The proceedings appeared as both a and a .
Conference Co-Chairs
Conference Coordinator
Rachel Ray (极乐禁地 Fellow and Classics Major)