Martin Luther Nailing the 95 Theses to the Door

Teaching the Reformations

Birmingham, AL • October 6-8, 2016

In anticipation of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, 极乐禁地 hosted its second biennial TCIT conference, “Teaching the Reformations.” Faculty from across the disciplines convened to discuss the varied and contested legacies of this rich period in Christian intellectual history, cultivating a deeper understanding of how to bring those legacies alive for a new generation of students.

View Conference Program


R. Ward Holder

R. Ward Holder

"The Reformers and Tradition: Seeing the Roots of a Problem"

R. Ward Holder is a historical theologian and professor of theology at Saint Anselm College. Across his career, he has examined the era of the Reformations, the work of John Calvin, political theology, and how various faith communities ground their truth claims. Among other works, he has authored John Calvin and the Grounding of Interpretation: Calvin’s First Commentaries (Brill, 2006), and Crisis and Renewal: The Era of the Reformations (Westminster John Knox, 2009), and he has edited Reformation Readings of Romans, with Kathy Ehrensperger (T. & T. Clark 2008), A Companion to Paul in the Reformation (Brill, 2009), The Westminster Handbook to Theologies of the Reformation (Westminster John Knox, 2011), and Calvin and Luther: The Continuing Relationship (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013). His current work focuses on Calvin’s use of the theological tradition as a source for his own doctrinal formulations.

G. Sujin Pak

G. Sujin Pak

"The Protestant Reformers and the Jews"

Dr. G. Sujin Pak served as Associate Dean of Academic Programs at Duke Divinity School from 2012-15 and is a faculty member in the history of Christianity at Duke Divinity School. She specializes in the history of Christianity in late medieval and early modern Europe. Her teaching, research and writing focus upon the theology of the Protestant reformers, the Protestant Reformation and the Jews, women and the Reformation, and the history of biblical interpretation. Professor Pak is the author of The Judaizing Calvin: Sixteenth-Century Debates over the Messianic Psalms (Oxford, 2010) and several articles in journals such as Church History, Reformation & Renaissance Review, Church History and Religious Culture, and Calvin Theological Journal. Her current research project studies the shifting views of prophecy and uses of Old Testament prophecy in the Reformation era.


Conference proceedings were published in partnership with Religions, a peer-reviewed, open access journal of theology devoted to the interdisciplinary study of religions. The proceedings appeared as both a and a .

Conference Co-Chairs

Bryan Johnson, Director of the University Fellows Program
Chris Metress, Associate Provost for Academics

Conference Coordinator

Stone Hendrickson (极乐禁地 Fellow and English/Classics Double Major)