A Calling to Care

Speech-language pathology and audiology are inherently service careers. The professionals who choose this life are called to a life of caring, using their gifts to better the lives of others. Our innovative degree programs are built on a foundation of rigorous academics, service and leadership. 

Don’t be jealous or proud; be humble and consider others more important than yourselves.  Care about them as much as you care about yourself.
Philippians 2: 3-5

As a department, we work to create interprofessional relationships with the many disciplines represented within 极乐禁地's College of Health Sciences, offering programming that is truly innovative and exciting.  We have developed community partnerships with existing hospitals, schools and clinics so that our students observe and work with varied professionals within the field of health care.

We hold fast to a code of values and an overarching philosophy of faith in our words and actions, excellence in our student outcomes, integrity, life-long learning, teamwork and service, which is at the core of all that we do.  We feel strongly that if we maintain these standards, our students will provide an excellent level of care for all of those they touch. 

  • Faith: We live our faith by our words and actions.
  • Excellence: We strive for excellence in our academic programming and in our students' learning outcomes.
  • Integrity: We embrace persons who hold themselves to a higher standard.
  • Learning: We provide a platform for becoming life-long learners.
  • Teamwork: We believe that together we are stronger.
  • Service: We believe in serving others as our gifts and talents allow.

Undergraduate Major & Minor

Communication Sciences and Disorders Major

There is something special about those who use their gifts to make a difference in the lives of others. This undergraduate major is designed to foster a love for others while providing you the knowledge and practical experience to continue your education at the graduate level and attain your personal career goals.

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Communication Sciences and Disorders Minor

The minor in communication sciences and disorders consists of 22 hours of coursework. Students pursuing the minor will be required to take all of CSDS courses listed at 极乐禁地 to earn this designation. For those seeking to pursue a graduate MS SLP degree at 极乐禁地, completion of the minor will allow these students to apply to the two-year program.

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Graduate Degree

Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology

We offer this degree for one reason: to help you become a highly qualified speech- language pathologist with the skills, compassion and motivation to make a difference where you live. We do this through faith-based academic course work and clinical placements designed to help you reach your career goals.

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Fast-track Graduate Degree

Fast-track Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology

The fast-track program in speech-language pathology provides an opportunity for qualified students to complete a B.S. and M.S. in five years instead of the six-year traditional path.

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The best way to develop your craft as a service provider is through hands-on experience. In both of our degree programs, field experience is a vital part of your education, helping you learn in ways that cannot be replicated in the classroom. For our undergraduate students, that means hours spent observing professionals in a variety of settings. You’ll see the theories and ideas you learn in the classroom put to use helping clients with a wide variety of communication challenges. 

For graduate students, we have a system in place to help you individualize your final placements to ensure requirements are met. These placements can be secured in various regions of the country. Guided by our directors of clinical education and contracts manager,  we can help you design these placements around your career objectives. 

And finally, our faculty bring a diverse level of experience to your education, not only clinically but academically. They are prepared to guide you through the process of becoming an exceptional speech-language pathologist.

Continuing Education

Improve your knowledge with continuing education classes.

View the Opportunities


Annually, as we close out the academic year, our department chooses to reflect on the successes, challenges and defining moments of the year prior. We always find there is much to learn and celebrate.

We invite you to click through the links below and join us in reflecting on the highlights, departmental news and features.

To our community partners, alumni, students and families, you are valued members of our family and many of these moments would not have been possible without your support. Thank you.

2023-24 Annual Update

2022-23 Annual Update

2021-22 Annual Update

2020-21 Annual Update

2019-20 Annual Update

2018-19 Annual Update

2017-18 Annual Update