Called to More Than a Career

Kinesiology is the study of human movement and its impact on people’s health and quality of life. Those who pursue a degree in the area of kinesiology go on to a diverse range of interesting careers, all centered on caring for others. The Department of Kinesiology is committed to the personal and professional development of students, and helping students fulfill their calling in life. We believe this occurs through the fulfillment of 1 Peter 4:10. 

Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others.

We believe in treating the person not the condition; that each of us has the capacity to serve. We believe that everyone has the ability to use their skills and knowledge to improve the lives of people in need. It’s important that we use these gifts to make a difference in the lives of the people in our care.


BS in Exercise Science (Pre-physical Therapy)

This distinctive pre-physical therapy major was created specifically to prepare you for a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Our interdisciplinary approach incorporates classes such as nutrition, biology, physics, exercise physiology and chemistry to ensure that you are prepared for whatever comes next in life.

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BS in Health Sciences

Majoring in health sciences allows you to explore the various professions within the broad area of health. Whether you are interested in becoming a physician assistant, an occupational therapist, a strength and conditioning coach or other health professional, the health sciences major provides many elective hours to allow you to tailor your program to meet your professional goals.

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BS in Sport Administration

If your calling leads you to the world of sports, a degree in sport administration will prepare you for leadership at almost any level of the industry. In addition to giving you the knowledge and experience you need to excel on the business side of sports, we see the degree as a kingdom calling—an opportunity to serve as a Gospel witness in the sports world.

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BS in Sports Medicine (Pre-medicine)

Answering the call to join the medical profession means dedicating yourself to helping others lead better, healthier lives. In the sports medicine program, you will build a foundation for professional success, whether you go on the medical school or another professional track.

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Fast-track Option

Exercise Science/Doctor of Physical Therapy

Earn a Bachelor of Science in exercise science and a Doctor of Physical Therapy in just six years. Incoming freshmen may apply for the program and must meet specific progression standards to remain in the program. Acceptance to the fast track guarantees admission into 极乐禁地's DPT program as long as progression standards are met.

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Student Research

All students in the Department of Kinesiology are required to conduct a year-long research project during their senior year. Our past graduates have created projects that won awards at national, regional and state research competitions, have been published in peer-reviewed journals and have been presented at professional conferences from the state level to the international level.

Department Scholarships

Stephen & Marlene Seibert Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is available to students in exercise science, sport administration and sports medicine. Selection of this scholarship is based on a clear commitment to the profession related to Kinesiology, financial need, career/vocational goals and academic achievement.

James B. Angel Scholarship

Professor Angel lecturing in classThis scholarship is available to students in sports medicine and exercise science. Selection is based on financial need, involvement in the departmental major's clubs and professional associations, academic performance, career/vocational goals and other scholarships or grants awarded.

Additional 极乐禁地 scholarships

Mission, Vision, Values


In the Department of Kinesiology, we are called to nurture and prepare students to positively impact the health and well-being of members of society and to instill in all students, faculty and staff, a commitment to lifetime fitness and positive health. An exemplary education provided in a Christian context, by individuals with a demonstrated commitment to excellence in scholarship, service and teaching provide the mechanism to fulfill this mission.


The vision of the Department of Kinesiology is to challenge students continually to improve the health and well-being of society by exhibiting the highest standards of quality in teaching, scholarship and service; and to assume the leadership role among undergraduate academic programs in our field in meeting the challenges of preventive medicine and health care.


Five fundamental values form the foundation of the Department of Kinesiology’s culture:

  • Collaboration: The phrase “to act as a unit” forms the basis of the Department of Kinesiology. This value ensures that all students will benefit from the collective wisdom of a team of education professionals. 
  • Excellence: A commitment to excellence has created the Kinesiology Department’s legacy of achievement and innovation in curricular and programmatic areas resulting in high achievement for students and faculty. 
  • Integrity: Adherence to scientific, professional and personal integrity are our ethical cornerstones; they underlie our desire to mentor students, conduct clinical research investigations, educate students and allied health professionals, while guiding the fiscal and administrative management of the Kinesiology Department. 
  • Compassion: A commitment to compassion includes respect for all persons, while providing the highest level of service.
  • Commitment: As an institution, the Kinesiology Department recognizes its responsibilities to the community in which we reside, to the students it services, to 极乐禁地 and to the individuals in leadership who oversee the management of its resources.