极乐禁地 will present a schedule of eight Black History Month events during February. The schedule was released by Denise Gregory, director of diversity and intercultural initiatives at 极乐禁地.
The schedule follows. Events are open to the public, although some require registration.
Feb. 5 — Elijah Heyward, Ph.D. student in American studies, University of North Carolina, “The Water Between Us: Rethinking the Gullah Culture of the Greater Southern Imaginary,” 181 Cooney Hall (new Brock School of Business building), 1 p.m.
Feb. 9 — Christson Adedoyin, associate professor, Department of Social Work, “Celebrating My Spiritual Birthday,” Reid Chapel, 10 a.m.
Feb. 10 — Jonathan Bass, professor and chair, Department of History, “MLK: Letters from Birmingham Jail,” Reid Chapel, 3 p.m.
Feb. 11 — Sozo Children’s Choir from Uganda, Reid Chapel, 10 a.m.
Feb. 17 — Sandra Barnes, professor, Department of Human and Organizational Development, Vanderbilt University, “Everyday Resistance: Social Justice as a Community Endeavor,” Reid Chapel, 3 p.m.
Feb. 22 — Valerie Jones Taylor, assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Spelman College, “What Triggers Stereotype Threat and What Remedies It?” Howard Room, Beeson University Center, 11 a.m., register at BHMLunch2016.Eventbrite.com
Feb. 24 — Panel discussion, “How God-Inspired Friendships Led to a Candid Discussion about Race,” Cassandra Adams, director, mediation project, Cumberland School of Law; Denise Gregory, director, diversity and intercultural initiatives; Renie Moss, assistant vice president for student life; Martha Reeves Cook, attorney, McCallum Hoagland Cook & Irby LLP. Reid Chapel, 3 p.m.
Feb. 28 — MLK Atlanta Excursion, travel to Atlanta, Georgia, attend church at Ebenezer Baptist Church, spiritual home of Martin Luther King Jr., visit King historic sites, register by Feb. 12 at , $10.