Core Values

  • The Sufficiency of Jesus Christ as Savior and head of the church. Colossians 1:18-20
  • The Authority of Scriptures as the inspired Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16.
  • The Holy Spirit as the one who enlightens and empowers the believer to know the Scriptures. John 15:26.
  • The Church is God's redeemed people actively engaged in knowing him and making him known. Acts 2:43-47.
  • Christians are called to have a great commitment to the great commission and the great commandment. Matthew 28:19; Matthew 22:37-40.
  • Christians are called to be lifelong learners of the Bible and active in using their spiritual gifts for the benefit of the church. Acts 2: 41-42; 1 Corinthians 12:7.


  • To engage God's people in the Scriptures.
  • To train Christians to carry out the great commission.
  • To equip pastors, ministers, missionaries and church leaders to have a deeper understanding of their calling and their unique design to serve the Body of Christ.
  • To provide opportunities for students to be trained and prepared for ministry opportunities in their churches and communities.
  • To guide students to serve God with greater confidence as they are equipped with tools for ministry and service.

Online Certificates

Certificate courses are offered exclusively online and include Pastoral Leadership, Worship Leadership, Worship Administration, Technology, and Production, Disciple Making and Women's Leadership. Certificates are earned after completing 4 courses of concentration. Courses are offered in a one-year cyclical format that provides convenience and flexibility for busy schedules.

Certificate in Pastoral Leadership

The Certificate in Pastoral Leadership gives an overview of the critical components of successful pastoral leadership. Each course is led by experienced instructors who will offer academic insights and practical wisdom that will assist the student to maximize their leadership potential. The courses are designed to equip students to have greater confidence in the most difficult areas of pastoral leadership.

The certificate is awarded upon the completion of these four courses:

  • Introduction to Preaching
  • Pastoral Leadership
  • Pastoral Counseling
  • Church Administration

Cost: $699 for full certificate. (Includes enrollment in all required courses and a dedicated support staff.)

Note: Students have two options of payment for the online certificates: First, students can pay for the certificate at the beginning of his/her first class ($699). This one-time payment is an advantage to the student as it includes a significant discount. Second, students can pay per class ($199) as they work through the four courses.

The online certificate courses are led by experienced instructors that have a minimum of master's degree level education. This certificate can be completed in one academic year.

Important information for the Certificate in Pastoral Leadership

If you would like to register for the entire online certificate (all 4 courses) up front, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on “register."
  2. Enter required information and payment. If you register for the entire certificate up front you will not need to register another time during the duration of the year.

Certificate in Women's Leadership

The Certificate in Women’s Leadership will teach participants the essentials of leadership foundations, spiritual formation, and leadership skills needed to serve effectively as God calls them in life, the marketplace, and the church. Consistent with God’s Word, the certificate program equips participants to influence and empower others to accomplish the mission of a group or an organization.

The certificate is awarded upon the successful completion of these four courses:

  • Introduction to Women's Leadership
  • Foundations of Women's Leadership
  • Women's Leadership Essentials
  • Influencing Transformational Ministries

Cost: $699 for full certificate. (Includes enrollment in all required courses and dedicated support staff.) If registering for individual courses the cost is $199 per course.

The online certificate courses are led by experienced instructors that have a minimum of master's level education. This certificate can be completed in one academic year.

Important information for the Certificate in Women's Leadership

If you would like to register for the entire online certificate (all 4 courses) up front, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “register".
  2. Enter required information and payment. If you register for the entire certificate up front you will not need to register another time during the duration of the year.

Certificate in Disciple Making

The certificate in Disciple Making will teach participants the essentials of being a disciple maker and implementing a disciple making culture in a church context. Participants will learn the key aspects of Jesus’ model and method of disciple making as revealed in the Gospels. Special attention will be given to the centrality of the Gospel in disciple making and the seven steps necessary to transition any ministry into an intentional disciple making model.

The certificate is awarded upon the completion of these four courses:

  • The Centrality of the Gospel in Disciple Making
  • The Jesus Model of Disciple Making
  • Creating a Culture of Disciple Making
  • Implementing a Multiplying Lifestyle

Cost: $699 for full certificate. (Includes enrollment in all required courses and dedicated support staff.) If registering for individual courses the cost is $199 per course.

The online certificate courses are led by experienced instructors that have a minimum of master's level education. This certificate can be completed in one academic year.

Important information for the Certificate in Disciple Making

If you would like to register for the entire online certificate (all 4 courses) up front, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “register".
  2. Enter required information and payment. If you register for the entire certificate up front you will not need to register another time during the duration of the year.

Certificate in Worship Leadership

Created in partnership with the Center for Worship and the Arts in 极乐禁地’s
School of the Arts, this certificate offers an introduction to the basic principles
and practices of worship leadership. Each course will present vital worship
leadership practices as well as the principles that shape and sustain them.

The certificate is awarded upon the completion of these four courses:

  • Introduction to Worship Leadership
  • The Worship Leader as Pastor
  • Biblical Foundations for Worship
  • Designing Creative Worship

Cost: $699 for full certificate. (Includes enrollment in all required courses and a dedicated support staff.) Participants can also register for individual courses at a cost of $199 per course.

Important information for the Certificate in Worship Leadership

If you would like to register for the entire online certificate (all 4 courses) up front, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on “register".
  2. Enter required information and payment. If you register for the entire certificate up front you will not need to register another time during the duration of the year.

Certificate in Music Fundamentals for Worship

This certificate is for those who want to grow in the musical dimension of worship leadership. Students can expect to refresh their skills by studying music theory basics, how to navigate worship choir and band-driven contexts for rehearsing and arranging, knowing “just enough to be dangerous” with live sound and AVL production, and examining best practices for administering your music ministry. If you are looking to anchor your existing musicianship within the scholarly-clarified frameworks of formal music education, this is the certificate for you.

The certificate is awarded upon the completion of these four courses:

  • Music Theory for Worship
  • Music Leadership for Worship (Choir and Band Driven)
  • Worship Technology and Production
  • Building the Music and Worship Ministry

Cost: $699 for full certificate. (Includes enrollment in all required courses and a dedicated support staff.) Participants can also register for individual courses at a cost of $199 per course.

Important information for the Certificate in Music Fundamentals for Worship

If you would like to register for the entire online certificate (all 4 courses) up front, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on “register".
  2. Enter required information and payment. If you register for the entire certificate up front you will not need to register another time during the duration of the year.


The Diploma in Biblical Studies, the Advanced Diploma, the Biblical Studies Diploma of Distinction, and the Diploma of Superior Achievement are offered through our 43 extension centers. Our curriculum includes 32 standardized courses. A student is awarded the Diploma in Biblical Studies after completing 8 courses, awarded the Advanced Diploma after completing 16 courses, awarded the Diploma of Distinction after completing 24 courses, and awarded the Diploma of Superior Achievement after completing 32 courses.  The cost is $50 per course. Students who register using our online registration system will not be subject to the $10 processing fee.

Diploma Courses

  • ZMTI 101: Biblical Interpretation

  • ZMTI 102: Intro to Old Testament

  • ZMTI 103: Intro to New Testament

  • ZMTI 104: Paul’s Letters

  • ZMTI 105: The Minor Prophets

  • ZMTI 106A: Biblical Foundations I

  • ZMTI 106B: Biblical Foundations II

  • ZMTI 113: The Person of the Holy Spirit

  • ZMTI 114: Baptist Doctrines

  • ZMTI 115: Spiritual Disciplines

  • ZMTI 118: The Book of Revelation

  • ZMTI 120: The Origins of the Bible

  • ZMTI 121: Deuteronomy

  • ZMTI 122: Christian Apologetics

  • ZMTI 123: Parables of Jesus

  • ZMTI 124: The Life and Ministry of Jesus

  • ZMTI 125: John’s Epistles

  • ZMTI 126: Exploring the Psalms

  • ZMTI 127: The Gospels

  • ZMTI 128: The Acts of the Apostles

  • ZMTI 129: Personal Evangelism

  • ZMTI 130: Effective Disciple Making

  • ZMTI 131: The Book of Hebrews

  • ZMTI 132: Christian Leadership

  • ZMTI 133: New Testament Backgrounds

  • ZMTI 134: The Book of Romans

  • ZMTI 135: Pastoral Epistles

  • ZMTI 136: Doctrine of Prayer

  • ZMTI 137: The Letters of Peter

  • ZMTI 138: Book of Genesis

  • ZMTI 139: Book of Job

  • ZMTI 140: Doctrine of Heaven