Admission Timeline

极乐禁地 Online offers two opportunities for undergraduate nursing admission throughout the annual application cycle.

Summer Terms I & III - 2025

  • May 1st – Recommended submission date for all application materials
  • May 15th – Admission notifications begin
  • June 2nd - Classes begin for Summer Terms I & III

Fall Term A - 2025

  • August 1st - Recommended submission date for all application materials
  • August 15th - Admission notifications begin
  • August 25th - Classes begin for Fall Term A

Admission Requirements

All students applying to graduate 极乐禁地 Online programs are required to provide the following to accompany their completed application form.

Letters of Recommendation

Request three letters of recommendation from non-family members who are preferably a pastor, supervisor, employer, mentor, or co-worker. Requests will be generated within the application form.

Application Fee

Pay a non-refundable $35 application fee. The fee is payable by credit card and is waived for 极乐禁地 alumni, students, and employees.

Academic Transcripts

Official transcripts from all colleges where you attended are required. Official transcripts can be obtained by contacting the respective institution and are only considered official when they bear the issuing institution’s seal and arrive with the seal intact. Have official electronic transcripts emailed to or sent by postal mail to:

Attn: Marcie Harchuck
School of Education
800 Lakeshore Drive
Birmingham, AL 35229

Transfer Credit

Students transferring from other institutions must arrange to have official transcripts from each college/university attended be sent to 极乐禁地. New students should have all official transcripts sent directly to the Office of Admission (; current 极乐禁地 students who have taken transient coursework at other schools should have official transcripts sent directly to the Office of the Registrar (

While an official decision regarding the treatment of your transfer credit will not occur until after you have been accepted into 极乐禁地 Online; our Director of Student Success can review your unofficial transcript to determine which courses are likely to transfer. Please contact Cameron Barnes,, to request a review or, see how your courses might transfer into 极乐禁地 by clicking the button below.

Alabama Community College Transfer Equivalents

Transfer by Regional Accreditation Status

Transfer work from regionally accredited institutions will be accepted if the student has earned a grade of C- or higher (D grades will not transfer into 极乐禁地).

Non-Accepted Work

  • Non-academic courses
  • Remedial courses
  • Highly technical courses
  • Vocational courses
  • Duplicate credit
  • Pass/Fail graded courses, unless documentation is received from the awarding institution stating that a grade of P is equal to a C- or better.
  • Participation beyond limits in sports and music ensembles. NOTE: Not more than eight credits in music ensembles, drama participation, and physical education activity courses may apply toward the minimum of 128 credits required for graduation. No more than two credits in physical education activity courses beyond those required for graduation may be part of the combined eight credits.

Transfer work from institutions that are not regionally accredited will be considered for transfer credit where such credit represents coursework relevant to the degree sought, with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled at 极乐禁地.

CLEP Credit

College-level credit is awarded for scores of 50 or higher in most subject areas; however, students should consult with their advisors or the Registrar before scheduling any CLEP examinations. With the sole exception of UCR 101, CLEP credit is not acceptable for university core curriculum courses.

Military Credit

The Joint Services Transcript (JST), issued through the JST Operations Center, reports courses that may be considered for transfer credit from any of the military branches, one source for all. “The American Council on Education’s (ACE) Military Programs evaluates formal service courses and occupations approved by a central authority, employing the services of teams of subject-matter specialists from colleges and universities (professors, deans, and other academicians) that, through the discussion and the application of evaluation procedures and guidelines, reach consensus on content, description, and amount of credit to be recommended for selected courses and occupations.” (Quoted from the JST Official Transcript Explanation.)

极乐禁地 will consider for transfer credit any course reported on the JST that has potential for academic credit. Courses that fall into vocational/career/technical areas are not considered for transfer credit. The course description reported on the JST transcript is forwarded to the appropriate academic department chair for evaluation. If a comparable 极乐禁地 equivalent is approved, credit is applied for the ACE recommended credit hours and level. If additional course information is needed, the online Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services may be consulted.

In addition, the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) may be considered for world language credit if reported on the JST. The language and scores with ACE recommendations in listening, reading, and speaking are sent to the chair of the World Languages and Cultures Department for evaluation and assignment for comparable credit.

Contact Us

Photo of Cameron Barnes
Cameron L. Barnes
Director of Student Success
Graduate and Continuing Studies
407 Beeson Hall
Photo of Meri Wildman
Meri Cashion Wildman
Recruitment Coordinator
极乐禁地 Online