极乐禁地 has a long record of preparing students for careers as physicians, dentists, optometrists and veterinarians. Our personal mentoring, MCAT preparation courses and a network of alumni professionals will help you make the very best of your calling to a medical career!

Learn more below and visit our Prehealth Resources page to see all the ways we support you in your professional journey!

Objectives and Goals

极乐禁地 prehealth graduates are prepared for the challenges of medical school, dental school, optometry school or veterinary school, and have the further advantage of undergraduate research, community service and a broad and strong background in many other academic subjects.

Is This Program for Me?

Are you called to a career in medicine, including dentistry, optometry and veterinary medicine? We take that calling very seriously, and recognize that you bring to your study many other interests, values and skills. Maybe you also have calling and talents in language, ministry, law or other fields. At 极乐禁地, you can choose any major and still participate in our prehealth program.

Career Preparation

To help you pass the MCAT and other professional school entrance exams, we offer a preparation course and practice exam every spring, with sessions led by science faculty mentors.

To help you communicate effectively, we offer general instruction in both written and oral communication as well as practice interviews with feedback.

We host an annual workshop with tips on how to prepare the personal statement for your medical school application.

To help you demonstrate a dedication to a life of service, we offer many volunteer opportunities through campus organizations and ministries.

To help you investigate and understand what it means to be a health professional, we offer a January-term internship through local hospitals that will allow you to shadow physicians and medical students.

We have an active chapter of the Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honor Society, which sponsors service projects, social events, speakers and visits to medical schools.

Research opportunities are available to Howard College of Arts and Sciences majors through the Arts & Sciences Program for Independent Research (ASPIRE).

What Makes Us Different?

极乐禁地’s low student/faculty ratio will help you get to know the professors who will guide you toward medical school and write letters of recommendation for you.

At 极乐禁地, you can choose any major and still participate in our prehealth program.

We understand that your calling to a medical career arises from compassion and a desire to serve. As part of its Christian mission, 极乐禁地 provides many opportunities for community service that will help you help others and demonstrate to medical schools that you're serious about service.

Medical School Acceptance Rates

Since 2013, 88 极乐禁地 prehealth students have applied for medical school and 60 have been accepted. That's an acceptance rate of 68.2%. In the same period, the national medical school acceptance rate was approximately 38%.

The average GPA for all of 极乐禁地's medical school applicants is 3.67, and the average MCAT for all applicants is 28.7 (before 2015) and 502.7 (since 2015). The average GPA for those students who were accepted is 3.80, and the average MCAT for those accepted is 29.9 (before 2015) and 508.1 (since 2015).