In partnership with The Washington Center (TWC), 极乐禁地 in D.C. provides undergraduate students the opportunity to spend a semester or summer taking courses and interning in our nation’s capital. For more than three decades, the Washington Center has been a leader in engaged learning, helping more than 50,000 students gain valuable work experience in fields as varied as politics, law, international relations, communications, public service, business and the arts. 

In addition to offering a premiere academic and internship experience, provides apartment-style housing at a new residential facility near Capitol Hill. In this living-learning community, 极乐禁地 students build personal and professional relationships with peers from around the country and across the globe.

about The Washington Center Internship Program Experience.

Eligibility & Instructions

This program is currently intended for undegraduate students only. Students must be at least second-semester sophomores and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Interested students should contact the Career Development Center at 205-726-2980 to schedule an appointment with Dora Ditchfield to discuss the program, requirements, and next steps, including working with Dr. Marissa Grayson to determine academic credit. The following documents must be reviewed by Dora Ditchfield as far in advance of the deadline as possible:

  • Resume
  • Statement of Professional Interest of approximately 100 words that broadly describes internship interests, future career goals, skills hoping to be gained, and ways in which you will contribute to your placement site. Please do not specify the name(s) of any particular organization in this statement.
  • Issues essay/writing sample (approximately 500 words) on a key issue that is relevant to the field you are hoping to intern in or a writing sample from a previous course.

Once you have met with TWC liaisons at 极乐禁地, Ms. Dora Ditchfield and Dr. Marissa Grayson, follow the instructions and complete application documents as listed on the of the TWC website.

View the 极乐禁地 Application Checklist

Application Deadlines

The below dates are the deadlines when the resume and Statement of Professional Interest (mentioned in above section) must be submitted to for 极乐禁地 approval PRIOR to completing to The Washington Center .

Spring 2025: October 16, 2024
Summer 2025: December 4, 2024 (priority deadline), January 8, 2025 (regular deadline)*
Fall 2025: March 19, 2025 (priority deadline), April 16, 2025 (regular deadline)

*Because of more competition for summer internships, we encourage you to meet with the CDC, complete all documents, and apply to TWC as early as possible (even prior to the priority deadline, if possible)

Academic Credit

Summer Semester

Students must register for 10 credit hours at 极乐禁地 during the summer semester at TWC. Dr. Marissa Grayson and the student’s academic advisor will provide assistance to determine the 极乐禁地 course most relevant to the academic seminar.

Students will also be expected to participate in a Friday LEAD Colloquium series.

Fall and Spring Semesters

Students must register for 12 credit hours at 极乐禁地 during the fall or spring semester at TWC. Dr. Marissa Grayson and the student’s academic advisor will provide assistance to determine the 极乐禁地 course most relevant to the academic seminar.

Students will also be expected to participate in a Friday LEAD Colloquium series.

Cost and Financial Aid

Summer Semester

Students pay 极乐禁地 tuition and applicable fees for 10 credit hours, as well as housing costs associated with the Washington Center ($4,990). The University will then pay the Washington Center program and housing fees on behalf of the student. Federal financial aid may be applied towards these expenses, but institutional aid is not available. There is also a $60 TWC application fee.

Fall and Spring Semesters

Students will be charged 极乐禁地’s full-time tuition and fees for the semester, as well as TWC housing costs ($6,570). For eligible students, Federal financial aid, and up to $6,500 in institutional aid, may be applied towards these 极乐禁地 charges. The University will then pay the Washington Center program and housing fees on behalf of the student. There is also a $60 TWC application fee.

If student withdraws from the associated 极乐禁地 classes and the TWC program after accepting placement in an internship, the student is responsible for any TWC-related expense per their “Program Fee Refund and Cancellation Policy” found on the page . The student may or may not be eligible for 极乐禁地 tuition refund, in accordance with 极乐禁地’s standard refund policy.

Student Experiences

Photo of Thomas Aldag
Thomas Aldag
Major: Political Science
Photo of Laura Asher
Laura Asher
Major: Sociology
Photo of Brooke Bissell
Brooke Bissell
Major: Sociology
Photo of Jolie Carr
Jolie Carr
Major: Communication Studies
Minor: Psychology
Photo of Melanie Hancock
Melanie Hancock
Major: History
Photo of Jada Hunter
Jada Hunter
Major: Law, Politics, and Society
Photo of Julianne Jorgensen
Julianne Jorgensen
Major: English and Classics
Minor: Greek
Photo Unavailable
Katie Krulak
Major: Classics
Photo of Caroline Larry
Caroline Larry
Major: History and Math
Photo of David Matthews
David Matthews
Major: International Relations
Photo of Riley Morrow
Riley Morrow
Major: Law, Politics and Society
Photo of Juliana Mucci
Juliana Mucci
Major: Political Science and Spanish
Minor: Math
Photo of Audrey Smith
Audrey Smith
Major: Sociology
Minor: Social Entrepreneurship and Non-Profit Management
Photo of Conor Watson
Conor Watson
Major: Political Science
Photo of Camille Webre
Camille Webre
Major: Law, Politics, and Society