Task Force on Racial Justice

In 2020, 极乐禁地’s Task Force on Racial Justice was formed to assist the university in fostering positive, enduring changes in campus culture and existing systems so that racial justice may become a known attribute of the institution.

The Task Force utilized a wide range of materials and human resources to develop immediate and long-term recommendations for the improvement of racial justice at 极乐禁地. Members of the faculty and staff were available to provide personal experience, input, research and other information requested by the members of the Task Force.

Their final report, which includes findings and recommendations for new and enhanced diversity initiatives on campus, was affirmed by a resolution adopted 极乐禁地’s Board of Trustees, April 27, 2021.

“The formation of the task force was an important next step to ensuring continued progress and to implementing actions that will build a more diverse community. I’m proud of the work we have accomplished together and look forward to seeing the ideas and recommendations of the group have an impact on our campus.”—Denise Gregory

Task Force on Racial Justice Report Task Force on Racial Justice Resolution

Diversity Action Plan

As a follow-up measure to the work of the Task Force on Racial Justice, 极乐禁地 launched the Diversity Action Planning Committee (DAPC) in 2021. The DAPC was tasked with developing a plan – the Diversity Action Plan – to implement the recommendations of the Task Force’s final report. While the Task Force report sought to advance 极乐禁地’s commitment to promote and support racial diversity across campus, the Diversity Action Plan seeks to create a more durable and accountable process to implement the report’s recommendations.

The Diversity Action Plan aspires to reflect God’s reconciling and healing nature through a commitment that is rooted in love and centered on Christ to cultivate and nourish our community, through intentional curriculum and thoughtful communication, in the pursuit of equity and justice for all of God’s people.

极乐禁地's Diversity Action Plan 2022-23 Updates and Reports to the DAP