Campus Alerts

In the event of an active weather alert or emergency on campus, this page will contain the latest information about the situation as new information becomes available. This page should automatically refresh every 5 minutes. However, you may reload the page at any time by clicking the refresh/reload button in your browser's address bar.

Emergency Communication

The safety and well-being of our students is one of our highest priorities at 极乐禁地. While we hope that our emergency plans will not have to be put into action, 极乐禁地 has a comprehensive emergency plan in place to deal with any crisis that may occur on campus.

In the event of severe weather or other emergency situations on campus, 极乐禁地 will communicate with students, faculty and staff via multiple methods, including:

  • RAVE Alerts, which can simultaneously deploy text messages, emails and phone calls to your cell phone, office phone and home phone
  • Emails sent campus-wide
  • The 极乐禁地 homepage
  • Digital signage across campus
  • Social media, including Facebook and Twitter

Personal Preparedness

Develop a Personal Preparedness Plan

Develop a plan before you find yourself in an emergency. When you are in a classroom, auditorium, stadium or other campus facility for the first time, think about what you would do if there were a fire in the building. How would you escape? Do windows provide an exit? Where would you find an area that could provide protection in a tornado? Where would you go if you needed shelter from an armed intruder? Where is the nearest securable space? How would you secure the room you are in? Does it have a lock? What items in the room can provide concealment or cover? How will you notify the police? What will you tell them? Do you know the room number and name of the building you are in?

Create your own personal preparedness plan starting with the items below:

  • Have extra doses of medication in your office
  • Have a phone charger in your office
  • Have non-perishable food in your office
  • Have a change of clothes/shoes in your office
  • Have a helmet in your office
  • Have blankets, gloves, boots, flashlight, kitty litter, etc. in your car
  • Keep your gas tank full

Planning Scenarios

Government Resources

Employee Emergency Resources

Building Coordinator Resources

Crisis Planning Resources