• Help the individual get to a safe location.
  • Notify emergency personnel of individuals who are unable to evacuate the building.
  • Communicate emergency response actions with individuals who are hearing impaired.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Allow the individual to take your arm below the elbow and instruct him or her to follow you.
  • Move slowly if necessary.
  • Evacuate any service animal with the individual.
  • When you have arrived at the designated meeting location, advise the individual of the location and stay until no further help is needed.
  • Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by emergency personnel.

Building Specific Instructions

Bashinsky Field House (athletics)

Accessible entrance: west side of building, near tennis courts.
Ramp access: provides entrance to Siebert Hall and Seibert Stadium.

Beeson Law Library (law)

Accessible north (Riley Road) entrance: Breezeway connects library and Robinson Hall. Turn left for library.
Elevator: to the right of the stairs at the far end of the reading room. Accesses first through fourth floors.
Accessible restrooms: back right corner on each floor.

Brock Recital Hall (arts)

Accessible entrance: south side of building.
Ramp entrance: on left.
Push button entrance: on right.
Accessible seating: both sides of auditorium.
Accessible restrooms: inside left entrance. Turn left for more restrooms. Also on second floor.
Access elevator: behind auditorium. Accesses first through third floors. Exit elevator on second floor, turn left for push button entrance to Boren Gardens on north side of building. Exit elevator on third floor, turn right to access second floor of Swearingen Hall.

Brooks Hall (arts and sciences)

Access sidewalk: east side of library. Continue in front of Robinson Hall and behind Brooks Hall to service elevator.
Service Elevator: accesses first through third floors.

Buchanan Hall (arts)

Only second floor accessible.
Use entrance to Swearingen Hall, turn left to Buchanan Hall.
Accessible restrooms: second floor of Harrison Theatre.

Burns Hall (arts and sciences)

Only second floor accessible.
Accessible entrance: east side of building, second floor. Follow sidewalk on north side of building (in front of Brooks Hall) to Burns Hall.
Accessible restroom: women’s only.

Center for Healing Arts (nursing)

Accessible entrance: south side of building. Turn left, then right to accessible restrooms and elevator.
Accessible entrance: north side of building, third floor. Turn right to access elevator.
Accessible restrooms: second floor.

Chapman Hall (arts and sciences)

Only second floor accessible.
Use Burns Hall entrance, turn left to Chapman Hall.

Davis Library

Accessible entrance: west side of building, second floor. Follow sidewalk past brick wall, ring doorbell. Go through door and turn right to access elevator and accessible restrooms.
Accessible entrance: east side of building, second floor.
Elevator: accesses first through fourth floors.
Accessible restrooms: on each floor.
Divinity Hall North (divinity)
Ramp entrance: both doors.
Accessible restrooms: west end of building.
Elevator: east end of building.

Divinity Hall South (divinity)

Accessible entrance: south side of building, ground level, elevator and accessible
Accessible restrooms: first floor, across from elevator.

Dwight Beeson Hall (arts and sciences)

Accessible entrance: Ramp on right side of front entrance.
Accessible west ramp entrance with push button door: Turn left for accessible restrooms. Turn right to access elevator.
Accessible women's restroom: Enter Brock Forum and go through left front door.
Accessible men’s restroom: Enter Brock Forum go through right front door.
Accessible restrooms: fourth floor, turn left from elevator.

Harrison Theatre (arts)

Accessible entrance: second floor.
Accessible restrooms: second floor.
Elevator: left of main entrance. Accesses first through third floors.

Hodges Chapel (divinity)

Use Divinity Hall South entrance, take elevator to first floor, turn left.
East side courtyard entrance: turn left.

Ingalls Hall (pharmacy)

Accessible entrance with push button door: south side of building. Turn left to Ingalls Hall.
Accessible restrooms: Turn left twice. Also on third floor.
Elevator: Turn left twice, pass stairs. Accesses ground through third floors.

Orlean Bullard Beeson Hall (Education)

Accessible entrance: south side of building, first floor.
Elevator: Turn right from right entrance.
Accessible men's restroom: Turn left from left entrance. Also on third and fourth floors.
Accessible entrance: east side of building, second floor. Turn left for elevator.
Accessible women's restroom: Turn right. Also on third and fourth floors.

Pittman Hall

Accessible entrance: south side of building.

Propst Hall (arts and sciences)

Accessible entrances: second floor.
Accessible restrooms: all floors.
Elevator: accesses ground through third floors.

Reid Chapel

Ramp access: front left of Burns Hall main entrance, accesses side entrance of Reid Chapel.

Robinson Hall (law)

Accessible west entrance: west side from courtyard.
Accessible unisex restroom: Turn right, take first left.
South Elevator: Take second left (end of hallway). Accesses first floor south, second floor north and south and third floor south.
North Elevator: Turn left. Accesses first floor south, second floor north and south, mezzanine and third floor north.
Accessible north (Riley Road) entrance: accesses second floor north and south. Turn left, then right twice. Enter great room for ramp at back right to access north elevator.
Accessible east entrance: east side from courtyard. Turn right, then left to access north elevator.

Russell Hall (pharmacy)

Accessible entrance: east side of building.
Accessible restrooms: turn left. Also on second and third floors.
Accessible entrance with automatic door: south side of building. Turn right to Russell Hall.
Elevator: Accesses first through third floors.

极乐禁地 Hall (admission, administration)

Accessible entrance: follow sidewalk on south or north side of building to main entrance.
Elevator: accesses first through third floors.
Accessible restrooms: first floor, turn left.

Seibert Hall (athletics)

Accessible ramp entrance: front of building, gym level, third floor.
Accessible entrance: east side of building, basement level, second floor.
Accessible entrance: south side of building, first floor.
Accessible restroom: use south entrance, first floor.

Sullivan-Cooney Family Field House (athletics)

Accessible entrance: southwest side, provides access to elevator.

Swearingen Hall (arts)

North wing of Wright Center, Harrison Theatre, 极乐禁地 Art Gallery, Bolding Studio, classrooms, work rooms and offices.
Accessible entrance: second floor of Harrison Theatre.
Accessible restrooms: second floor of Harrison Theatre.
Elevator: left of main entrance. Accesses first through third floors.

University Center

Accessible ramp entrance: left front of building. Turn right to bookstore, food court and post office. Accessible entrance: east side of building, left entrance, first floor.
Accessible automatic door entrance: east side of building, right entrance, first floor. Elevator on right at this entrance accesses second-floor cafeteria only.
Elevator: left of food court. Accesses all floors.

University Center Annex

Accessible push button door entrance: west side of building.
Elevator: turn right. Accesses first through third floors.
Accessible restrooms: second floor. Also behind food court.
Accessible ramp entrance with push button door: take first right to cafeteria and elevator.
Elevator: accesses food court, bookstore and post office.

Wright Center (arts)

Accessible entrance: west side of building. Turn left for auditorium. Also through Brock Recital Hall front left entrance, turn left.
Elevators: left and right of main entrance. Access Lounge and first floor.
Accessible restrooms: Lounge.