Upcoming Events
Friday, February 14
“They Flew: A History of the Impossible” by Carlos M. N. EireFriday, March 21
“Christianity and Science” by Herman Bavinck
Friday, April 25
“The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human” by Siddhartha Mukherjee
Past Events
December 2024
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Reading Genesis” by Marilynne RobinsonOctober 2024
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “What Is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics” by Adam Becker
September 2024
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us” by Ed Yong
April 2024
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Rules: A Short History of What We Live” By Lorraine Daston
March 2024
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Free: Why Science Hasn't Disproved Free Will” By Al Mele
February 2024
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Miracles Today: The Supernatural Work of God in the Modern World” by Craig S. Keener”
December 2023
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Being Human: Bodies, Minds, Persons” by Rowan Williams
October 2023
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “God, Human, Animal, Machine: Technology, Metaphor, and the Search for Meaning” by Meghan O'Gieblyn
September 2023
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy” by David Chalmers
April 2023
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “From Extraterrestrials to Animal Minds: Six Myths of Evolution” by Simon Conway Morris
March 2023
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World” By Katharine Hayhoe
February 2023
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “How God Becomes Real: Kindling the Presence of Invisible Others” by T.M. Luhrmann
December 2022
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “A Christian Theology of Science: Reimagining a Theological Vision of Natural Knowledge” by Paul TysonOctober 2022
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “In Search of the Soul: A Philosophical Essay” by John CottinghamSeptember 2022
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “The Believing Scientist: Essays on Science and Religion” by Stephen M. BarrApril 2022
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “We Built Reality: How Social Science Infiltrated Culture, Politics, and Power” by Jason BlakelyMarch 2022
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Being You: A New Science of Consciousness” by Anil SethFebruary 2022
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Race, Monogamy, and Other Lies They Told You: Busting Myths about Human Nature” by Agustín FuentesDecember 2021
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “The Soul of the World” by Roger ScrutonNovember 2021
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “God in the Dock” by CS LewisOctober 2021
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “They Myths We Live By” by Mary MidgleySeptember 2021
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life” by Paul DaviesMay 2021
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “The multiverse and participatory metaphysics” by Jamie BouldingApril 2021
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion “Why Science and Faith Need Each Other: Eight Shared Values That Move Us Beyond Fear” by Elaine Ecklund Elaine Ecklund Visit (via Zoom) to 极乐禁地 to discuss “Why Science and Faith Need Each Other”March 2021
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Leave me Alone and I’ll Make You Rich: How the Bourgeois Deal Enriched the World” by Art Carden and Deirdre McCloskeyFebruary 2021
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Creation Rediscovered: Finding New Meaning in an Ancient Story” by Jeff LeonardDecember 2020
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Galileo’s Error: Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness” by Philip GoffNovember 2020
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” by Annie DillardOctober 2020
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Redeeming Expertise” By Josh ReevesSeptember 2020
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “The Discarded Image” by CS LewisMarch 2020
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: “Why Trust Science?” By Naomi Oreskes
February 2020
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “The Great Partnership: Science, Religion, and the Search for Meaning” (Jonathan Sacks).
December 2019
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Morals Not Knowledge: Recasting the Contemporary U.S. Conflict between Religion and Science” (John Evans).
November 2019
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology Is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance” (Nessa Carey)
October 2019
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Science and Humanity: A Humane Philosophy of Science and Religion” (Andrew Steane)
September 2019
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Surprised by Scripture: Engaging Contemporary Issues” (NT Wright).
May 2019
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “The Grand Design” (Steven Hawking)
April 2019
“Enlightenment Now: The Case For Reason, Science, Humanism And Progress” (Stephen Pinker)
Dr. April Maskiewicz Cordero, “Darwin and Christianity”, Making Sense of Modernity Lecture Series
March 2019
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Faith and Wisdom in Science” (Tom McLeish)
February 2019
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “What Are We Doing Here?: Essays” (Marilynne Robinson)
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “The Righteous Mind” (Jonathan Haidt)
May 2018
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism” (Alvin Plantinga)
April 2018
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “The Uncontrolling Love of God” (Thomas Oord)
Steve Donaldson Wednesday Night Bible Class at Dawson: Science for the good of the church
March 2018
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Faith, Science and Religion” (Vernon Smith)
Josh Reeves Wednesday Night Bible Class at Dawson: Is randomness incompatible with a sovereign God? On randomness and providence.
Steve Donaldson Wednesday Night Bible Class at Dawson: Changing human nature with technology. How far should Christians go?
Josh Reeves Wednesday Night Bible Class at Dawson: Science and Miracles: How might God act in the world?
Steve Donaldson Wednesday Night Bible Class at Dawson: Science and atheism: does science make God unnecessary
February 2018
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “God, Freedom, and Evil” (Alvin Plantinga)
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Freedom All the Way Up: God and the Meaning of Life in a Scientific Age” (Christian J. Barrigar)
John Walton Lecture on Science and the Bible at Dawson Memorial Baptist Church.
Josh Reeves Wednesday Night Bible Class at Dawson: Scientifics experts: can Christians trust them?
November 2017
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Knowledge and Christian Belief (Alvin Plantinga)
Science and Religion Student Club Discussion: “Can Scientists be Trusted?”
October 2017
Gregg Davidson Lecture: “Fossils Support Creation! Fossils Support Evolution! Making Sense of the Evidence”
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: The Unexpected Universe (Loren Eiseley)
September 2017
Event: “Two Christian Views on Methodological Naturalism” with Josh Reeves and Andrzej Zabolotny
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: Lost in the Cosmos (Walker Percy)
May 2017
Steve Donaldson Lecture. “Is there Room for Faith in a World of Science?”, Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Josh Reeves Lecture. “Christianity and Evolution: Do Christians have to choose?”, Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
April 2017
Josh Reeves Lecture. “Are Science and Religion in Conflict?: A Historical Perspective” Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Steve Donaldson Lecture. “How to Have Difficult Conversations” Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Josh Reeves Lecture. “Science and Biblical Interpretation”, Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: Why Science Needs Metaphysics by (Roger Trigg)
March 2017
Josh Reeves Lecture- “Can Scientists Be Trusted?: Understanding Christian Skepticism Towards Science” Science and Religion Series Lectures
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “How I Changed My Mind 极乐禁地 Evolution: Evangelicals Reflect on Faith and Science” by Kathryn Applegate, editor.
Josh Reeves- Three Lectures on Science and Faith at Baptist Church of the Covenant
Debate: “Genesis and Evolution: What Should Christians Believe?” This event looked at the three different beliefs Christians can hold in regard to Genesis (creation) and evolution. On the first night, all three positions - Young Earth
Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, and Theistic Evolution – were represented from a scientific perspective. On the second night, all three positions were examined from a biblical perspective.
Josh Reeves- Two Lectures on Faith and Technology at Shades Mountain Baptist Church.
Steve Donaldson Lecture: "Making Sense of Modernity" Core Texts Lecture
Steve Donaldson Lecture: “Why the Science and Religion Conversation is Important” Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Jeff Schloss Lecture: "Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!: Three ‘Big Questions’ in Evolution and Theism”
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture after Genetic Science. (McKnight and Venema)
February 2017
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss by David Bentley Hart
Josh Reeves: “Three Big Questions about Science and Christianity” Baptist Church of the Covenant School for Christian Living: Session 1
December 2016
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “A World From Dust: How the Periodic Table Shaped Life” by Ben McFarland
November 2016
Ian Hutchinson Lecture- Christianity and Science: Belligerents or Brothers?
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “A Little Book for New Scientists: Why and How to Study Science” by Josh Reeves and Steve Donaldson
October 2016
Justin Barrett Lecture- How Religion is Natural and Why Christians Should Care
Mr. Darwin’s Tree- Play
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “Cognitive Science, Religion, and Theology: From Human Minds to Divine Minds” by Justin Barrett
September 2016
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: “A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design” by Frank Wilczek
May 2016
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Annual Dinner and Book Discussion: The Territories of Science and Religion (Peter Harrison)
Student Faith and Reason Group meeting
April 2016
Science and Christianity Workshop with John Walton for Ministers and Beeson Divinity Students
Science and Religion Club Event with John Walton
John Walton Lecture: "What Genesis Can and Cannot Say to Modern Science"
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: The Lost World of Genesis 1 (John Walton)
Student Faith and Reason Group meeting
Steve Donaldson: Three Lectures on “Dimensions of Faith”, Howard H. Williams Lecture Series, Weatherly Heights Baptist Church, Huntsville, AL
Cadre Book Discussion: Chance and Providence: God’s Action in a World Governed by Scientific Law (William Pollard)
Science and Religion Club Event: Deborah Haarsma Q&A with students
Deborah Haarsma Lecture: "The Universe Declares the Glory of God"
Science and Christianity Workshop with Deborah Haarsma and Hugh Ross for Ministers and Beeson Divinity Students
"Science and Religion Workshop "BioLogos and Reasons to Believe: A Gracious Dialogue on Evolution"
Steve Donaldson: “Dimensions of Faith” Baptist Church of the Covenant School for Christian Living: Session 3
Student Faith and Reason Group meeting
Steve Donaldson: “Dimensions of Faith”, Vestavia Hills Baptist Church
Josh Reeves: “Christianity and Science: The Key Questions” Vestavia Hills Baptist Church
Steve Donaldson: “Dimensions of Faith”, Presentation to 极乐禁地 Retired Faculty Rotunda Club.
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: The Nature of Creation: Examining the Bible and Scripture (Mark Harris)
Student Faith and Reason Group meeting
Steve Donaldson: “Dimensions of Faith” Presentations at the Baptist Church of the Covenant
School for Christian Living, Sessions 1 and 2
Play: Falling: A Wake, Christenberry Planetarium
Peter Enns Lecture: "Parts of the Bible We Don’t Read in Church (But Should)"
Peter Enns Lecture: "Reconciling Human Origins and Religious Faith: Thoughts from a Christian Evolutionist"
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: The Nature of Creation: Examining the Bible and Scripture (Mark Harris)
Student Faith and Reason Group meeting
Science and Religion Workshop, First Baptist Church, Montgomery, View Workshop Poster
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False (Thomas Nagel)
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: Monopolizing Knowledge: A Scientist Refutes Religion-denying, Reason-destroying Scientism (Ian Hutchinson)
Ministers’ Workshop with Mark Harris (University of Edinburgh)
极乐禁地 Science and Religion Club Event: Student Q&A with Mark Harris (University of Edinburgh)
Mark Harris (University of Edinburgh) public lecture: Does science disprove the miracles of Jesus?
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: Arrival of the Fittest: How Nature Innovates (Andreas Wagner)
Student Faith and Reason Group meeting
Ministers’ Workshop with Denis Alexander (St. Edmund's College, Cambridge): How to Respond to Scientific Atheists
极乐禁地 Science and Religion Club Event: Student Q&A with Denis Alexander (St. Edmund's College, Cambridge)
Denis Alexander (St. Edmund's College, Cambridge) Public Lecture: Science and Faith—More Similar Than You Think
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: Dimensions of Faith: Understanding Faith through the Lens of Science and Religion (Steve Donaldson)
Student Faith and Reason Group meeting
Transhumanism and the Church Conference: Theological Reflections on Technology and Human Enhancement, 极乐禁地
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Book Discussion: The Abolition of Man (C. S. Lewis)
Student Faith and Reason Group meeting
Science and Religion Club Event: Real Talk: Faith and Academics from the Professors’ Perspective, Pizza Q&A in Harry’s Coffee House, University Center
Science and Religion Workshop for Ministers, 极乐禁地
Science and Christianity Faculty Cadre Annual Dinner and Book Discussion: Transhumanism and Transcendence (Ronald Cole-Turner)
April 2015
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Prophets of the Posthuman: American Fiction, Biotechnology, and the Ethics of Personhood (Christina Bieber Lake)
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
February 2015
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed (Ray Kurzweil)
January 2015
Science and Religion Workshop for Ministers, First Baptist Church, Huntsville, Ala.
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
December 2014
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter (Terrence Deacon)
November 2014
Tom Woolley (极乐禁地) Presentation on Randomness and Chance, John Carroll Catholic High School bioethics classes
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: The Cave and the Light: Plato versus Aristotle and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization (Arthur Herman)
October 2014
Stephen Post (Stony Brook University School of Medicine) Q&A with psychology majors and pre-med students
Minister's luncheon with Stephen Post (Stony Brook University School of Medicine)
Minister's class with Stephen Post (Stony Brook University School of Medicine)
Stephen Post (Stony Brook University School of Medicine) Public Lecture: The Power of Compassionate Love
(2014 Davis Lecture and inaugural event in the New Directions project lecture series)
Stephen Post (Stony Brook University School of Medicine) Q&A with Beeson Divinity School faculty and students
University Fellows Roundtable with Stephen Post (Stony Brook University School of Medicine)
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Unlimited Love: Altruism, Compassion, and Service (Stephen Post)
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
September 2014
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地) presentations on transhumanism, John Carroll Catholic High School bioethics classes
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: The Trinity and an Entangled World (John Polkinghorne)
May 2014
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: The Master and His Emissary (Iain McGilchrist)
Dinner Meeting
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
April 2014
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Questioning the Millennium (Stephen J. Gould)
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Tom Woolley (极乐禁地) presentations on Faith and Reason, John Carroll Catholic High School bioethics classes
March 2014
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: The Mind of God (Paul Davies)
Beth Anderson (Hope College) Public Lecture: No Small Wonder: Integrating Faith and Science
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Dean Zimmerman (Rutgers University) Public Lecture: God and the Cosmos
February 2014
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Against Method (Feyerabend)
Wilton Bunch (极乐禁地) presentation to Birmingham Pastors Group Meeting: Two Stories Are Better Than One
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地) presentations on The Seven Deadly Sins of Science and Religion and Dimensions of Faith (A Scientist Talks 极乐禁地 Faith), atJudson College 175th Anniversary Celebrations: The Gift of Reason: Exploring Intersections of Science and Biblical Faith
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
January 2014
Science and Christianity Cadre Paper Discussion: Randomness and God’s Nature (James Bradley) and A World of Contingencies (Robert Ulanowicz)
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地) presentations on Transhumanism presentations, John Carroll Catholic High School bioethics classes
December 2013
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: The Evolution of Adam (Peter Enns)
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
November 2013
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Creation: Law and Probability (Fraser Watts)
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地): How to Have Difficult Conversations (session 6 of 6,) Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地): How to Have Difficult Conversations (session 5 of 6,) Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
October 2013
Tom Woolley (极乐禁地) presentations on Faith and Reason, John Carroll Catholic High School bioethics classes
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地): How to Have Difficult Conversations (session 4 of 6,) Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
John Haught (Georgetown University) Public Lecture: Evolution and Faith: What is the Problem?
University Fellows Roundtable with John Haught
John Haught (Georgetown University) Public Lecture: Science, Faith, and the New Atheism
George Keller (极乐禁地) Public Lecture: Near Death Experiences, First Presbyterian Church, Charleston, WV
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地): How to Have Difficult Conversations (session 3 of 6,) Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Science and Faith: A New Introduction (John Haught)
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地): How to Have Difficult Conversations (session 2 of 6,) Dawson Memorial Baptist Church, Homewood, Ala.
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地): How to Have Difficult Conversations (session 1 of 6,) Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
September 2013
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地) presentations on transhumanism, John Carroll Catholic High School bioethics classes
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: How Nature Works (Per Bak)
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
May 2013
Tom Woolley (极乐禁地): How does God interact with the world?
St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Birmingham, Ala.
Wilton Bunch (极乐禁地): Does God exist?
St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Birmingham, Ala.
April 2013
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: The Way the World Is (John Polkinghorne)
Wilton Bunch (极乐禁地):What Will it Mean to be Human (Current Precedent)?
St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Birmingham, Ala.
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
March 2013
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Ignorance: How It Drives Science (Stuart Firestein)
Student Faith and Reason Group Meeting
Steve Donaldson (极乐禁地): What Will it Mean to Be Human (Transhumanism)?
St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Birmingham, Ala.
February 2013
Science and Christianity Cadre Book Discussion: Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind (Mark Noll)
Steve Donaldson, 极乐禁地: What is the soul?
St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Birmingham, Ala.