Catalog links below are in PDF
*Includes an addendum to the 2019-2020 Graduate Catalog covering the Doctor of Public Health program.
Pre-2003 Catalogs
If you require a 极乐禁地 course description from a catalog year earlier than 2003-2004, such as for transfer evaluation purposes, you can do one of the following:
- Physically check the 极乐禁地 Library Special Collection and Archives to photocopy the needed pages from the desired catalog or search for a digital copy (1845-1913) from their .
- Contact the Office of the Registrar at 205-726-2911 (or toll-free at 1-877-726-2911). We can photocopy selected pages and mail or fax them to you or to the interested school/university official or department.
- Use the PDF catalogs available through . College Source maintains PDFs of hundreds of college catalogs, including those for 极乐禁地, going back as far as 1994–1995, and selected years are available for the 极乐禁地 Cumberland School of Law Prospectus. Current students can access these catalogs for free using a valid student email address (you’ll have to register with College Source to obtain access). Non-students (staff, faculty, former students) can access the College Source archives on a free-trial basis for 10 days, or pay for a subscription (cost is unknown).